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“Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God”

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1 “Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God”
Study 2 – “The order of Melchizedek” Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

2 Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose control
China currency devaluation signals endgame leaving equity markets free to collapse under the weight of impossible expectations. Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

3 The Great China Ponzi—An Economic And Financial Trainwreck Which Will Rattle The World – by David Stockman 16 August 2015 There is an economic and financial train-wreck rumbling through the world economy. Namely, the Great China Ponzi. In all of economic history there has never been anything like it. It is only a matter of time before it ends in a spectacular collapse, leaving the global financial bubble of the last two decades in shambles. Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

4 The Type of Melchizedek – Hebrews 7:1-3
Purpose of this study Establish the type of Melchizedek. Ascertain the qualities of his order. Reflect on the blessings of the ‘order’ we have been called to. “Perhaps the most striking piece of typical history is found in the account of Melchizedek.” (Bro. John Carter) The Type of Melchizedek – Hebrews 7:1-3 “These three verses will be classed by many as among the more difficult portions of Scripture. Yet careful examination discloses their meaning, and that in turn leads to a greater appreciation of the Word of God.” Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

5 Paul’s treatise in Hebrews 7
For some inscrutable language! Consider importance of Melchizedek to Paul’s case – Heb. 5:1-11. All 9 occs. of name in N.T. in Hebrews. Used to counter a return to the Law by ‘Hebrew’ believers! (Gen. 14:13) The crux of Paul’s case - Change priest = change law – Heb. 7:11-12. The argument developed – Ps. 110:1,4 – Heb. 1:3,13; 4:14; chaps 5-7; 10:11-13 Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

6 Melchizedek Ges. “King of Righteousness” (Heb. 7:2)
Occurs 11 times in Scripture - 2 O.T. (Gen. 14:18; Ps. 110:4) and 9 N.T. Hebrews 7:2 First “King of righteousness” Then “King of Salem, which is King of peace” Principle – James 3:17; Isa. 48:22; 32:1,16-17; Ps. 72:1-7 Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

7 So, why only 11 occurrences of the name Melchizedek in Scripture?
Why not 12? 11 is the number of incompleteness! The substance is always far superior to the shadow Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

8 “Made like unto the Son of God”
How, when and where? The answer is that Melchizedek is so made in the record of Scripture. When that Scripture was penned an overruling hand determined its limits, fixed what should be included and what left out. Only the mind that reached forward to Christ, and saw his work and arranged his office, could have delineated the form of the historical record that foreshadows it. We can now see that the prophecy of Psalm 110 had no accidental association with the history in Genesis 14. Bro. John Carter (Hebrews) Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

9 “Made like unto the Son of God”
The history was written with a purpose which, however, was not evident until the Psalm linked the record in Genesis with another King of Salem who also will be a priest. Then when the Son of God had come, had offered himself, and had assumed the office of priest, the time had come for the unfolding of the hidden meaning of the sacred record. Bro. John Carter (Hebrews) Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

10 Typically - of Divine origin and now immortal
Who was Melchizedek? Without father Without mother Without descent Without beginning of days Without end of life Typically - of Divine origin and now immortal “It is probable that Shem was the personage to whom Abraham paid tithes on his return from the slaughter of the kings. Abraham died thirty five years before Shem reached his five hundred and second year after the flood.” (Bro. Thomas – Elpis Israel pg. 326) But Paul’s argument hinges on what the Scripture does not tell us about Melchizedek! Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

11 Four omissions in Genesis
“Four omissions are noted: without father, without mother, having neither beginning of life, nor end of days. Clearly this is not literally true of the man himself. All four things are essentially part of a mortal man: he has parents, and there is a beginning an an end to his life. But these things are not recorded of Melchizedek in Genesis, and the argument is that their very omissions are divinely intended so that a picture is drawn of the son of God.” Bro. John Carter (Hebrews) Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

12 Four omissions in Genesis
Melchizedek is without these things in the record because he is there ‘made like unto the son of God’. He owes nothing to his ancestry - for we know nothing of his parentage. He stands alone in Scripture without a peer: he had neither ancestor nor successor in his office, but stands in splendid uniqueness as the one through whom Abraham received God’s blessing.” Bro. John Carter (Hebrews) Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

13 Who was Melchizedek? “Who was Melchisedec? has often been asked. Was it Shem? we do not know; and while it would be interesting to know, the knowledge would spoil the picture. We should have then to interpret the picture in the light of the identity of Melchisedec: and the Apostle’s lessons could not then be deduced. We must be content not to know; and we must follow the Apostle in his attitude to Holy Writ, and so perceive the object of the Divine Author.” Bro. John Carter (Hebrews) Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

