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1920s Review EQ: What were the key developments in the U.S. in the aftermath of World War I?

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Presentation on theme: "1920s Review EQ: What were the key developments in the U.S. in the aftermath of World War I?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1920s Review EQ: What were the key developments in the U.S. in the aftermath of World War I?

2 The 1920s Period of social and cultural changes
Characterized by economic prosperity, new ideas, changing values, personal freedom, and important developments in art, literature, and music Social and cultural changes stay, but economic prosperity ends soon

3 Red Scare Rising communism and socialism made many Americans fear a communist takeover in America Began in 1919, after Bolsheviks took over Russia Americans were highly suspicious of communists, socialists, and anarchists

4 Sacco and Vanzetti Anarchists Italian immigrants
Convicted of robbing and murdering a factory paymaster in May 1920 They said they were innocent and provided alibis, but were convicted and executed anyways

5 “In all my life I have never stole, never killed, never spilled blood … we were tried during a time … when there was hysteria of resentment and hate against the people of our principles, against the foreigner … I am suffering because I am a radical and indeed I am a radical … I have suffered because I was an Italian and indeed I am an Italian” -Vanzetti

6 Emergency Quota Act of 1921 System that established the maximum number of people that could enter the U.S. from each foreign country

7 18th Amendment Prohibition of Alcohol

8 Effects of Prohibition
Speakeasies and Bootleggers Organized Crime

9 19th Amendment Women gain the right to vote

10 Henry Ford Makes the automobile affordable
He created the Model T and built them on an assembly line

11 Harlem Renaissance A growth of African-American artistic creativity during the 1920s, centered in Harlem, New York Why did it happen in Harlem? During the Great Migration, black people settled in Harlem and immigrants from the Caribbean settled there

12 Jazz Began in New Orleans in the early 20th century
Blend of ragtime and blues

13 Louis Armstrong Trumpet player
Made personal expression a key part of jazz

14 Langston Hughes Best known poet of the Harlem Renaissance
His poems described the difficult lives of working-class African Americans

15 Irving Berlin Great American songwriter Tin Pin Alley
Wrote God Bless America, White Christmas, There’s No Business Like Show Business, Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better) Jewish immigrant

16 How does economic prosperity impact America?
Leisure time Entertainment Radio Movies Sports New products Automobiles

17 What social changes occur during the 1920s?
More freedom for women Prohibition Scopes Trial Immigration Red Scare Harlem Renaissance Jazz

18 What political changes occur during the 1920s?
18th Amendment 19th Amendment Emergency Quota Act (limiting immigration)

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