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ECAR Working Groups Meeting October 25, 2016 • Anaheim, CA

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1 ECAR Working Groups Meeting October 25, 2016 • Anaheim, CA
Welcome to this year’s ECAR Working Groups Meeting. I am Karen Wetzel, Senior Manager of the ECAR Working Groups. I’ve had the pleasure to work with many of you over this past year, and with some of you on multiple projects over the years. We have a great meeting planned for you today. Karen A. Wetzel, Senior Manager, ECAR Working Groups

2 Today’s Agenda ECAR Working Groups: Year in Review Future Directions
Panel: Informing Institutional Decision Making (Data, IT Funding, & Cloud) What’s Next for ECAR Working Groups Today I'll be starting by taking just a few minutes to share with you about all the work that the groups have done so far in 2016, and start us thinking about where we're going in 2017 and beyond. My colleague, Susan Grajek, will continue by sharing about some exciting changes in EDUCAUSE and what they might mean for the groups, as well as give us a glimpse of what some top technology issues for 2017 are. We're then going to shift a bit in order to learn how our papers are actually making a difference, followed by looking to all of you to help us decide our future directions. With that in mind, please feel free to open this URL now to jot down ideas throughout today.

3 2016 YEAR IN REVIEW ECAR Working Groups bring together IT professionals from diverse institutions to address converging challenges and enable higher education institutions to prepare for the future. I first want to highlight exactly what makes the working groups unique. They are a place where members come together to address common challenges and help the higher ed IT community prepare for the future. I don’t need to tell you about the pace of change in IT, and in higher education overall, nor about the key role that IT has in supporting the work of our institutions. The ECAR Working Groups respond to that by focusing on those issues that are coming around the bend so that we provide the best service possible. By relying on the expertise of you, the practitioners, we are able to speak from a place of experience and provide timely, useful guidance.

4 FOCUS AREAS Campus Cyberinfrastructure
Communications Infrastructure and Applications Cloud Data and Analytics IT Services, Management, and Leadership Mobile Issues and Applications So, what do the working groups do? Working groups form around specific projects that cross all of IT. Broadly speaking, though, we have projects in areas that look at include: Data, including academic, research, and enterprise data, and the management and analysis of that data

5 WHAT WE DO White Papers Guides Briefs Webinars Articles
Research Bulletins Blogs Spotlights Working groups produce guides, briefs, frameworks, webinars, and more. We don’t take a one-size fits all approach, because we know that won’t work. We address multiple audiences and work with a wide range of topics that require us to consider what is needed. Our groups have also published articles in EDUCAUSE Review and presented on their work in various venues, including this conference. Technology Spotlights, designed to help you learn about and understand the implications of emerging technologies in higher education.

6 2016 BY THE NUMBERS ENGAGEMENT 16 Working Groups 208 Members
126 Institutions PRODUCED (24) 3 Webinars 6 Technology Spotlights 3 Articles 9 Papers 3 Research Bulletins IN PROGRESS (24) 9 Papers 5 Webinars 5 Articles 4 Technology Spotlights 1 Research Bulletin When working on a project, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture of all that happens across the working groups. Today I’d like to take a moment to share with everyone here about the work that each of you has been doing and the progress and achievements of the working groups overall. It’s been an impressive year and we have you to thank for that. More than anything, ECAR Working Group are about engagement. I also don’t want to overlook the tremendous support we’ve received from reviewers, contributors, and others who may not be on a working group roster but nonetheless are a part of this community. I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you for all you’ve done. In 2015: 7 Technology Spotlights 11 Working Group Papers 3 EDUCAUSE Review Articles 9 Presentations

