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Aim: What were the distinguishing features of the Persian Empire?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What were the distinguishing features of the Persian Empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What were the distinguishing features of the Persian Empire?

2 What differentiates them? Monism Dualism

3 Zoroastrianism  Judaism  Christianity  Islam

4 What do they share? Monism/Dualism
Classic Polytheism: Many local or regional gods Explains our place in the world Protection from famine or war; brings success Helps unite the people of a town or empire – something in common “Axial Age” religions: Consider the problem of individual wrong-doing Propose that people can act morally and provide guidance to do so Well-suited to needs of large complex societies and their governments

5 Why should an individual behave correctly?
Religion = “The Carrot” (You will get something) Law = “The Stick” (You will be punished)

6 Growth of the Assyrian Empire

7 Ethnicities/Tribes of the Assyrian Empire

8 Assyrian Deportation & Resettlement

9 The Persian Empire was B-I-I-I-I-I-G

10 Cyrus the Great


12 Persepolis

13 Darius the Great


15 “Royal Road” system

16 Alexander the Great

17 The Persian Empire

18 Methods of the Persian Empire
King as a model of virtues and as the representative of the national god – Ahura Mazda Road System allows movement of goods and armies Administrative Units: Satraps Each organized around a previous kingdom Each with its own capital Each ruled by a Persian aristocrat w/ help of local elites Each with its own archives, tax collection, bureaucracy Local autonomy Honored local elites; adopted traditions, titles, gods Public documents in local languages Little “cultural imperialism”

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