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Amelia Recinos Psychology Period 3

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1 Amelia Recinos Psychology Period 3
Anorexia Nervosa Amelia Recinos Psychology Period 3

2 Anorexia Nervosa Refusal or unable to maintain normal weight, defined as weight less than 85% of that expected for a person of that height and body frame.

3 Associated Features Eating Disorder
Biggest and only fear of being fat or gaining even a little weight when they’re already underweight. Disturbed by own body and deny they health status and that their already too thin. Suicide attempts Personality Disorder or borderline Concerns about eating in public, perfectionism, emotional. Starvation Obsessed with dieting and other compulsions like exercising Abuse of diet pills and laxatives

4 Associated Features DSM-IV-TR Criteria
Usually Present within adolescents Display binge-purge depression cycle Anorexics look in the mirror and see an obese person Depressed mood Social withdrawal Insomnia Diminished interest in sex

5 How it starts Typically begins as a weight loss diet
Or the pressure of society and the perfect body/look, worrying how others perceive of them Poor image of self Dying to be thin Shamed of their bodies and not being able to wear revealing clothing

6 The perfect Image Dissatisfied with their own bodies they look up to other women in magazines. “Fat Is Bad”- is the idea of woman. It motivate million of woman to “always dieting” The Standard for them is the Classic Barbie Doll, Which is based on 5feet 7inches, a figure.

7 Dying to be thin Woman idealize thinness and models, celebrities, and actresses wanting to be just like them, so they stave They avoid signs of hunger and don’t even know that they’re hungry and that their body is asking for food. They don’t notice how sick they are until they’re in the hospital, rehab, or dead.

8 Treatment Treatment and Psychiatric medications
Cognitive-behavioral Therapy Nutritionist advise for proper diet Rehabilitation Some die because it’s too late, others fully recover or they fall back into anorexia

9 Prevalence Most common in girls, approximately 95% of those affected are female even though men could also develop anorexia 1 out of every 100 adolescent girls have the disorder mostly caucasians than any other race


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