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Some Questions What makes us different from each other?

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1 Some Questions What makes us different from each other?
Why are men typically taller than women? Why do dogs and cats have tails while humans do not? The differences are caused by the differences in DNA.


3 DNA, Mutations and Cancer
In Mitosis the original cell divides to make 2 identical cells What if the DNA in the original cell is exposed to radiation, viruses or some type of chemical? The information in the DNA may be changed. These changes are referred to as mutations. Some mutations may be good but most are not.

4 DNA, Mutations and Cancer
The most common type of mutation known to humans is cancer. Cancer can be described as “cell division out of control”. Animation: How Cancer Grows

5 Cancer - some causes All cancers are caused by mutations in the DNA.
Anything that causes mutations is called a carcinogen. There are three known types of carcinogens: 1.viruses > leukemia (white blood cells) 2. radiation > skin cancer 3. hazardous material--> lung cancer

6 Cancer in Young People Usually cancer is thought of as an adult disease. Makes sense= more time passes=more opportunities for mutations to occur Not always the case as young people get serious and deadly forms of cancer as well.

7 Breast Cancer in Teenage girls
Breast cancer in women ages is on the rise Why? Habit of carrying a cell phone inside the bra. Cell phone is directly against skin. What carcinogen are people being exposed to from this habit? Radiation! News Clip


9 How are Cancer Cells Different from Normal Cells?
Normal cells cannot divide when isolated from one another. Cancer cells can divide in isolation. This type of growth can crowd and damage other cells.

10 Cancer cells do not change shape and specialize as they mature.
This means they can’t do the same job as normal cells, they are very inefficient. They use up the energy and resources of the other cells to reproduce, but they do not do any work

11 Tumors Rapid cell growth (cancer) can result in a mass of cells called a tumor. Tumors are classified as either benign or malignant. Benign tumors are harmless. They remain in one area, causing little or no damage. Malignant tumors are dangerous because they can spread

12 Review time Check your XP to see which abilities you have earned.
Review mitosis, DNA and base pairing rules for our quiz tomorrow.

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