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Annual General Meeting

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1 Annual General Meeting 2016-17

2 Emma Latimer Chief Officer

3 £397 million 295,374 clinically-led We plan and design made up of
41 local GP practices We plan and design care services to meet the needs of local people Our budget is £397 million for We serve a population of 295,374 Examples of the services we buy include; urgent care (A&E), routine hospital treatment, mental health services, and community health care

4 Key programmes of work People, communities and place – our plan for Hull My city, my health, my care – the future of GP services in Hull Delivering the Five Year Forward View – commissioning services for Hull Better care in Hull - through integration with the local authority Delivering safe, high quality services Taking action on health inequalities

5 Our Partnerships City of Culture

6 Is it working? Taken part have taken part in a cultural event

7 Is it working? say it has had a positive impact on the city

8 Volunteer hours 120,000 Shifts 30,000 Volunteers 2,500

9 Plans and Partnerships
Our Partnerships Plans and Partnerships

10 40% 27% Why change? 51% 25%-50% £50 million to stay the same
of people seen by GPs could have had their issue resolved another way. People in Hull die earlier than they should Smoking, alcohol abuse and obesity rates are higher than the national average 40% of A&E Patients don’t need treatment People in Hull wait more than four weeks to access some mental health services 51% of patients couldn’t have an appointment at their GP on the day they wanted to 25%-50% of hospital beds are used by people who don’t need to be there If we don’t change, we will need to find an extra £50 million to stay the same People in Hull are more likely to develop, lung, breast or bowel cancer Why change?

11 Sustainability & Transformation Partnerships
5 Year Forward View Sustainability & Transformation Partnerships Plans for change City Plan Hull CCG’s plan

12 Humber Coast and Vale STP

13 Priorities Economic growth Inclusive growth Making money go further UK
Energy City Destination Hull Prevention and early intervention Safeguarding the most vulnerable

14 Integrated commissioning Education & employment
Humber Coast and Vale STP Priorities + Public sector reform Integrated commissioning & delivery Business & growth Education & employment Complex systems Duplication = A Healthier Hull

15 National A&E target 95% should be seen within 4 hours
Communities Urgent Care Improved 93.3% June 2017 85.9% June 2016 National A&E target 95% should be seen within 4 hours

16 in people using the NEW urgent care centre at Bransholme
Communities Urgent Care Improved 44% increase in people using the NEW urgent care centre at Bransholme since April last year

17 new groups of GP practices formed, working together to improve care
Communities Primary Care Improved 6 new groups of GP practices formed, working together to improve care since April last year

18 in the number of GP practices with a list size bigger than 10,000
Communities Primary Care Improved 19% increase in the number of GP practices with a list size bigger than 10,000 since April last year

19 8 Communities Mental Health Average week wait for CAMHS
Improved Average 8 week wait for CAMHS national target 18 weeks

20 dementia diagnosis rate (age 65+)
Communities Mental Health Improved 84.3% March 2017 dementia diagnosis rate (age 65+) national target 67.6%

21 national target 92% should be seen within 18 weeks
Communities Referral to Treatment Requires Improvement 82.5% June 2017 88% Sep 2016 national target 92% should be seen within 18 weeks

22 What are the potential lives saved per year?
Areas for improvement What are the potential lives saved per year?

23 Life expectancy at birth
Health services have a very small impact on life expectancy; the social determinants of health have a much larger impact Life expectancy for men has steadily got better but has flattened since Overall the difference between Hull and England for men since 1996 has got worse Life expectancy for women had got better from through to but then has got worse Overall the difference between Hull and England for women since 1996 has got worse

24 Sequels and Prequels

25 World Health Organisation definition of health
a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

26 Sequels and Prequels Social Prescribing, rather than pills and potions
Listening to communities, rather than policies and plans Catching people early, prevention rather than cure

27 Highlights

28 Click here to play highlights

29 Annual General Meeting 2016-17

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