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NO RTW Objective: Agenda: Homework:

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1 NO RTW Objective: Agenda: Homework:
Monday, April 17th NO RTW Objective: I will be able to review and prepare for the marine science final. Agenda: Marine Science Final Review Packet Homework: None 

2 Pg. 118 RTW: Which animal phylum do you think has the most species?
Tuesday, April 18th Pg. 118 RTW: Which animal phylum do you think has the most species? Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Arthropoda. Agenda: Arthropoda Foldable Arthropoda group be ready to present tomorrow! Homework: None 

3 Arthropod Foldable Examples: insects, spiders, crabs, barnacles, copepods, shrimp and lobsters. Class Crustacea : mostly marine arthropods Cirripedia- barnacles Copepoda- Copepods Malacostraca- shrimp, lobster, crab General Characteristics: Gill breathing Specialized appendages for feeding, walking, defense… (jointed appendages) Larvae is planktonic Grow via molting Bilaterally Symmetric Exoskeleton made of chitin hardened by CaCO3

4 Arthropod Foldable Diagrams: Reproduction: Sexual
Some will carry eggs attached to abdomen until they hatch.

5 Phylum Arthropoda Class Crustacea

6 Largest phylum of animals w/ approx
One million known species

7 Includes: insects, spiders, crabs
Barnacles, shrimp, & lobsters

8 General characteristics
Bilaterally symmetric Have jointed appendages (legs & mouth parts) Exoskeleton made of chitin and hardened by CaCO3 Grow by molting

9 Molting: Old exoskeleton is shed leaving the animal soft The animal brings in water to expand itself A new exoskeleton is secreted by specialized tissue

10 Exoskeleton provides protection, support, & flexibility
Also imposes limitations to grow & size

11 Class: Crustacea 30,000 species primarily marine Gill-breathing
16-20 segments Open circulatory system Specialized appendages for food gathering, walking, fighting, defense, etc. Start out life as a planktonic larvae Ex: lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, crabs, copepods, barnacles, etc. Giant King Crab = largest crustacean (~12ft) Heaviest is the lobsters (up to 48 lbs!!)

12 Have two pairs of antennae (one pair smaller than the other)
Small, planktonic crustaceans include copepods, barnacles, isopods, krill

13 Barnacles Chitin exoskeleton & secretes CaCO3 shell.
Feathery feet for filter feeding plankton Some attach to docks or boats and a few on whales Must close up with an operculum during low tide to avoid desiccation (drying up).


15 Other larger crustaceans include shrimp, lobsters & crabs
Considered decapods (5 pairs of legs) Body consists of cephalothorax (fused head & thorax) & abdomen


17 Crabs have a compact abdomen & a broad cephalothorax
Abdomen usually tucked under


19 Male Female

20 Abdomen with eggs

21 Videos Horseshoe Crab Molting Horseshoe Crab Mantis Shrimp

22 Lobsters ue&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active Slipper lobster &safe=active Spiny Lobster &safe=active Lobster Life Cycle: Safari Montage

23 Giant Spider Crab

24 King and Coconut Crabs

25 No RTW: Arthropoda group be ready to present when the bell rings!
Wednesday, April 19th No RTW: Arthropoda group be ready to present when the bell rings! Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Arthropoda. Agenda: Arthropoda Fish Food Presentation Mollusca group be ready to present Friday! Homework: None 

26 Pg. 118 RTW: What is one interesting fact about Arthropoda?
Thursday, April 20th Pg. 118 RTW: What is one interesting fact about Arthropoda? Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Mollusca. Agenda: Mollusca Foldable Mollusca group be ready to present tomorrow! Homework: None 

27 Mollusca Foldable Examples: Class Gastropoda- Snails
Class Bivalvia- Clams Class Cephalopoda- Octopuses, Squids General Characteristics: Most numerous marine group, very diverse. Soft body covered in CaCO3 (bivalves & gastropods) One way digestion Some herbivores and some carnivores

28 Mollusca Foldable Diagrams: (please label the class under your diagram) Reproduction: External fertilization- bivalves, chitons, & some snails Sperm & eggs are released into water Internal fertilization-cephalopods & most snails Cephalopods have modified arm (Hectocotylus) to transfer sperm to female

29 Phylum Mollusca

30 Includes these classes:
Snails-class Gastropoda Clams-class Bivalvia Octopuses, Squids-class Cephalopoda There are more species of mollusks in the ocean than any other group Soft body protected by a shell of calcium carbonate Very diverse in body structures and habits

31 Mollusk Diversity

32 Biology Much more complex than Cnidarians or Sponges
Has a separate mouth and anus (1 way) Has salivary and digestive glands herbivores & carnivores (predators & filter feeders) circulatory system transports nutrients and oxygen Heart pumps blood to all tissues Most have open circulatory system (leaky), cephalopods a closed circulatory system

33 Nervous system simple to complex Most have separate sexes
Some species are hermaphrodites External fertilization- bivalves, chitons, & some snails Sperm & eggs are released into water Internal fertilization-cephalopods & most snails Cephalopods have modified arm to transfer sperm to female


35 class Gastropoda Snails-”stomach foot” Largest group
Approx 90,000 species Mostly marine Body is coiled up inside shell Shell sits on a ventral foot


37 Nudibranch (sea slug- no shell) Tulip snail (with shell)

38 Body Structure thin layer of tissue that produces the shell
muscular, used in locomotion some are well developed & have eyes area with small teeth used in scraping algae or other food from surfaces, made of chitin hard plate used to close opening once head/foot retracts into shell Gas exchange is through gills Mantle Foot Head Radula Operculum


40 class Bivalvia Oysters (cement themselves to hard surface)
Clams (burrow) Mussels (attach to rocks using byssal threads), Body compressed between two shells Very large source of food for humans and other marine animals.

41 class Cephalopoda-2 in to 30 ft
Cephalopods-most complex brain of all invertebrates considered intelligent and capable of learning Most cephalopods display color changes correlated to certain behaviors Hectocotylus-Specialized arm transfers a spermatophore (packet of sperm) After eggs hatch female usually dies

42 Blue-ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena)
giant pacific octopus - Octopus dofleini

43 Giant Squid

44 Cephalopoda Camouflage
Octopus vs Crab Cone Snail

45 No RTW: Mollusca group be ready to present when the bell rings!
Friday, April 21st No RTW: Mollusca group be ready to present when the bell rings! Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Mollusca. Agenda: Mollusa Fish Food Presentation Homework: None :)

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