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Welcome to the Sixth Form 2016 – th September 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Sixth Form 2016 – th September 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Sixth Form 2016 – 2017 6th September 2016
Presenters: J Cartwright J Briggs

2 This evening’s Aims Chenderit’s vision and whole school objectives
Governance Sixth form parent survey results Curriculum and reporting Attendance Homework and study time Careers and participation

3 Our Vision: To pursue excellence academically and in all other spheres of school life.
Whole school objectives: To improve the quality of Leadership and Management at all levels. To improve the quality of Teaching and Learning: Curriculum: by planning effective class and homework; by differentiating for all groups of students and by improving marking, assessment and feedback; Guidance: by planning effective tutorial programmes; by identifying potential underachievement early and putting in place interventions and by supporting students in self-assessment, action planning and developing good learning habits

4 To improve the quality of Behaviour for Learning:
Curriculum: by setting high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils and by managing behaviour effectively to ensure a good, respectful and safe learning environment for all; Guidance: by leading “support plans” for students whose negative behaviour is impacting on themselves and/or on others

5 Governance Governing boards are crucial to the success of our schools:
They set the strategic direction for a school They monitor progress against the strategy using high-level performance indicators that go much further than just exam results We have 1 vacancy for a school governor Contact Bev Martin (Clerk to the Governors, of you are interested)

6 Sixth Form parent survey 2015-2016
Overall strongly agree/agree 1. My child is happy at school 96% 2. My child feels safe at this school 100% 3. My child makes good progress at this school 86% 4. My child is well looked after at this school 5. My child is well taught at this school 88% 6. My child receives appropriate HW for their age 100 % 7. This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved 8. This school deals effectively with bullying 85% 9. This school is well led and managed 93% 10. This school responds well to any concerns I raise 82% 11. I receive valuable info about my child's progress Average % agree or strongly agree 92%

7 Sixth Form 2 year A Levels
Under the old system being phased out, AS-levels were studied in Year 12, with exams taken in May-June that were worth 50% of your overall A-level qualification. Under the new system being introduced, all A-level exams will take place at the end of Year 13, with no marks from AS-levels (if you take these) contributing to the overall final grade. Implications Focus on continual revision Focus on big final exams Focus on on-going assessment

8 Sixth Form Rights Responsibilities Good quality teaching
Regularly assessed work High quality feedback Co-curricular opportunities Information, advice and guidance Contact with staff Motivation Attendance Homework Participation Contact Support

9 IAG - Reporting Parent question How will I find out
Has my son / daughter settled in and are they making progress? Report - 7th November 2016 Y12 Subject Parents Evening – 17th November 2016 Y13 Subject Parents Evening - 6th December How do we start to think about next steps after Sixth Form? Post 18 Pathways Parents evening - 14th December 2016 Can you assess the progress they are making in each subject? Exams – 5th January 2017 What should we be doing about University applications? KS5 UCAS information evening - 25th January 2017 What do the exams tell us about my son / daughter’s progress? Report - 10th February 2017 Is progress continuing? Has my son / daughter understood how to manage their progress? Report - 24th March 2017 (Y12) Report - 31st March 2017 (Y13) Has my son / daughter made better than expected progress during the first year of Sixth Form? Exams - 19th June 2017

10 Contacting Staff Tutor
You will receive an from your son / daughter’s tutor in the next few days. Please do reply to establish contact. Absence / concerns / progress Subject staff Subject specific progress Sixth Form Team

11 Attendance Students are expected to attend all day every day. 95%+ attendance is an expectation of studying at Chenderit. You will be contacted if attendance drops or if absence is not authorised in advance. Students may not leave school during study periods Education is a priority Please ensure other activities are scheduled at other times. Driving lessons, dental appointments, holidays etc.

12 homework Students are expected to do 5 hours of homework per subject per week. Where a course is taught by more than one teacher, homework set will be divided appropriately between teachers. All homework tasks set should be recorded in planners each week. Each week homework should include the opportunity to do the following: Consolidate, organise and condense class notes Redo and improve upon previously assessed work Research new knowledge and prepare for upcoming lessons Rehearse skills acquired in lessons to establish mastery Develop independent learning skills – independent enquiry, reflection, collaboration, organisation and target setting. Please don’t ask ‘have you done homework’. Please ask ‘can I see your homework plan for this week’.

13 homework Homework must be planned by students each week into sub-tasks. Sub-tasks should not take longer than 30 minutes each. They will probably need a lot of help planning at first. To help organisation each subject has its own deadline day each week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Block A: Art Sports Studies Spanish Music Psychology Government and Politics Block B: Physics German French Sociology Theatre Studies History English Lit Health & Social Care Block C: Chemistry Business Media Philosophy Maths (retake) Block D: Maths Geography Product Design English Lit/ Lang Food Technology RE Block E: Biology Photography English (retake)

14 DST Y12 students have 2 DST lessons per week Plan homework Do homework
Time management and organisational skills will be monitored and developed with support of teachers Do homework Every student will bring written work to do in these supervised sessions

15 epq What is an EPQ? An EPQ is worth valuable UCAS points
EPQ stands for Extended Project Qualification, which is an additional qualification you can take alongside your A Levels. It helps to develop research skills, time management and a whole host of other skills that could be very useful at university. An EPQ consists of a 5000-word report on a subject of your choice and a presentation on both the planning and project management of your EPQ, as well as the content of your report. An EPQ is worth valuable UCAS points It develops useful skills that Universities value It lets you study your own interests

16 Careers Aspirations Speakers Websites Trips Work Experience
Trips Work Experience

17 Support learning Revision Wider reading Discussion General knowledge
Going out Paid work and other commitments

18 Reports and Meetings Reports Exams Parents evenings IAG
7th November 2016 10th February 2017 24th March 2017 (Y12) 31st March 2017 (Y13) 20th July 2017 (Y12) Exams 5th January 2017 – 13th January 2017 19th June 2017 – 23rd June 2017 Parents evenings 17th November Y12 Subject Parents Evening 6th December Y13 Subject Parents Evening IAG 14th December Post 18 Pathways Parents evening 25th January KS5 UCAS information evening

19 Participation Debate Musical Theatre Sport Trips Sixth Form Committee
Mentoring Reading Volunteering

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