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Make New York Great Again

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1 Make New York Great Again
The New York State Constitution Convention Question We The People of New York, Inc.

Adopted 1777, ten months after the Declaration of Independence and ten years ahead of U.S Constitution No word is added or deleted except by vote of the People It is the voice of the People; it is the People speaking By its terms, the People structure and regulate the government, telling them what they can and cannot do and what they must do, all in the interest of securing our unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness Governs all elected and appointed officials in New York, far more so than does the U.S. Constitution which hardly ever comes into play in the day-to-day administration of the State We The People of New York, Inc.

Article I Bill of Rights Article II Suffrage (voting rights) Article III Legislature Article IV Executive Article V Officers and Civil Departments Article VI Judiciary Article VII State Finances Article VIII Local Finances Article IX Local Governments Article X Corporations (public and private) We The People of New York, Inc.

Article XI Education Article XII Defense Article XIII Public Officers Article XIV Conservation Article XV Canals Article XVI Taxation Article XVII Social Welfare Article XVIII Housing Article XIX Amendments To The Constitution (How to amend) Article XX When To Take Effect We The People of New York, Inc.

The State Legislature Can Place Its Proposed Revisions On a Statewide Ballot For a Vote By the People Anytime It Wants To The Delegates To a NY Constitutional Convention Can Place Their Proposed Revisions On a Statewide Ballot For a Vote By The People When The People Vote For a Constitutional Convention We The People of New York, Inc.

Whenever The Legislature Decides To Place The Question On The Ballot Every Twenty Years The Question Must Be Placed On The Ballot, Whether The Legislature Agrees Or Not We The People of New York, Inc.

7 THE QUESTION Article XIX mandates the following question be placed on the statewide ballot in November 2017: “Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?” We The People of New York, Inc.

8 We The People of New York, Inc.
THE QUESTION How will you vote? Here are some issues for your consideration We The People of New York, Inc.

9 We The People of New York, Inc.
WE HAVE PROBLEMS NYS Has Highest Tax Burden In The Nation NYS Has Worst Economic Outlook In The Nation Our NYS Government is Broken, Dirty and For Sale Our NYS Government Routinely Violates The State Constitution The NYS Judiciary is Politicized Our NYS Government Lacks Transparency and Accountability We The People of New York, Inc.

10 WE HAVE PROBLEMS (cont’d)
Our State budgets are adopted in violation of Articles III, IV and VII Public debt is incurred without voter approval in violation of Art. VII Corporate welfare is rampant in violation of Articles VII,VIII, X Legislative due process replaced by “three-men-in-a-room” and “message of necessity” in violation of Article III and Art. IV State laws affect property, affairs and government of less than all counties in violation of Article IX The Court of Appeals refuses to hear constitutional challenges in violation of Article VI We The People of New York, Inc.

Votes counted in violation of “public nature of elections” Provision for defense of the state violates Art. XII Federalizing Education in violation of U.S. Compact Clause State Laws Favor Public Over Private Education Principle of “frequent inculcation of fundamental values” and Civic Education Requirements of Section 801 of State Education Law are ignored We The People of New York, Inc.

12 WE HAVE PROBLEMS (cont’d)
Rule of Law is being replaced by the rule of whim The servants are taking over the house The Constitution is hanging by a thread We The People of New York, Inc.

13 We The People of New York, Inc.
SOLUTIONS The Electoral Process The Courts We The People of New York, Inc.

14 We The People of New York, Inc.
A THIRD SOLUTION “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness….” (Declaration of Independence- Preamble to NY Constitution. We The People of New York, Inc.

15 We The People of New York, Inc.
THE THIRD SOLUTION The People Can Legally Alter Their Government in New York By Changing The Language of Their New York Constitution We The People of New York, Inc.

First NYS Government/Constitution: 1777 Constitutional Conventions: 1821, 1846, 1894, 1938 Hundreds of Amendments Initiated By The Legislature We The People of New York, Inc.

17 We The People of New York, Inc.
Amendment Article XIX Sec. 1: Government’s Pathway to Change Sec. 2: People’s Pathway to Change Sec. 3: If Conflict, the People Prevail We The People of New York, Inc.

18 We The People of New York, Inc.
GOVERNMENT’S PATHWAY Legislature’s Proposed Amendment Goes to the Voters After Passing Two Successive legislative Sessions. 166 Government Initiated Amendments Since 1938 We The People of New York, Inc.

19 We The People of New York, Inc.
PEOPLE’S PATHWAY Constitution Convention Question Must be on the Statewide Ballot Every 20 Years or Whenever The Legislature Decides It Wants the Question on the Ballot We The People of New York, Inc.

20 PEOPLE’S PATHWAY (cont’d)
Nov. 2017: People Vote On The Question Nov. 2018: People Elect The Delegates April 2019: Delegates Begin Work . We The People of New York, Inc.

21 We The People of New York, Inc.
DELEGATES Adopt Convention Rules Are Paid What Assemblymen Are Paid Take As Much Time As They Need Decide How to Present Their Proposed Amendments to The People We The People of New York, Inc.

22 We The People of New York, Inc.
PEOPLE’S CHALLENGE Keep Government from Controlling Both Pathways Employees of government, political parties and lobbyists have no business being delegates at a Constitutional Convention, the purpose of which is to recommend changes to the Rule Book that regulates their behavior – the ultimate conflict of interest We The People of New York, Inc.

The People have a right to know, before they vote in Nov. 2017, that a “Yes” vote will NOT be a vote for a Convention that would be controlled by those in or close to government - the same people responsible for the problem. We The People of New York, Inc.

Needed Now: WTP-NY website to nominate and vet non-aligned citizen Candidates, 15 at- large and 3 from each of the 63 Senatorial Districts. 2017: Organize for “YES” vote 2018: Organize for Delegate Elections We The People of New York, Inc.

25 SHARE THE VISION Our Finest And Brightest Step Up to be Delegates
People Vote for the Convention in 2017 and Elect the Delegates in 2018. Delegates Propose Amendments to Limit Government and Restore the Rights, Freedoms and Liberties of the People The People Vote in Favor of the Amendments The People Enforce Obedience to the “New” Constitution As Liberty Gains Ground, Government Loses Ground Corruption and Dysfunction in NYS Government Cease People Prosper

26 SHARE THE VISION (cont’d)
Constitutional Protections are Restored Government Ethics, Transparency and Accountability Enhanced Government Power Limited To Its Least Essentials NY Regains Adherence To Natural Rights Philosophy Equal Rights For All And Special Privileges For None Lavish Spending, Lending And Taxes Cease We The People of New York, Inc.

27 SHARE THE VISION (cont’d)
Financial Advantages To Particular Classes And Industry Cease Specially Chartered Corporations For The Favored Few Cease Inflationary Prosperity Ends New York State is Stabilized and Prospers The Government and Society are Righted We The People of New York, Inc.

28 We The People of New York, Inc.
WHAT YOU CAN DO Volunteer to help organize your Senatorial District as part of statewide organization Nominate your best and brightest to serve as delegates Shame Those In Government from serving Educate Community We The People of New York, Inc.

29 WE THE PEOPLE OF NEW YORK, INC. We The People of New York, Inc.

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