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SYSchange Compliancy and Deployment By Pristine Software

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1 SYSchange Compliancy and Deployment By Pristine Software
International Software Company (June 2016)

2 Agenda What is SYSchange? Fundamental Capabilities of SYSchange
SYSchange Started Task (STC) SYSchange Tokenization SYSchange Promotion Package and Deployment Advanced Deployment Discussion Why SYSchange for z/OS Application by Current Customers Top 10 Uses of SYSchange

3 What is SYSchange ? SYSchange is a comprehensive software configuration management (SCM) tool for tracking, controlling, and managing changes in software. It is an advanced software deployment tool designed to synchronize software in z/OS environments. SYSchange capabilities achieve a more resilient IT system. Used by medium and large data centers with multiple LPARs and SYSPLEXes to control and manage system-wide changes and to synchronize their environments

4 SYSchange Integrated Components
Compliancy Management Enables data centers to achieve a compliant mainframe environment; Ability to capture systems software changes in real time. This includes the OS, all IBM subsystems (IMS, DB2, CICS,…), all ISV products, production libraries – Anything that runs the System. Deployment Management Ability to identify software changes automatically, and to package and deploy the changes across multiple systems, LPARs and SYSPLEXes. Developers Workspace Enables application developers to compile and generate code in a secured environment and move the code via packaging and promotion. A low cost alternative to Application Change Management solutions.

5 Fundamental Capabilities (1 of 4): The SYSchange Started Task (STC)

6 Fundamental Capabilities (2 of 4): The SYSchange Tokenization Engine
The powerful SYSchange tokenization technology establishes “content” reference tokens for a file A token represents the content of a file: PS or DA files, members of a PDS or PDS/E, files in HFS, USS, or z/FS paths Tokens are stored in the SYSchange Control File, or optionally to an external file

7 Fundamental Capabilities (3 of 4): The SYSchange Packaging
From a pre-tokenized software environment, changed components are identified and packaged automatically mitigating risk of losing a change Custom packaging allows users to selectively package their developed components from multiple libraries Custom packaging does NOT require environments to be pre-tokenized. Systems administrators select the components to be packaged together in a “Promotion Package” and made ready for promotion A group of data sets may be placed in a “Promotion Package” for an “initial” install Member DELETE and data set SCRATCH entities may also be packaged An ISPF interface facilitates building of “Promotion Packages”

8 Fundamental Capabilities (4 of 4): The SYSchange Promotion Packages
A “Promotion Package” is a single file containing a variety of file types and structures: Source, Load, Panels, Messages, Skeletons, JCL, USS files, PS and DA files Promotion packages are well documented - the embedded documentation establishes communication among the people involved in the deployment process and is used for future reference. They provide accountability for systems administrators and systems managers. A “Promotion Package” contains data, user documentation, and the intelligence for automation (e.g. for data sets to be allocated as NEW, DSCB information is stored in the package itself.) Promotion packages are transferred to other LPARs or SYSPLEXes using NDM, FTP, or any other tool. Once transferred, they can be promoted to update the target systems When a package is successfully promoted on an LPAR , the package is “registered” in the Control File of the target LPAR. The SHOW=PACKAGES command reports all successfully promoted packages on an LPAR; providing for full accountability and control

9 Advanced Deployment Discussion
SYSchange enables data centers to create a “Centralized Point of Control” for deploying all software changes to keep environments current and up-to-date

10 Deployment Process LPAR 1 LPAR2,..LPARn Promote Promote SOURCE SOURCE
LOAD Promote LOAD Promotion Package Promotion Package Promote JCL JCL

11 Promoting a Package to Update Target Systems
A “Promotion Package” may be reviewed for member-level details of the content. Promotion packages are well documented. The embedded documentation establishes communication amongst people involved in the deployment process and is used for future references. “Promotion Packages” are kept for future references. It provides accountability for systems administrators and systems managers. When a package is successfully promoted on an LPAR , the package is “registered” in the Control File of the target LPAR The SHOW=PACKAGES command reports all successfully promoted packages on an LPAR; providing for full accountability and control

12 Promoting a Package (Rollback Option)
When a package is promoted, a rollback package is created first. Then, the target environment is updated

13 Verify Success of Deployment
Verify success of the deployed packages by tokenizing and then comparing the token files Achieve large scale software integrity verifications by comparing environments of any configuration and size (z/OS files and USS paths) Comparing two data sets, two groups of data sets, two entire DASD volumes, or two groups of DASD volumes either directly, when they are available on the same CPU, or indirectly, using their token representations when they reside on multiple LPARs or SYSPLEXes Identify and report missing data sets between the two groups. Identify and report missing members in pairs of matched data set names. Identify and report members having different contents.

