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Welcome! Your child left a note for you on his/her desk. Please write your child a note on the “I’m So Proud” sheet. There is also a questionnaire you.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Your child left a note for you on his/her desk. Please write your child a note on the “I’m So Proud” sheet. There is also a questionnaire you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Your child left a note for you on his/her desk. Please write your child a note on the “I’m So Proud” sheet. There is also a questionnaire you may begin to fill out. It will not be shared with your child. Each table group has a stack of index cards. Please write any information that you think would be helpful and/or any questions that you have.

2 6th Grade Back to School Night
Jessica Jarlsberg September 7, 2014 PPT Hand Out

3 A little more about me Graduated from Millersville University
Student taught 6th grade, taught 6th grade last year at Pine Run Philadelphia Sports Team Fan Advocate for healthy lifestyle

4 Who’s Who… Principal Shawn Ortman Dean of Students Kelly Carter
Guidance Counselor Fran Chapman Art Mrs. Schubert Music Ms. Mudry P.E Mrs. Leuthe Library Mrs. Hiriak Technology Miss Jarlsberg

5 Contact Information Phone: – Checked throughout the day Dismissal changes - please contact the office directly to ensure that we receive the message.

6 Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Having Grit!
Classroom concepts My goal is to prepare students by helping them to become active, independent learners. Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Having Grit!

7 Classroom Routines and rewards
Team Points – Earn a table team reward Caramel Points – Whole class reward Star Student – Builds self esteem Missing Assignment forms – Foster responsibility Reflection Form – Students reflect on their actions

8 Class Webpage Our classroom website is a resource for you and your child. Go to the district site, and type “Jarlsberg” in the search box. The first option will open to our class page.

9 Learning is a Journey Descriptors describe the specific learning goals being reported on. Progress: The degree of growth made by a student over time. Process: The learning behaviors demonstrated by students as they learn. Product: The degree to which a student reaches the reporting standard.

10 Standards Based Reporting
Exceeding Standard Student consistently performs beyond the standard (concepts, processes, and skills). Meeting Standard Student consistently achieves the standard (concepts, processes, and skills). Approaching Standard Student is progressing toward the standard (concepts, processes, and skills), but has yet to demonstrate consistent mastery. Limited Progress Student is making minimal progress toward the standard (concepts, processes, and skills). An L rating indicates the student’s performance is well below the standard.

11 Standards based reporting
Cover Sheet Conference Report Progress Report Along with the personalized cover sheet, there will be 2 documents that will communicate your child’s growth.

12 Standards based reporting
Personalized Cover Sheet

13 Conference Report STUDENT, parent, and tEACHER
In marking periods 1 and 3 are now similar, we will sit down with your child and use this CONFERENCE REPORT. Here we will discuss your child’s progress to date as well as set goals for the upcoming year.

14 Progress Report

15 Resources Parent Handbook
I’m hoping you’ve had a chance to review district resources (videos, handbook, articles, etc.) that have been posted on our website since December, and continue to be available for your review. Some of you may have also attended parent cluster meetings that were delivered last Spring.

16 Parent Portal
Since your child’s progress reports will be sent electronically, you will need a login to access the document through the Parent Portal. Parents can view, print, and/or save their child’s progress report directly from the Parent Portal. Many of you may already have and use the Parent Portal login, but if you don’t, please be sure you create an account as soon as possible. These directions are located on the website at (CLICK)

17 Homework Policy District Guidelines: 60 minutes/day
Goals: Apply knowledge and develop Study Skills Assignment Book 20 minutes: Reading, 30 of Math, and 10 of Writing/Science/SS Tests: announced 4-5 days in advance Homework is posted on my website each night

18 Reading Materials: Comprehension Toolkit Quest Read Aloud Shared Texts
Literature Circles Focus Areas: Comprehension – Verify with illustrative details Word Skills – Develop vocabulary and apply context clues Metacognition – Learn what works for them Genre studies – Fiction and Non-Fiction

19 Content Area Texts – Human Body Research
SSR – Silent, Sustained Reading Independent reading at school and at home Students will read, respond, discuss, and create projects to share their understanding. Non-Fiction Genre Junior Scholastic Content Area Texts – Human Body Research

20 Language aRTS Being a Writer/Writer's Notebook
Daily model, practice, and sharing  Write one formal piece per unit Units of Study Narrative, Persuasive, Informative, Creative, Research Writing Process Focus, Content, Organization, Style, Conventions

21 Language Skills Grammar:
Build a common language and knowledge of Parts of Speech and Sentence Structures Apply during the editing and revising processes Spelling: Patterns, Base Words, Affixes, and Homophones Editing/Mechanics: Mentor Sentences and Paragraphs Importance increases as writing becomes more complex

22 Social Studies History Alive: Ancient Civilizations
Early Man (Hominids) Mesopotamia Egypt, India, and China (2 out of 3) Online Textbook – This curriculum provides a foundation for studies of Greece and Rome in 7th grade.

23 Science Water Pollution Earth's Changing Surface
Rivers/streams - Erosion and Sedimentation Landforms and how they are formed Plate Tectonics Water Pollution Point/Non-point Source Hydrologic Cycle – Pollutant movement Water Quality: Macro-invertebrates, pH scale Field Trip: Peace Valley Park “Clean Streams”

24 Human Growth and Development
Human Body in Motion Cells, Tissues, and Organs Human body systems Health Topics HIV/AIDS Human Growth and Development

25 Looking ahead… Sixth Grade Assessment
Testing Window: Late February to Early March 2015 Research: Write questions and find information Report: Write a 5 paragraph essay Visual: Create a PowerPoint for the information Presentation: Share information with an audience PSSAs English Language Arts - March 13-17, 2015 Math - March 20-24, 2014

26 PSSA – ELA (English Language Arts)
Standard Categories: Foundational Skills Informational Text Literature Writing Text Dependent Responses: Reading responses will be assessed for their writing quality. Combination of Reading and Writing, on grades 3-8 PSSA will be the biggest change!

27 PSSA – Math Numbers and Operations Algebraic Concepts Geometry
Reporting Categories: Numbers and Operations Algebraic Concepts Geometry Data Analysis and Probability Measurement and Data Statistics and Probability Mathematical practice - application is critical; it’s not just about computation

28 Technology Internet Safety Communication Word Processing
Presentations: PowerPoint and SmartNotebook Projects: Audacity, Video Editing, and PhotoStory Research Finding and evaluating sources Simulations to locate information

29 Student login reference sheet

30 6th Grade Activities Monthly Activities: Halloween Howl, Highpoint, Bowling, and Survivor Nights Geography Bee 6th Grade Social Promotion

31 Ropes Course Thursday, October 2nd and Friday, October 3rd
Challenge By Choice Activities: Team Building, Low Ropes, High Ropes

32 Low Ropes Course The low ropes provide: Team problem solving
Planning, cooperation, paying attention, encouragement and safety Real-life experiences

33 High Ropes Course The high ropes:
Create individual opportunities to “stretch” beyond perceived limitations Encourage to accept challenges Teach responsibility for others’ safety Strengthen communication skills

34 Almost There  Supplies – Thank you, Thank you
Homeroom Parents/Parties Conference Sign-ups – Sign Up Genius Questions??? *Get to know my child organizer! Math – 7:45

35 Math Classes Pre-Algebra – Mrs. Hannon Room 225
KS, EZ Online – Mrs. Jansen Room 224 AP *You are free to go if your child is in neither Pre-Algebra or Everyday Math

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