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FCAW ELECTRODES Rational: FCAW Electrode Classification:

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Presentation on theme: "FCAW ELECTRODES Rational: FCAW Electrode Classification:"— Presentation transcript:

1 FCAW ELECTRODES Rational: FCAW Electrode Classification:
Knowing and understanding the AWS specification and classification system for FCAW electrodes is an essential skill for the well-trained welder. Due to the two distinct types of FCAW (FCAW-G and FCAW-S), the specification and classification systems have a broader scope than the electrode classification and specification system for GMAW electrodes. FCAW Electrode Classification: There are four distinct specifications for FCAW electrodes based on the types (base metal composition) of the electrode. The specifications for FCAW electrodes are as follows: AWS A5.15 – Cast Iron AWS A5.20 – Carbon Steel AWS A5.22 – Stainless Steel AWS A5.29 – Low Alloy Steel

2 FCAW Electrode Classification:
Like all other electrodes used for electric arc welding processes, FCAW electrodes all have a distinct AWS classification number. The classification numbering system is as follows: E70 T X _ X M J HZ E – Must be used as an electrode 7 – Minimum tensile strength x 10,000 psi 0 – Indicates welding position 0 – Flat and horizontal position 1 – All positions T – Indicates tubular flux cored electrode X – Indicates usability of the electrode X – Indicates the chemical composition and operating characteristics M – Indicates a 75% to 85% argon, balance CO2 shielding gas If no M is present, CO2 is to be used or electrode is self-shielding J – Indicates increased impact properties over normal requirement HZ – Optional supplemental Hydrogen designator

3 Electrode Sizes: Electrodes for the FCAW process are available ink the following sizes: .030” .035” .045” .052” 1/16” 5/64” 3/32” 7/64” 1/8”

4 Special Note: Although a given FCAW electrode manufactured by two different manufactures may share the same classification number, the welding operator should not assume they are identical. FCAW electrodes have personality that must be considered. The difference is not the chemical composition but in the operating characteristics. FCAW electrodes manufactured by two different manufacturers that share the same classification number may have slightly different operating parameters such as arc voltage, amperage/WFS or electrode extension. It is best to consult manufacturer for the optimal operating conditions.



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