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Social Studies/Science

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1 Social Studies/Science
2 Bradley Elementary School BUZZ OF THE WEEK nd Grade Ms. Silvers February 6th-9th Save the Dates           February: 14- Valentine’s Day Party 2-3 15-Dome at 11:35 16-Skateboard Science Assembly 17-NO SCHOOL 20- NO SCHOOL 28- Dr. Seuss Café in the library March: 3- Early Release at 1:30 8- Dome 11:35 10- Half Day (release at 11:30) 14-International Day at Patton 17- Early Release at 1:30 20-24 SPRING BREAK SPELLING: all 15 words, please! Words: /oo/ sounds as in moon new, too, fruit, blue, true, cool, suit, spoon, clue, juice, drew, flew, cruise, nephew, shampoo Math Vocabulary: penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half--‐dollar, value, dollar sign, cent, sign, decimal, dollar, Equal amounts <<< Goals >>> Reading: Helen Keller Skill: Fact and Opinion Spelling: /oo/ sound as in moon Grammar: Adverbs that tell how Math: Test on Money; begin Time Spelling Spiral and Reading/Math packet due on Thursday. Please also look for math practice homework each week! Specials 1:45-2:30 Mon: Library Tues: Music Wed: P.E. Thurs: Art Friday: No School Social Studies/Science Black History Month Questions or concerns? (913) ext.1104

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