14 Intrinsic superiority
Heb. 7 Aaronic Priesthood Melchizedek Order V.11 Appointed by Law V.20-21 Declared by oath V.16 Carnal commandments Power of endless life Ancestral heritage Intrinsic right V.28 Compassed with infirmity V.26 Separate from sinners V.23 Not suffered to continue - death V.24-25 Continueth ever V.19 Law made nothing perfect Perfection of nature Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

15 The two qualities of this order
Moral Heb. 5:1-10 – Compassion/called – Empathy/right. Christ’s call superior because of righteousness. Physical Immortality – Heb. 7:3,8,16,24,25,28. Rom.1:4; Phil. 2:6-9. Isa. 61:1-3,6,10-11 (Luke 4:17-19). Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

16 The Order of Melchizedek
A royal priesthood – Ex. 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:9. Superior to the Levitical priesthood – Heb. 7:1-11. Without beginning or end – Not dependent on genealogy or descent – Heb. 7:3. Predicated on ONE quality – righteousness. Not constituted by law, but by divine oath. Serves continually by the power of an endless life – Heb. 7:16. Restores the right of priesthood to the firstborn – Ex. 24:4; Col. 1:15; Heb. 12:23; 1 Pet. 2:5,9. Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

17 Firstborn restored to priesthood
Ex. 24:5 - And he sent young men of the children of Israel, which offered burnt offerings, and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen unto Yahweh. Firstborn restored to priesthood

18 Ezekiel 44 Vv. 1-3 The Prince and the east gate
Vv. 4-8 Israel and its priests reproved Vv Ordinances for the mortal priests Vv The immortal priests – Sons of Zadok Vv Ordinances for the mortal priests (Vv are a parenthesis to provide a contrast with the Levitical priests who are mortal)

19 The Sons of Zadok - Ezekiel 44:15-16
These verses really are a parenthesis, inserted in order to show the limitations of the Levitical order of priests. Now the sons of Zadok mentioned in verse 15 must be an immortal race, because they are said to be those “who kept the charge of Yahweh’s sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray.” Bro. Henry Sulley – The Temple of Ezekiel’s Prophecy – pg. 73 Must be immortal – from past generations Enter Most Holy – come near altar (to Yahweh) Other priests are mortal (sweat, marry, shave) Levites are keepers of the charge of the House

20 Aaron Nadab Abihu Eleazar Ithamar Phinehas Eli Zadok Abiathar
Genealogy of Zadok Aaron Nadab Abihu Eleazar Ithamar Phinehas Eli Zadok Abiathar Moses Joshua Samuel David Solomon “So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD…. and Zadok the priest did the king put in the room of Abiathar.” (1 Kings 2:27,35) 1 Sam. 2:35 “And I will raise me up a faithful priest...”

21 The two orders of Priests
LEVITES SONS OF ZADOK Went astray – Ezek. 44:10 Kept the charge of my Sanctuary – Ezek. 44:15 Ministers in the Sanctuary, having charge at the gates - Ezek. 44:11 Enter into the Sanctuary – come near to the Altar (table) – Ezek. 44:15-16 Slay the sacrifices for the people – Ezek. 44:11 Offer unto Yahweh the fat and the blood – Ezek. 44:15 Stand before the people to minister – Ezek. 44:11 Stand before Yahweh to minister – Ezek. 44:15 Come not near to Yahweh – Ezek. 44:13 Come near to minister unto Yahweh – Ezek. 44:15 Keep the charge of the House – Ezek. 44:14 Keep the charge of the Altar – Ezek. 40:46

22 The Role of Kings and Priests
Receive and convey sacrifices of worshippers to altar via “the table before Yahweh”. Operate at the inner gates of the circular temple and ascend to altar atop Mt. Zion. Conduct worship in the Court of the Singers. Sit to judge and counsel mortals in the outer porch of the circular temple. Fellowship, worship and sacrifice with the Prince in the eastern court of the House. Ascend Mt. Zion with the sacrifices of the people. Minister at the altar – the table of Yahweh. Convey the Prince’s offerings to the altar. Altar

23 “Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God”
Next Study (God willing) Study 3 – “Thou art a priest forever” – Ps. 110 Melchizedek – Priest of the Most High God

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