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“The Ford & Carter Years”

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1 “The Ford & Carter Years”
1974 to 1981

2 I.) Tough Road Ahead President Ford faces:
1. public distrust of the office of the president & the govt. Sept. 8, 1974: President Ford pardon’s Nixon “ Our long national nightmare is over” C. Congress and Ford Face off: 1. Democrats control Congress 2. Ford “vetoes” over 50 bills

3 II.) Ford’s Economic Policy
The Nation is Facing: 1. high inflation 2. high unemployment 3. energy problems Economic Solutions: 1. “Whip Inflation Now” (WIN): Ford calls Americans to cut back use of oil and gas 2. “Tight Money Policy”: cut govt. spending & higher interest rates Outcome: worst economic recession in 40 years

4 III.) Ford’s Foreign Policy
Continued Cold War Policy of Détente 1. Henry Kissinger: remained secretary of state under Ford B. Helsinki Accords: 35 (Western & Eastern European nations agree to cooperation Outcome: Ford’s greatest accomplishment as president

5 Conflict Continues in Vietnam
1. Dec. 1974: N. Vietnam invades S. Vietnam 2. Ford requests $522 million in aide for S. Vietnam Outcome: Congress votes “NO” by wide margin “the Vietnam War is over….. As America is concerned.” 3. April 30, 1975 Saigon Falls Outcome: S. Vietnam is taken over by N. Vietnam

6 D. Conflict with the Khmer Rouge (Cambodia) 1
D. Conflict with the Khmer Rouge (Cambodia) 1. American ship captured by Khmer Rouge 2. Ford orders rescue mission to save 39 sailors Outcome: sailors saved but 41 U.S. troops killed E. Middle East issues 1. U.S. cuts aide to Turkey after invasion of Cyprus 2. U.S. threatens to cut aide to Israel over Yom Kippur War

7 “I will never lie to the American people”
IV.) Election of 1976 Republicans Nominate: Gerald Ford Democrats Nominate: Jimmy Carter “Teddy Roosevelt once said ‘Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick.’ Jimmy Carter wants to speak loudly and carry a fly swatter” “I will never lie to the American people” Election Day Results: Jimmy Carter wins with 40.8 million votes to Gerald Fords 39.1 million

8 V.) Carter Faces Problems
A. Energy Crisis: 1. U.S. reliance on foreign oil 2. Cost is increasing  violence in Middle East Outcome: National Energy Act of 1979 - tax on gas-guzzling cars - removed price controls on oil/gas - tax credits for alternative energy

9 B. Economic Crisis: 1. inflation rises - 7. 6% to 11. 3% in 1979 - 11
B. Economic Crisis: 1. inflation rises - 7.6% to 11.3% in to 14% in 1980 2. U.S. “standard of living” declines - 1st to 5th place 3. Changing Economy a. less manufacturing and more service jobs b. overseas competition

10 VI.) Carter’s Policies A. Carter on Civil Rights: 1. administration include more African-Americans and women than any before B. Carter’s Foreign Policy: 1. rejected “Realpolitik” 2. use moral principles as guide (Wilson) 3. commit to promoting human rights

11 VII.) Carter’s Policies Tested
A. Human Rights Foreign Policy: U.S. & Panama Treaty (U.S. give up ownership of Panama Canal Dec ) Outcome: improves U.S.-Latin American relations B. Détente ends & Cold War tensions rise Why? - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan - Soviet treatment of dissidents C. SALT II Treaty: signed by Carter and Brezhnev (not ratified by Senate)

12 1. peace negotiations between Israel & Egypt
D. Camp David Accords: 1. peace negotiations between Israel & Egypt 2. agreement reached in 1978 at Camp David (1st peace agreement between Israel & an Arab nation) * Carter’s Greatest Contribution as President Anwar Jimmy Menachem Sadat Carter Begin (Egypt) (U.S.) (Israel)

13 E. Iranian Revolution: 1. Jan. 1979: Ayatollah Khomeini & Islamic revolutionaries overthrow the shah of Iran F. Iranian Hostage Crisis: 1. 52 Americans taken hostage from U.S. embassy in Tehran 3. Outcome: - held for 444 days - negotiate release Jan. 20, 1981

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