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A look at hurricane force extratropical cyclones

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1 A look at hurricane force extratropical cyclones
Joseph M. Sienkiewicz NOAA/NWS/NCEP Ocean Prediction Center Michael J. Brennan NOAA/NWS/NCEP Hydrometeorological Prediction Center Cadet 1/c Shea G. Winterberger U.S. Coast Guard Academy Outline 7 yr. QuikSCAT climatology forecast performance 12 km WRF results food for thought Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

2 Hurricane Force Extratropical Cyclone
kts Intense, non-tropical cyclones with hurricane force winds Feb 09, 2007, North Atlantic Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

3 Preliminary Aircraft Comparison – GPS dropsondes
kts Wind Speed (Knots) Before QuikSCAT, hurricane force intensity extratropical cyclones were rarely observed, certainly with little consistency as forecasters relied only on conventional observations from ships of opportunity and buoys. With QuikSCAT, the OPC and NWS started issuing hurricane force wind warnings. NOAA P-3 based observations from SFMR and GPS dropsondes are shown in the form of wind barbs overlaid upon the concurrent QuikSCAT pass of ocean surface vector winds. Although these results are very preliminary there indeed is agreement between the three sources of wind. February, 9th 2007 Coincident QuikSCAT and aircraft wind measurement reveals HF winds in an extratropical storm in the North Atlantic Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

4 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
Extratropical Cyclones with Hurricane Force Winds Detected using QuikSCAT Hurricane Force Warning Initiated Dec 2000 Detection increased with: Forecaster familiarity Data availability Improved resolution Improved algorithm Improved wind algorithm and rain flag Oct 06 WARNING CATEGORIES Pre- QSCAT 1. GALE kt 2. STORM >48 QSCAT ERA 2. STORM kt 3. HURCN FORCE > 64 kt 12.5 km QuikSCAT available May 04 25 km QuikSCAT Available in N-AWIPS Oct 01 Hurricane Force Wind Warning Initiated Dec 00 A paper by Von Ahn et al, 2006 demonstrated that QuikSCAT’s impact on OPC operations was most significant for higher wind warning categories of STORM (48 to 63 knots) and HURRICANE FORCE (64 knots and greater). With the loss of QuikSCAT capability, in all likelihood the number of routine GALE events will increase and then number of STORM and HURRICANE FORCE will decrease. Draft Report by Haute Kite-Powell, Feb 2008: “Benefits to Maritime Commerce from Ocean Surface Vector Wind Observations and Forecasts” – Ocean Surface Vector Winds and Maritime Commerce. 244 235 QuikSCAT Launch Jun 99 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008 4

5 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
Climatology Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

6 Geographic distribution of cyclones with winds of HF intensity
Major Shipping Routes North Atlantic The geographic distribution of all cyclone centers that contained hurricane force conditions for the north Atlantic basin. Peak activity was found to occur northeast of Newfoundland centered on 53N and 46W with a maxima of activity stretching toward Iceland. A second maximum was observed south of Nova Scotia. The domain extended from the coast of North America to the Prime Meridian. Geographic distribution of cyclones with winds of HF intensity Sep-May 7 yr average number of extratropical cyclones observed (contoured) with hurricane force winds for the years Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

7 Geographic distribution of cyclones with winds of HF intensity
Major Shipping Routes North Pacific As in the previous figure except for the Pacific basin. Peak activity was observed over the western portion of the basin with a smaller maximum at 172 degrees west and an even smaller peak east of 160 degrees west longitude. Geographic distribution of cyclones with winds of HF intensity Sep-May 7 yr average number of extratropical cyclones observed (contoured) with hurricane force winds for the years Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

8 Cyclone Forecast skill
Pacific Atlantic 48.0 96.0 N MSLPE MPE All Cyclones 700.0 0.7 124.4 222.7 528.0 0.1 126.4 -0.5 207.8 Hurcn Force 41.0 -1.1 102.3 -5.5 225.2 -0.7 82.4 -3.3 184.2 734.0 1.7 152.9 0.8 248.0 601.0 0.0 119.5 214.3 33.0 -3.9 126.5 -11.8 197.2 52.0 -1.8 115.2 -5.4 216.9 MSLPE – Mean Sea-Level Pressure Error (hPa) MPE – Mean Position Error (nmi) Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

9 Hurricane Force Warning - Forecast skill
Pacific Atlantic POD FAR 48hr 0.51 0.40 0.68 0.03 96hr 0.24 0.52 0.37 0.29 0.36 0.45 0.15 0.55 0.31 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

10 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
Workstation WRF 7 Hurricane Force cases -ARW core version 2.1.2 -operational GFS forecasts for initial and lateral boundary conditions -1/12th degree RTG SST analysis (NCEP/MMB) -Kain-Fritsch convective parameterization scheme -Lin et. al microphysics -YSU PBL scheme -MM5 surface layer physics -RRTM long wave and Dudhia short wave radiation ARW Core Max 10 m Winds (knots) Atlantic GFS WRF12 WRF Gust 7-Dec-05 62 59 76 9-Feb-07 78 77 93 10-Feb-07 70 72 85 9-Mar-08 67 Pacific 22-Dec-07 64 11-Feb-08 69 83 14-Feb-08 66 81 1 Atlantic non-Hurricane Force case Dec 25, 2007 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

11 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
Onset of Hurricane Force winds preceded by development of intense bent back front WRF 1800 UTC Feb 11, 2008 F008 VT 0200 UTC Feb 12,2008 925 hPa theta gradient 10 m isotachs 65, 50, 35 kt Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

12 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
WRF 1200 UTC Mar 09, 2008 F008 VT 0000 UTC Mar 10,2008 A B kts PMSL 10 m wind speeds Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

13 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
WRF 1200 UTC Mar 09, 2008 F008 VT 0000 UTC Mar 10,2008 A B A 925 hPa theta-e gradient PMSL Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

14 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
WRF 1200 UTC Mar 09, 2008 F008 VT 0000 UTC Mar 10,2008 A B Theta-e Theta-e gradient Isotachs Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

15 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
WRF 1200 UTC Mar 09, 2008 F008 VT 0000 UTC Mar 10,2008 A B Omega Ageostrophic Circulation Isotachs Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

16 Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008
Food for thought Potential Mechanism for momentum transfer? Coupling of synoptic-scale and thermally direct frontal circulation? Predictability Atlantic vs. Pacific? Forecast improvement Sensitivity to resolution Ensemble approach or higher res deterministic? Future probabilistic approach Cyclone Workshop, Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada Sep 21-26, 2008

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