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Name RE Religion and Life Year 10 A Mr Cook.

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1 Name RE Religion and Life Year 10 A Mr Cook

2 On the first page of your exercise book copy the following
Title- Religion and Life based on a study of Roman Catholic Christianity 4 Sections Believing in God Matters of Life and Death Marriage and the Family Religion and Community Cohesion

3 Use the second page of your exercise book for the unit title
Believing in God

4 On the third page put the title Key Terms
Using page 2 copy the KEY TERMS into your exercise book. Please leave space for definitions to be added and leave a line between each one. Eg Agnosticism- Free Will- Natural Evil- If you finish early, in the back of your book note down some of the things that have influenced you in your life

5 1.1 Catholic Upbringing and Belief in God
Describe a Roman Catholic Upbringing Explain how a Roman Catholic Upbringing may lead to or support belief in God Give examples from your own upbringing that have influenced you

6 Catholic Upbringing and Belief in God
Read pages 4 and 5 Complete Activity 1 Why do parents make most of the decisions at the start of the life of a catholic? Describe some of the key features of a Catholic upbringing. “A Catholic upbringing is pretty much guaranteed to produce an adult catholic” Do you agree? Give some reasons why some may disagree. You must refer to Catholic Christianity in your answer. Which parts of a Catholic upbringing do you think are successful and which parts fail?

7 Homework Please TYPE a list of the main things in your life that have influenced you. Please put your name on the back and not the front. Check you can’t see your name through the sheet. Next lesson we will see if you can work out who wrote each list

8 Homework Finish classwork Page 26 question 1C Due Tuesday



11 Features of Catholic Upbringing
Catholic School Baptism Sunday School Church/confirmation and confirmation classes First communion Confession Parents example and teaching

12 Features of Catholic Upbringing
Catholic School- more information Baptism- Parental promises- holy spirit Sunday School- learn about- support from Christian friends Confirmation-confirmation classes learning- deeper faith First communion- classes- take part in the eucharist Confession- stay right with God- accountable Parents example and teaching- support and teaching at home

13 Starter Explain how religious upbringing can lead to or support belief in God Baptism supports belief in God- Filled with Holy Spirit- Guides us and comforts us. Helps to remind us that God exists Sunday school supports belief in God- Learn about the bible and Jesus with friends- our friends believe the same as us and can help us through times of doubt Catholic School can lead to belief in God- in RS lessons we study arguments for God’s existence which can convince us that he really is there. Confirmation supports belief- we have confirmation classes which explain Catholic beliefs and show that they are logical. This can help us in times of doubt

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