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Final Year Project COMP390/393/394/395

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1 Final Year Project COMP390/393/394/395
Irina Biktasheva – coordinator

2 The Final Year Project The final year project is an important part of the course - it is a quarter of the final year’s work The project is a substantial piece of work for which you are responsible It is a chance to explore a topic in depth and to take the initiative in developing your ideas and finding out the information you need

3 Projects Provide An opportunity to show what you can do A challenge
the project is what you make of it A challenge Projects are meant to stretch you Projects are often “open ended” A chance to explore a specific area in depth

4 Types of Projects To meet these aims, we provide three types of project These types describe the scope of the project The aim is to provide a challenge – but one which can be met

5 Types of Projects Projects are classified according to the qualities we expect from different degree classes Development Projects Qualities expected from anyone with a computer related degree Problem Solving Projects Additionally, qualities expected from students with a second class Honours degree Research Projects Additionally, qualities expected from students with a first class Honours degree Marks of 70+ are possible for all projects, but some offer more scope for the highest marks

6 Development Projects Are aimed at those with a second year mark less than 60 Straightforward projects Implement a closely specified solution to a problem In this style of project both the problem and the solution should be understood, so that the student contributes a realisation of this solution Evaluation will be primarily concerned with the quality of the product produced

7 Example Development Projects
Implement a business to business e-commerce site in MySQL and PHP Implement a fully specified algorithm or system (e.g., a utility to perform file synchronisation across different PCs – different operating systems)

8 Problem Solving Projects
Can be taken by any student Less straightforward projects Not as closely-defined as development projects For this style of project the problem will be formulated, but the student will need to contribute to the finding of a solution, and to choose between alternative solutions Evaluation will relate both to the choices made, as well as to the product produced

9 Example Problem Solving Project I
Game Playing: Rush Hour Rush Hour is a puzzle played by a single player which is an extension of the well known 8-puzzle… This project involves the design, implementation and testing of software that plays the Rush Hour game. The primary focus of this project is to develop (search) algorithms that play the game well. A graphical user interface may also be implemented. This project can be extended to allow a larger board or to analyse which initial states can or cannot be solved.

10 Example Problem Solving Project II
University Timetabling Constructing University timetablings and while at the same time making efficient use of the University's resources (i.e., lecture theatres and lecturers) is a non-trivial problem The aim of this project is to develop a tool which given information on the degree programmes, modules, students, lecture theatres, lecturers as well as some additional constraints (e.g. no Wednesday afternoon lectures) and preferences (e.g. practicals directly after lectures), constructs suitable timetables

11 Research Projects These are aimed at students who achieve more than 60 in the second year Those with more than 75 in the second year will be expected to undertake a project of this type

12 Research Projects Students attempting this style of project will be expected to contribute to the formulation of the problem as well as its solution and implementation Evaluation should play a key role, offering considerable scope for the exercise of critical judgement, placing the contribution fully in the context of related work, in addition to evaluating the choices made, and the quality of the product produced

13 Example Research Project I
Adaptive Binarisation of Scanned Documents Before attempting to recognise the text, the foreground (printed information) must be separated from the background (paper) In modern documents this is usually a case of separating black (printed information) from white (paper). In historical/rare documents, however,  the paper has decayed and its colour is not uniform, […] This project will require the review, implementation and comparison of two or three of the most prominent adaptive thresholding algorithms in the context of historical documents

14 Example Research Project II
Processor scheduling with energy concern Energy is a precious resources which should be scheduled for use carefully. However, energy reduction and performance are two conflicting goals; in general, the more available energy is the better the performance can be achieved The scheduling algorithm has to determine the speed at which the processor should run at every time unit The aim of the project is to evaluate some of these strategies. This includes implementing several strategies and compare their performance by carrying out some experiments

15 Specifying Your Own Project
Some members of staff are prepared to supervise projects specified by students themselves (so called SSP projects) If you wish to do this you must obtain an agreement of such a member of staff The project must be classified as of the type appropriate to you (i.e., your programme, average mark, etc.)

16 Organisation You are expected to work on the project throughout the year Each project has an academic supervisor, who will give advice and direction, but you are expected to work largely independently There are a number of review points throughout the year

17 Phases of Projects Research & Specification Design Implementation
finding ideas to build on; related work to put your project in context; fix specification Design planning the project; designing the software; planning evaluation Implementation building the software; testing the software; performing experiments Evaluation critical assessment of strengths and weaknesses; relation to other work

18 Assessment Written specification Design Documentation and Presentation
week 4 worth 5% Design Documentation and Presentation week 8 worth 15% Interim Report - week 15, not marked Demonstration of software week 22 worth 15% Dissertation week 24 worth 65%

19 Information About Projects
The projects information website: Your first port of call for: Overview of project scheme Guidelines on choosing a project Projects offered by members of Staff Announcements Other useful information

20 Timetable to allocate a project
Mon 9 May, 2016 Staff proposed projects available Mon 9 May – Fri 3 June, 2016 (Phase I) Look at the projects proposed by staff Staff available to discuss and allocate projects Mon 6 June – Fri 17 June, 2016 (Phase II) List of 10 choices to be submitted, if a project not allocated yet After exam results are out If you have chosen projects for which you are ineligible, you may substitute these choices

21 Making Your Selection - Phase I
Period 9 May – 3 June, 2016 Use departmental electronic system E-project: Own project (SSP) – find & contact supervisor Check staff profiles first: web, offered projects in E-project Otherwise, find unassigned project, contact supervisor to assign it to you Be fast: first-come-first-serve rule may apply Browse through appropriate projects: use your programme and appropriate project type in the filter Strongly recommended

22 Making Your Selection – Phase II
Period 6 – 17 June, 2016 Applies only if you do not have project assigned in E-project Mark TEN projects in E-project system There are no preferences: you should be prepared to do any of your choices No more than SIX may be of a given type No more than TWO may be from a given Supervisor Arbitrary selection out of your 10 choices will be done by the end of June

23 Remember Mon 9 May, 2016 Mon 9 May – Fri 3 June, 2016 (Phase I)
Staff proposed projects available Mon 9 May – Fri 3 June, 2016 (Phase I) Look at staff proposed projects Staff available to discuss and allocate projects Mon 6 June – Fri 17 June, 2016 (Phase II) List of choices to be submitted, if project not allocated yet After exam results are out If you have chosen projects for which you are ineligible, you may substitute these choices

24 Any Questions? ?

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