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Personal Fitness: Looking Good Feeling Good

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1 Personal Fitness: Looking Good Feeling Good
Chapter 6: Flexibility Personal Fitness: Looking Good Feeling Good

2 What is Flexibility? When most people think of flexibility they think of someone who is able to stretch really far. The actual definition of flexibility is the ability to move body joints through a full range of motion. Flexibility: the ability to move body joints through a full range of motion

3 What are joints Joint: the point at which two bones come together
Types of joints: pivot, hinge, ball-and-socket, gliding Basically any part of the body that can move by bending naturally is a joint.

4 Types of Joints Pivot joints Hinge joints Ball-and-socket joints
Allow a rotating motion Ex. Neck Hinge joints Allow a back and forth motion Ex. Elbow, knee Ball-and-socket joints Allow movement in multiple directions Ex. Shoulder, hip Gliding joints Allow bones to slide over one another Ex. Wrist, ankles

5 Types of joints Pivot Joint Hinge Joint Ball-and-Socket Joint
Gliding Joint

6 How is joint movement limited?
Muscle: meaty tissue that surrounds bones Ligament: strong fibrous tissue that attaches one bone to another Tendon: connective tissue that anchors the muscle to bone

7 A tendon connects muscle to bone

8 A ligament connects bone to bone

9 Why is Flexibility Important?
To prevent injuries Stretching lengthens muscles and tendons Joints can move further without injury Reduce post-exercise pain Stretching keeps blood from pooling Keeps your muscles from feeling stiff and tight Relieve emotional tension People stretch because it relaxes them Also stretch when sitting for long periods of time Prevent lower back pain 80% of people in the US suffer from back pain

10 Types of Stretching Static stretching: slowly moving the muscle to its stretching point and holding this position for seconds Ex. Touching your toes for 30 seconds Think static=still Cool down or warm-up Dynamic stretching: done in a continuous, slow, and controlled manner Ex. Frankensteins, leg swings Dynamic=in motion Warm-up

11 Types of stretching cont…
Ballistic stretching: involves bobbing, bouncing, or jerky movements that use the body’s momentum Ballistic stretching is NOT a safe way to stretch! PNF can be unsafe because your partner could stretch you too far

12 Adding Flexibility to Personal Fitness
Apply the principle of overload Safely stretch ligaments, muscles, and tendons farther than you normally do FIT (frequency, intensity, time spent stretching) Apply the principle of progression Gradually increase frequency, intensity, and time Apply the principle of specificity Stretching different parts of the body Ex. Soccer vs. baseball A soccer player would focus more on their legs than their arms because they mostly use their legs in their sport to run and kick. A baseball player uses their arms more, for throwing and catching so they would focus on stretching their arms more

13 Flexibility Precautions
Always make sure your muscles are warmed up before stretching 10-15min. Of cardio (brisk walking, jogging, etc.) Avoid ballistic stretching (Dynamic and static are the best way to increase flexibility in a personal fitness plan) Stretch opposing muscle groups equally Ex. Hamstrings and quads Prevent muscular imbalance by stretching opposing muscles

14 Testing Flexibility Sit-and-reach: test that measures flexibility of lower back and hamstrings Healthy Fitness Zones Males age  8in. Females age 14  10in. Females age  12in.

15 Examples of Safe static Stretches
Neck stretch Back stretches

16 Examples of safe static stretches
Triceps stretch Chest & Biceps stretch

17 Examples of safe static stretches
Quad stretch Hip flexor stretch Hamstring stretch Glute stretch

18 Examples of safe static stretches
Calf stretch Groin stretch

19 Examples of safe dynamic stretches
Leg swings Frankensteins Flamingos (Ballerinas)

20 Examples of safe dynamic stretches
Calf pumps Hip flexor with a twist As long as you keep it a controlled movement These stretches are safe as long as you do them in a controlled manner.

21 Unsafe Stretches Plow Sitting quad stretch
Puts a lot of stress on the neck and lower back Sitting quad stretch Puts stress on the knees

22 Unsafe stretches Hurdle stretch Deep knee bends
Bending a hinge joint in a direction it is not intended to move in Deep knee bends When stretching past the point where thighs are parallel to the ground, a lot of stress is put on knees

23 Unsafe stretches Four-count-toe touch Bobbing
A lot of rotational stress on the disks of the lower spine Bobbing Any bobbing, jerkiness, or uncontrolled swinging is considered ballistic stretching

24 Resource Williams, C., Harageones, E., Johnson, D., & Smith, C. (2005). Flexibility. In Personal Fitness: Looking Good Feeling Good (5th ed., pp ). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.


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