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Unit 19.

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1 Unit 19

2 Duke (magnifico of the city) enemies Shylock (money- lender) Antonio (merchant) friends husband & wife Bassanio Portia

3 At the court

4 To have mercy on Antonio.
1.What did the Duke ask Shylock to do ? 2.What was Shylock’s reply? To have mercy on Antonio. He demanded his pound of flesh. 3.What did Bassanio offer? He offered six thousands ducats for the three thousand that Antonio borrowed. 4.What was Shylock’s reply? He still demanded his pound of flesh.

5 First try to persuade Shylock_________
What did Portia do when she arrived at the court? First try to persuade Shylock_________ Then pretend not to agree to change_____ And then try to persuade Shylock_________ Finally allow Shylock to__________ Still ask for___________ Feel very__________ Strongly ask for ___________again. Feel very________ and prepare to_________

6 What will happen next?

7 Did Shylock succeed in getting his pound of flesh?
How did Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonio’ flesh? What was the result of the trial? Who won the case at last ? What did Shylock get at last ? Does the story have a happy ending? What kind of play does The Merchant of Venice belong to, comedy or tragedy? Why? It’s a comedy .Because in a comedy the good wins and the bad loses.

8 Listens to the tape, pay attention to the three “waits” :
The first wait : the turning point of the trial Portia raises an impossible task, what is it? The second wait :It gives Shylock a stronger hit, what is it? The third wait :It leads to Shylock’s final lose, What is it?

9 1 4 2 3 6 5

10 Background(背景 ) Problem(冲突) Rising action(发展) Climax(高潮) Outcome(结局)

11 Background In order to help Bassanio, Antonio borrows 3,000 ducats from Shylock. However, there is an agreement: if he can’t pay the money back after three months,he must allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from any part of his body.

12 Problem Antonio and Bassanio are not able to pay the debt because Antonio’s ships are lost at sea. So he must pay Shylock with one pound of his flesh according to the agreement.

13 Rising action The Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. Bassanio promises to pay twice or even ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Portia tells Shylock to be merciful, but Shylock insists on having his pound of flesh.

14 Climax Portia declares Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut nearest to Antonio’s heart, no more, no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonio’s blood fall, he will lose all his land and money.

15 Outcome Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished, though not killed.

16 According to the following pictures, retell the play in your own words.

17 Analyse the main characters
Analyse the main characters. Find sentences in the text to support your ideas. Shylock: greedy and mean cold-blooded stone-hearted vengeful(复仇心重的) crafty(狡诈的 )

18 Remind: Especially: his so many times of refusing to have mercy on Antonio And what he said at the end of the trial Shylock

19 Portia: smart wise kind merciful decisive brave

20 Remind: Especially :Portia’s opinion of mercy and three waits Portia

21 Antonio: generous weak sheepish kind friendly

22 Antonio Remind: A. it’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.
B. give Shylock what he wants C. Don’t be sad for me D. What he said at the end of trial Antonio

23 think highly of friendship
Bassanio: devoted simple-minded Bassanio think highly of friendship

24 Remind: Bassanio A. I offer ten times the money that Antonio has
borrowed B. Please change the law a little C. What he said “last words” to Antonio Bassanio

25 Read the following sentences that could be spoken in the play
Read the following sentences that could be spoken in the play. Who says what and to whom? sentence spoken by spoken to “I feel sorry for you. You’ve come to face an enemy with a heart of stone, who knows neither pity nor mercy.” Duke Antonio “I don’t have to give you answers that will please you” Shylock Bassanio “Don’t worry! Before he can even take one drop of your blood, he will first have to take my flesh, blood, bones and everything else.” Bassanio Antonio “Don’t feel bad that a friend paid back the money you owed, but feel bad that you lost him.” Antonio Bassanio

26 Free talk: Among these persons, who do you like best?why?
Which quality do you think is the most important to a person? Give your reasons.

27 Mercy is one of the best merits of human being.
仁慈是人类的优点之一。 Love is the best present. 爱是最好的礼物。

28 -- enjoy language- The reason why a play becomes a masterpiece, one of the reason is that the language of it is vivid, logical and the use of motifs (文学手法),such as metaphor ,symbol, erotesis(反问法) and so on. 1. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. metaphor 2. How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? erotesis 如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?

29 3.What was Portia' s opinion of mercy?
Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It is twice blessed. It blessed those who give it, and those who receive it. It is the highest of the highest. We should learn to show mercy on others. metaphor 慈悲带来益处。慈悲像甘露从天空中降到地面上,它不但赐福施予的人,而且赐福于受施的人。我们应该学会宽恕他人。

30 4.On page 68倒数5th Portia, the last sentence: Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance? symbol

31 Think about What is usually weighed with a balance? What goes into the scales left and right? Things you want to sell. The goods for sale go into the left scale and the weights goes into the left scale. 2. What’s the deeper meaning of the balance? The scale’s right is law and rules ; The scale’s left is mercy and justice.

32 speaking What makes a play a masterpiece?
The ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.

33 Mercy VS revenge Create a chance to kill Antonio. Shylock
He used the chance. (vengeful) Has a chance to punish Shylock. Antonio He forgave him. (merciful)

34 Discussion: What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power? Useful expressions Correct me if I’m wrong, but… You shouldn't forget that… What shouldn't be forgotten is… One of the most important facts is… You could, for example, say… The way I would go about it… As far as I know… After all…

35 VS It happens everywhere around the world: two young people love each other, but when the boy is poor or doesn't have a good job, often the parents of the girl don’t allow them to get married.

36 Discussion: Maybe you even know some examples in your hometown. Are the parents right? If not, what do you think about the situation like that? What should be done?

37 Writing:

38 Work in groups of four or five students
Work in groups of four or five students. Write a short play based on this story. Give names to the king , the two mothers and the children. There is also a character to play the role of the soldier. If you like, you can have a few other characters who are friends of the two mothers. Find a good title for your play. King: Solomon Mother A: Mary Mother B: Lily The dead baby: Tony The alive baby: Jimmy

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