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In difficult times, do you ever question the faith you were taught?

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Presentation on theme: "In difficult times, do you ever question the faith you were taught?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In difficult times, do you ever question the faith you were taught?

2 In difficult times, do you ever question the faith you were taught?
You are doing what is right…how come you are suffering pain?

3 In difficult times, do you ever question the faith you were taught?
You are doing what is right…how come you are suffering pain? Why pray? Maybe my atheist acquaintances are right – there is no God?

4 Praying when perplexed
Psalm 44

5 Praying with confidence when perplexed
Trusting in truth of what our fathers have taught us (v. 1-3) Praying with confidence when perplexed

6 Praying with confidence when perplexed
Trusting in truth of what our fathers have taught us (v. 1-3) Personal belief strong (v.4) Praying with confidence when perplexed

7 Praying with confidence when perplexed
Trusting in truth of what our fathers have taught us (v. 1-3) Personal belief strong (v.4) Can overcome with God’s help (v5-7) Will boast in God forever (v.8) Praying with confidence when perplexed

8 Praying in pain knowing God is in control …
God has cast us off - dishonored (v.9-10) God has made us like sheep (v. 11) God has sold us for nothing (v.12) Praying in pain knowing God is in control …

9 Praying in pain knowing God is in control …
God has cast us off - dishonored (v.9-10) God has made us like sheep (v. 11) God has sold us for nothing (v.12) God has made us a reproach locally (v.13) God has made us a by-word wide spread (v.14) Praying in pain knowing God is in control …

10 Praying in pain knowing God is in control …
God has cast us off - dishonored (v.9-10) God has made us like sheep (v. 11) God has sold us for nothing (v.12) God has made us a reproach locally (v.13) God has made us a by-word wide spread (v.14) I feel it personally (v.15-16) Praying in pain knowing God is in control …

11 Perplexed: We have not done evil
We have not forgotten you (v.17) Our heart has not turned back (v.18) Perplexed: We have not done evil

12 Perplexed: We have not done evil
We have not forgotten you (v.17) Our heart has not turned back (v.18) Yet, you have broken us (v.19) Perplexed: We have not done evil

13 Perplexed: We have not done evil
We have not forgotten you (v.17) Our heart has not turned back (v.18) Yet, you have broken us (v.19) Search us – you know the heart (v.20) Perplexed: We have not done evil

14 Perplexed: We have not done evil
We have not forgotten you (v.17) Our heart has not turned back (v.18) Yet, you have broken us (v.19) Search us – you know the heart (v.20) “yea, for thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” (v.22) Perplexed: We have not done evil

15 Praying in faith despite facing the obvious…
Are you asleep? – Awake (v.23) Praying in faith despite facing the obvious…

16 Praying in faith despite facing the obvious…
Are you asleep? – Awake (v.23) Why do you hide your face? Have you forgotten our oppression (v.24-25) Praying in faith despite facing the obvious…

17 Praying in faith despite facing the obvious…
Are you asleep? – Awake (v.23) Why do you hide your face? Have you forgotten our oppression (v.24-25) Redeem us for thy lovingkindness sake (v.26) Praying in faith despite facing the obvious…

18 We may see reform in a nation that God has already determined to bring to an end – time for judgment among nations (Rev.6:7-8)

19 We may see reform in a nation that God has already determined to bring to an end – time for judgment among nations (Rev.6:7-8) We are still more than conquerors (Rom. 8:36-37)

20 We may see reform in a nation that God has already determined to bring to an end – time for judgment among nations (Rev.6:7-8) When perplexed we should not doubt… That we can have genuine faith when taught to us by our parents (2 Tim. 1:5, 2 Tim. 3:14-15) God’s lovingkindness (v.26) God will answer our prayer (v.8) We are still more than conquerors (Rom. 8:36-37)

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