14 SYSchange High-level Compare (local/remote)
High-level compare of two libraries, two groups of libraries, two DASD volumes, or two groups of DASD volumes (local or remote) Missing data sets Member-level report: SAME, DIFF, MATCH, MISMATCH and MODS PDS1 “High-level Compare” PDS2 DIFF A DIFF B

15 How SYSchange Prevents Regression
Tokenize a software environment after a sync point, and store the tokens into an external token file (OLD token file) Re-tokenize the same software environment just prior to updating the environment (i.e. promoting a package) and store the tokens into a second token file (NEW token file). Now compare the two external token files (NEW vs. OLD) to discover undesired or unplanned changes; under normal conditions we expect no changes to appear in the report (RC=0). Otherwise, there is a risk of regression and the promote operation must be handled with care, excluding the reported changed components from the promotion process.

16 Implementation SYSchange can be implemented by simply performing two tasks in order to start using the software from day 1: Protect your critical system libraries PARMLIB, PROCLIB, etc. Some customers have protected more than 300 systems and vendors libraries Tokenize your software environments Any desired data set patterns such as: DEV.ZSECURE.* Any size software environment such as the entire production libraries; some customers have tokenized over 5000 production libraries for their weekly “change control” meetings. An entire DASD volume such as a SYSRES

17 Protect Critical System Libraries
PROTECT your critical system libraries to achieve auditability, version control and exclusive component ownership. LOCK=YES or NO INITIAL=YES or NO //JOB1 PROTECT=(DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB, LOCK=YES, INITIAL=Y, COPIES=30) //* SYSchange STC Source Load, JCL PROTECT Change History

18 Tokenize your software environment
Prior to change, TOKENIZE your software environments of any size and configuration to establish the reference tokens. At a later time, use the SYSchange MODS identification function to automatically identify, report, and package the changed components. Then, use the SYSchange Promotion Packages to synchronize your software on a local or remote LPAR(s). //JOB PATTERN=DEV.ZSECURE.* . . . SHOW=LIST TOKEN=(LIST) //* SYSchange TOKENIZE Source LOAD JCL Tokens

19 Library Management Functions (Create a CR)
Assign administrators to a library at PROTECT //JOB PROTECT=(DSN=APPL01.SRC, INITIAL=YES,COPIES=30, LOCK=YES, ADMINS=(IBMUSR1,IBMUSR2)) //* Any one of the Library ADMINS may creates a CR and assign the CR Approver(s) The CR Approvers, in turn, approves the CR making the components in the CR to be solely available to their owners i.e. “Checkers” Development of the CR begins while the assigned users have exclusive ownership over members At the end, one of the Admins “Checks in” the developed components; the “Promotion Package” is created automatically Locked Source

20 Why SYSchange for z/OS? To create a more resilient IT Environment
To create environments with Segregation of Duties (SOD); allowing a RACF group of users to Create Packages and a separate RACF group to Promote the Packages. To bring an automated process and transparency to System Software Change Control and Management (z/OS, IMS, DB2, CICS and vendors software) in SYSPLEX environments To reduce the costs and complexities of meeting Auditing and Compliancy Requirements by providing a process and a control structure To improve quality and reliability by quickly ascertaining what has changed in a very large software environment and to reduce outages To create an environment that promotes software integrity, added security, and reliability

21 How SYSchange is used? (1 of 2)
To achieve compliancy requirements (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley), and to provide full reporting capabilities for z/OS and USS software changes To establish a uniform process to deploy software across environments To recover from undesired changes to systems; reducing system outages and to resolve performance issues To allow or enforce documentation of member-level changes as the change is introduced to improve systems administration Ensures integrity of software in multiple local and remote LPARs and SYSPLEXes

22 How SYSchange is used? (2 of 2)
To improve reliability, to eradicate uncertainties, and to reduce time and resources to deploy changes To gain exclusive ownership over groups of library members to individual users, or to RACF groups; sharing of a library amongst multiple groups (MVS, CICS, IMS, DB2, …) without intruding on each other’s responsibilities To discover system-wide changes for change control review team To compare any size software environments on local or remote LPARs and SYSPLEXes To regularly synchronize software in multiple SYSPLEX environments (e.g. a hot DR site with the production site) To reduce operational risk and cost of software maintenance

23 Top 10 Uses of SYSchange (Summary)
Change Tracking and Control for Systems Libraries and Issuing s for changes Software Deployment and Release Management Member-level Recovery of Real-time Changes On-line Documentation of Changed Members at the Time of Edit/Save Exclusive Member-level Ownership, and Source Library Management Detect System-wide Changes for z/OS and USS Environments Local or Remote Compare of Software Environments for z/OS and USS Regularly Synchronize DR Software with the Production Software Regression Control and Prevention to complement all ALM Software Immediate Rollback Capabilities to UNDO the Effect of Unplanned/Undesired Promotions

24 SYSchange Installation (version 4.2)
Upload only one XMIT PDS and RECEIVE it Installed with SMP/E or IEBCOPY Plan for an APF Authorized Library Plan for an MLPA for the Intercepts Customization of a PARM member SYSchange VSAM Files Initialization on Shared DASD SYSchange ISPF CLIST and CSAVE CLIST Invoke the Software (No IPL required) No complex new RACF rules and no staging libraries SYSPLEX support (Sharing VSAM Files)

25 SYSchange for z/OS by Pristine Software
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