Guy Almes, Texas A&M John Borwick, Dynamix Mike Chapple, University of Notre Dame Rebekah Cummings, University of Utah Quinn Dombrowski, UC Berkeley Thomas Dugas, Duquesne University Curtis Hillegas, Princeton University James Jokl, University of Virginia Chris Jones, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Mark Katsouros, Penn State Joan Lippincott, CNI Marden Paul, University of Toronto Theresa Rowe, Oakland University Theresa Semmens, NDSU John Suess, UMBC Sherri Yerk-Zwickl, Lehigh University Ralph Zottola, UMass Central Office Finally, I want to acknowledge the leadership that the ECAR Working Groups Advisory Committee provides. This committee comprises working group co-chairs as well as ECAR community members and helps us to identify new projects, provide feedback on member-generated project proposals, and give guidance on the general program direction. I’d like to take a moment and ask that those of you who are currently on the Advisory Committee or have been on the committee in the past to please raise your hand so we can thank you for your service.

8 2016 PROJECT AREAS Cloud Security Data
Networking Privacy Research Computing Security IT Systems, Services, & Service Management Teaching & Learning Technology Leadership & Organization Looking more closely at the areas that we’ve addressed this year, you can see that this list is longer and more specific than what I showed you earlier. The focus areas that we have are a reflection of where we are now, and may change over time. For instance, this last year cloud was a major focus. We will be publishing the final paper in our seven-part series in just a few weeks, and we may find that 2017 focuses more in a different area. After our paper on ITSM, the group members have identified a number of follow-up guides that they think will be useful for the community, and so we’re vetting that idea at the ITSM constituent group meeting later this week. But who knows? There may be another topic that arises, hopefully as part of our conversation later today, that will require large-scale attention and support from the working groups.

9 PRODUCED SO FAR… Research Bulletins
Research Computing Facilitators: The Missing Human Link in Needs-Based Research Cyberinfrastructure Adapting to Learn, Learning to Adapt Improving Access to the National Computational Infrastructure: The Role of Regional Organizations (RB) Technology Spotlights Mesh Networks Activity Streams Ethernet fabrics OpenPGP DNSSEC Public Key Infrastructure Articles Privacy in Higher Education: A CPO’s Perspective (An Interview with Kent Wada) Spreading the Benefits of Research Computing to All Disciplines Technology in Higher Education: Guiding Aspiring Leaders Papers Preparing your IT Organization for the Cloud: Migration Preparing your IT Organization for the Cloud: Operationalizing the Cloud Data Protection: A Fundamental Shift Preparing your IT Organization for the Cloud: Cloud Awareness and User Support New Approaches to Higher Education IT Strategic Planning Demonstrating Value Through IT Service Management in Higher Education Technology in Higher Education: Guiding Aspiring Leaders Technology in Higher Education: Information Security Leadership Organizational Models for IT Service Delivery and the Evolving IT Organization Webinars Cloud: Are You Ready? Cloud: Transforming the IT Organization Operations and Risk Management in the Cloud

10 IN THE QUEUE… Papers Preparing your IT Organization for the Cloud: Cloud on the Horizon Research Data Sharing Developing Digital Humanities Support Campus Video Strategy ECAR/CDS: IT Organization, Staffing, and Financing ECAR/CDS: Research Computing Data Curation ECAR/CDS: Information Systems and Applications ECAR/CDS: IT Support Systems Research Bulletins The Impact of IT Management Practices on Institutional Performance Webinars Introducing the University of California Learning Data Privacy Principles and Recommended Practices Data Governance & Stewardship Focus on Research Data Focus on Administrative Data Focus on Academic Data Technology Spotlights Open digital microcredentials Quantum computing SPOCs Affective computing Articles Five summary articles on previously published working group content Now we can look forward to another exciting and productive year. Already we have some things in the queue. In planning includes creating excerpted versions of working group content for publication in ER when they are taken off embargo.


SUGGEST A TOPIC KEEP INFORMED KEEP IN TOUCH or To EDUCAUSE 2016 Share about working groups Listen for new ideas Engage colleagues Share about working groups at the conference Engage colleagues Listen for and bring new ideas

13 Help Us Improve and Grow
We’re very interested in your feedback. Please take a minute to fill out the session evaluation found within the conference mobile app or in the online agenda. Help Us Improve and Grow

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