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Six days training of educators at schools

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1 Six days training of educators at schools

2 Activities Day-1 How to fill joining / relieving report?
Deliverable-1: Joining report of teacher How to mark attendance ? Deliverable-2: Teacher will prepare summary of leaves of all teachers during the current year as guided by supervisor How to write teacher diary? Deliverable-3: Teacher will observe teacher diaries of two teacher and propose corrections in light of training received in his report How to prepare a lesson plan? Deliverable-4: Teacher will observe lesson plans of two teachers and point out changes in light of training received in his report

3 Activities Day-2 How to write casual leave?
Deliverable-5: Teacher will write casual leave application as guided by supervisor How to apply for earned leave? Deliverable-6: Teacher will prepare application for his colleague with all relevant documents How to deal with colleagues? Deliverable-7: Teacher will write tips on a page provided by his colleagues How to prepare a lesson plan? Deliveable-8: Teacher will prepare lesson plan in light of instructions issued during training

4 Activities Day-3 How to purchase an article for school ?
Deliverable-9: Teacher will purchase an item proposed by HT from FTF and submit a copy of relevant documents How to choose students for an activity? Deliverable-10: Selection lists for sports and Bazm-e-adab How to write teacher diary? Deliverable-11: Teacher will write next day activities planned by him on format How to deliver a lesson? Deliverable-12: Video of lesson delivered

5 Activities Day-4 How to prepare Weekly Academic Calendar for Class?
Deliverable-13: Picture of chart prepared for class and displayed in class How to prepare Home Work Allocation Plan? Deliverable-14: Picture of chart for Homework allocation. How to deliver a lesson? Deliverable-15: List of weaknesses identified in lesson delivered How to prepare a bill for salary? Deliverable-16: A bill prepared for salary of service starting month

6 Activities Day-5 How to prepare time table of school?
Deliverable-17: Copy of time table prepared by teacher after guidance from supervisor How to conduct morning assembly? Deliverable-18: Report of morning assembly conducted by teacher How to write a letter to DEO for provision of resources? Deliverable-19: Letter written by teacher to DEO through proper channel reflecting needs of his school How to conduct parents- teacher meeting? Deliverable-20: Minutes of parents-teacher meeting conducted in presence of supervisor

7 Activities Day-6 How to deliver consecutive lessons?
Deliverable-21: Lessons plans for 4 lessons according to Taleemi Calendar delivered in How to prepare feedback on lessons delivered? Deliverable-22: Feedback regarding learning of students on activities during 4 lessons How to conduct a test? Deliverable-23: Question Paper conducted, Answer sheets of students and result of test with feedback Deliverable-24: Preparation of deliverables book with table of content Note: These deliverables will be deposited at District QAED up to District QAED will scrutinize and submit to Provincial QAED up to

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