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#3 – US Gets Involved 24.4.

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1 #3 – US Gets Involved 24.4

2 Review Questions Why was the US apprehensive about entering WWII?
What Acts were passed in 1936 to help keep the US out of the war? In June of 1940, what happened in France? How could the Nazis have won the Battle of Britain – What strategic mistake did Hitler make?

3 September 10, 1941

4 Almost a year before Pearl Harbor, FDR proclaimed:
“The experience of the past 2 years has proven beyond doubt that no nation can appease the Nazis. You cannot tame a tiger into a kitten by petting it.“

5 The Threat Grows! [1939] Cash-and-carry
pay cash for arms take on own ships Too little, too late – why? (events by summer 1941?) [September 1940] – oh no! US gets word – mutual defense treaty signed: Axis Powers (JAP, GER, ITA) Why did they sign it? What position would it put the US in if war is declared?

6 The United States Helps out!
[1941] Lend-Lease Policy United States will loan weapons to allies overseas If weapons are destroyed they will be “rented” Battleships, airplanes, etc

7 May – 1941 Battle of the Atlantic
German wolfpacks sink allied ships (including US ships) [June 1941] Hitler Invades USSR Breaks non-aggression pact of 1939 Lend-Lease offered to the USSR

8 Hitler Invades Russia June, 1941 - Operation Barbarossa
was the code name for Nazi Germany's The operation was driven primarily by Germany’s desire to conquer the Western Soviet Union so that it could be repopulated by Germans Rid the world of Communism

9 September 7, 1941

10 The Atlantic Charter FDR & Churchill meet to discuss war aims
Secret meeting off coast of Canada Establish terms for Post WWII Open trade International econ cooperation Freedom of the seas Self-government

11 September 10, 1941

12 Nationalism Emperor Hirohito: Emperor of Japan- revered as a god.
Prime Minister Hideki Tojo: Military leader of Japan. Both stir nationalist feelings in Japan. Both support the idea of expansion.

13 Economic Reasons for Expansion
Japan has few natural resources. Japanese population is growing. Ensure economic security through expansion.

14 Japan Attacks China - 1931 Enters Manchuria – Rape of Nanking
US Reaction 1. issues scrap iron embargo on the Japanese. 2. issues an oil embargo on the Japanese. 3. sends economic aid and the “Flying Tigers” (planes) to China.

15 Tension Rises Between the US & Japan
Japan importing 90% metal & 60% oil from the US. 1938- Americans shocked by assaults on Chinese – Scrap Metal Embargo. 1941- Embargo on Oil– Japan desperate. Embargo would end when Japan ends war & withdraws from China. Japan sets its sights on the Dutch East Indies. Sept FDR freezes Japanese assets in the US. Lend-Lease to China- Military Aid: US sends the Flying Tigers to fight the Japanese.

16 Deceitful Diplomacy Expanding essential to future of Japanese national interests Nov 20, Japan sent diplomats to US – negotiate. Japan: Cease aid to China End embargo Nov 25, Cover: Japanese A.C carriers set sail US: Withdraw from China

17 December 7, 1941 – A Day That Will Live in Infamy
Sunday morning: Japan attacks - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 2 waves: 1st – 183 planes; 2nd – 168 planes 2,400+ killed, 2,000 wounded 8 battle ships , hundreds of planes Wake, Guam, Midway, Philippines


19 USA Declares War Dec 8, 1941- Declare war on Japan
“Yesterday, Dec.7, 1941 a date that will live in infamy” –FDR Dec 11, Germany and Italy Declare war on USA WWII begins for the USA

20 A Long Road to Victory

21 Political Cartoon – United States
Many People Questioned the United State’s actions in the first years of WWII. Why didn’t the United States help Great Britain and France? Why should the United States intervene? What would involvement in this war bring? Review the United States’ foreign policies and action between and create a political cartoon that either supports that action or questions it. MAKE SURE YOUR MESSAGE IS CLEAR!

22 Political Cartoon - Dictators
Many political cartoons focused on the actions of Mussolini, Tojo and Hitler during WWII as well. Review the actions of these nations/leaders up to 1941 and create a political cartoon that addresses them. The cartoon can “forecast” what their plans may be or it may simply show your opinion about those actions MAKE SURE YOUR MESSAGE IS CLEAR!

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