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Middle east conflicts 1. November 2, 1917: Balfour Declaration Issued

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1 Middle east conflicts 1. November 2, 1917: Balfour Declaration Issued
Cause(s) Issued by Great Britain – Made promises to both Arab-Palestinians and Jews Effect(s) Unable to live together; Increased conflict; UN effort failed


3 2. May 14, 1948: Creation of an independent Israel
 Cause(s) Announcement of Jewish country by longtime leader – David Ben Gurion; Holocaust Effect(s) Six Arab countries attacked Israel (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria & Saudi Arabia)

4 David Ben Gurion

5 : Six Day War  Cause(s) Israeli’s surprise attack on Egypt, Iraq, Jordan & Syria Effect(s) Israel got the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, West Bank & Gaza Strip; 800 Israelis died, 15,000 Arabs died

6 from Syria from Jordan from Egypt from Egypt

7 : Yom Kippur War Cause(s) Arab surprise attack on Israel; holy day in Jewish faith Effect(s) Short term win for the Arabs; truce agreed to after months of fighting ; OPEC

8 : Camp David Accords Cause(s) Offer of Peace between Egypt & Israel’ 1st Arab recognition of Israel Effect(s) Peace; Return of Sinai Peninsula; Assassination of Anwar Sadat by his own people

9 Anwar Sadat with President Carter and Israeli leader

10 : Intifada   Cause(s) “uprising”; result of long term oppression of Palestinians; civil disobedience Effect(s) violence increased; affected world opinion; put pressure on Israel to make peace

11 7. January 1979: Revolution in Iran  
Cause(s)  Policies of the Shah changed too much, too fast, too much modernization; led to the return of Ayatollah Khomeini Effect(s) American hostages taken for 444 days; Iran now under Islamic law


13 8. 1980: Iran–Iraq War; 1990 – Persian Gulf War
Cause(s) Religious differences (Sunni – Iraq, Shiites – Iran); oil & territory Effect(s) Use of chemical weapons; US sold weapons to Iran; led to 1st war in Iraq

14 9. 1993: Declaration of Principles (Agreement with Israel & Palestinians)
Cause(s) Israel agreed to grant Palestinians self-rule in Gaza Strip and West Bank Effect(s) Israeli leader – Rabin was assassinated by his own people

15 Rabin with President Clinton and Arafat

16 10. 2000-2001 Afghanistan & Taliban
Cause(s) Soviet occupation led to Taliban rule; harsh policies and many human rights violations Effect(s) Removed from power by the US after connections to Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden were reveled

17 11. 2001: Election of Ariel Sharon
Cause(s) Palestinian leader – Arafat rejected new peace proposals for sharing of land Effect(s) Increased violence on both sides; wall being constructed by Israel around Palestinian settlements in the West Bank


19 Peace Plan Cause(s) Arafat died; New Palestinian leader – Mahmoud Abbas elected and a new peace plan was accepted by both sides Effect(s) Slow progress – Gaza Strip under Palestinian control; violence has decreased but not ended; wall construction continues by Israeli leader – Benjamin Netanyahu

20 Benjamin Netanyahu Mahmoud Abbas

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