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3.1.3 – Technology Advancements in Sport

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1 3.1.3 – Technology Advancements in Sport
Learning objectives To understand the use of sports technology and how it has aided the coach and performer.

2 Sport and ICT: Developments in ICT and its use in sport has been rapid over the last 5 years. The spectators, coaches and players have all benefited as technology has many applications. What developments have taken place in sports technology?

3 How can heart rate monitors can help an athlete train?
Targeting heart rate training zones will ensure training is of the highest possible standard. Speed, effort and work rate can all be monitored .

4 Technology and performance analysis
Many coaches will use video to record and analyse performances. This can highlight tactical and strategic points for reflection or match preparation. Coaches can compare, slow down and analysis technique using Dartfish.

5 Uses of software packages in sport
Freeze frame for technique analysis Time delay functions to show performances 10 seconds after it has happened. Comparison to a ‘perfect’ model Uses of software packages To show work rate of a performer Show improvements in time or technique. Tracking a players movements in a game.

6 Technological advances - Hawk Eye
How does it work? Court/pitch side cameras us infra red beams to capture the balls motion. Camera frames are analysed every second and can predict possible ball flight. The first time this was used in a major competition was Wimbledon 2007.

7 Technological advances - Hawk Eye
Its impact on sport? This Hawk Eye technology in tennis has led to a change in rules. (3 challenges per set. If you are successful in a challenge you do not lose a challenge). Other sports. Hawk Eye technology has also been introduced into cricket as part of spectator entertainment.

8 Technological advances - Hawk Eye
Is it a benefit to sport? How has it been received? Players, officials and spectators seem to have embraced hawk eye. Players feel that the right decision is made and therefore has improved player/official relationships. Officials have less pressure on them as the technology is a definitive answer. Spectators appear to enjoy the build up in hawk eye delivering a verdict. (entertainment/drama)

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