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Citations—Page 1 A citation is just a fancy word that means “note.”

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1 Citations—Page 1 A citation is just a fancy word that means “note.”
Citations tell where you got your information from. If you don’t include citations in your research, it is easy for people to assume that you didn’t do much research. Citations proved that you really looked around for a good answer. The easiest (and sloppiest) way to cite your work is to just give the title of the book or the URL (web address) for where the information came from. The most professional way to cite your work is to plug the title or URL (web address) into and create a citation that is respected worldwide by the Modern Language Association (MLA). Cite everything you take notes from. If you used two books and three web sites, you need five citations. If you used six web sites and three books, you need nine citations. Directions for making citations are on the back of this sheet.

2 Click “book” or”website,” whichever applies.
Citations—Page Two Go to Click “book” or”website,” whichever applies. Make sure the search box is empty. If you are using a web site, skip to step #8. If you are using a book, type in the title of the book, and click “find book.” Click the green check next the book you used. Skip to step #10. Paste the URL (web address) into the search box. Make sure the URL begins with Click “load information.” Click “add to my bibliography.” Scroll to the top of the page and copy your citation. Paste it into your project. Citations should be in alphabetical order. "NIH - Health Information." NIH - Health Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb < My information came from

3 2. Tell the computer what kind of resource you are using.
1. Go to 2. Tell the computer what kind of resource you are using. 3. Type in the book title or address, then click the FIND or LOAD button. 4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

4 5. Click here. 6. Scroll back to the top of the page.

5 7. Copy the citation exactly as it appears.

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