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R&D Micromégas «LAPP» 21/04/2006 Glenn Cougoulat.

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1 R&D Micromégas «LAPP» 21/04/2006 Glenn Cougoulat

2 PCB Description Material FR4 Époxy Constraint min 120 
Thickness 1.6 mm 2304 nets + 2 * HT Layers number : 3 Dimension 600x610 mm2 21/04/2006 Glenn Cougoulat

3 Milestones 1 full week job 2/3 finished Gerber files by the end of May
21/04/2006 Glenn Cougoulat

4 Description des pads Via = V20 Pad 9.8*9.8 mm2 21/04/2006
Glenn Cougoulat

5 Parasitic capacitance study
Pad to Pad Line to Line h   C  h + 9.8 mm 120  200  120  Pad to Line Capacitance = Noise 9.8 mm h   C  120  21/04/2006 Glenn Cougoulat

6 Parasitic capacitance study
Maxwell software = theoritical calculation +/- 5 % 21/04/2006 Glenn Cougoulat

7 In this configuration thickness = no major influence
Thickness influence 9.8 mm h + + 9.8 mm 120  200  120  120  75 pF  1300 e- rms In this configuration thickness = no major influence 21/04/2006 Glenn Cougoulat

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