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Bilal A. Siddiqui (DSU) Sami El-Ferik (KFUPM) M. Abdelkader (KAUST)

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Presentation on theme: "Bilal A. Siddiqui (DSU) Sami El-Ferik (KFUPM) M. Abdelkader (KAUST)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bilal A. Siddiqui (DSU) Sami El-Ferik (KFUPM) M. Abdelkader (KAUST)
ThM21.5 Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control Bilal A. Siddiqui (DSU) Sami El-Ferik (KFUPM) M. Abdelkader (KAUST) June 23, 2016 6th Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC2016)

2 Outline Introduction Problem Statement
Fault Tolerant Control Algorithm System Modeling Simulation Results Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

3 Flight Control Robust to Faults/Uncertainties
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Flight Control Robust to Faults/Uncertainties Aircraft can suffer fatal loss due to Structural damage Sensor malfunctioning Severe Weather Conditions Untuned Controller due to change in aircraft dynamics Two approaches for Fault Tolerant FCS Robust control (SMC) Reconfigurable control (Identification based MPC) Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

4 Fault Tolerant FCS Literature
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Fault Tolerant FCS Literature Multiple model-based adaptive estimation and control [Maybeck 1991]. Model reference adaptive control based on RLS parameter identification [Shore 2005]. Model predictive control (MPC) [Kale 2004]. Multi-model fault detection and optimal control allocation [Urnes 1990]. Sliding Mode Control (SMC) based control allocation [Edwards 2010] Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

5 Problem Statement Nonlinear Dynamics of Aircraft
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Problem Statement Nonlinear Dynamics of Aircraft Physical Constraints on Under-actuated System For applying multi-variable SMC, consider a square subset of the output space ,such that the remaining outputs are stable The above requirement is not conservative if y­2(t) can be stabilized as it is common in aerospace cascaded autopilot design. A slower outer loop for controlling y2(t) which produces virtual commands in terms of y1(t) can serve as the desired trajectory for a faster inner loop controlling y1(t). In such a case, the loops have to obey some time scale separation. Modelling uncertainty, fault, disturbance etc Measurement Noise Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

6 Proposed Fault Tolerant Algorithm
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Proposed Fault Tolerant Algorithm Model Identification Nominal Model Model Predictive Control (Outer Loop) Sliding Mode Control (Inner Loop) Aircraft Dynamics Actuators Denoising Filters Sensors Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

7 Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion System Modeling Aircraft model used is the nonlinear model of an F-16, based on extensive wind-tunnel tests, represented in polynomial form using global nonlinear parametric modelling based on orthogonal functions. Control limits Inertial Measurement Unit for linear accelerations, 3σ = 0.06 g, Gyro measurements for Euler’s angles, 3σ = 0.35°, Air Data Probe providing measurements of angles of attack and sideslip, 3σ = 0.15° and forward speed, 3σ=0.1m/s. For angular rates, we assumed military grade sensors providing 3σ = 1°/hr [25]. The sensor noise was simulated as band-limited white noise with correlation time Tc=10.5ms (much smaller than the system bandwidth). The aircraft is flying level initially at a pitch angle of 10°, at a speed of 160 kts and an altitude of 6km. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

8 System Modeling Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement
SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion System Modeling Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

9 Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Nominal Model We will assume that the aerodynamic coefficients are known with an accuracy of 20% only. This uncertainty may be because of structural damage, as it is ‘big’ enough to cater for quite off nominal conditions Table 2 Best Estimates of Parametric Values Param. % Error in Estimate Value (% of nominal values) xy x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ay -20.1 0.5 11.7 -5.3 -8.9 10.7 -4.4 ---- by 9.4 2.5 1.5 -8.6 6.7 cy -8.1 4.2 0.7 dy -2.7 3.5 1.3 -6.2 ey 12.7 6.3 -0.2 fy -1.4 -7.0 2.6 -5.9 4.1 -0.1 gy -3.5 3.9 -1.5 17.8 hy -2.9 -19.9 -8.2 8.7 9.9 -7.2 -5.8 iy -2.2 -0.7 0.4 jy 2.3 16.2 -6.7 5.8 -4.3 ky -4.0 -4.2 4.4 0.2 11.4 -2.4 -7.8 ly 8.0 -10.7 -11.6 -14.6 3.7 -7.7 my -11.2 8.1 -10.5 -11.9 6.1 6.8 6.2 9.1 ny -3.3 -0.4 -2.1 4.9 0.1 oy 2.2 -9.0 -2.5 0.9 3.4 py 18.5 -17.5 0.6 5.6 8.5 qy 9.2 -4.6 -3.7 ry -7.5 -7.3 r9,10 7.8 -3.8 sy -4.9 -1.1 Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

10 Deadzone for chattering
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Inner Loop SMC The inner loop represents the controller for tracking virtual commands in angular rates y1=[p,q,r] produced by the outer loop. We define the sliding surfaces as Deadzone for chattering Command Filter Kp=Kr=0.4 and Kq=4 Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

11 Equivalent Control Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement
SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Equivalent Control Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

12 Close-Loop System Identification
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Close-Loop System Identification For MPC in outer loop, we must have a prediction model for the inner loop closed loop plant. While the relationship between Euler angles <φ,θ,ψ>ε y1 and body angular rates <p,q,r>∈y1 is a well known nonlinear kinematic relation , the relation with flow angles <α,β>∈y2 depends on the vehicle’s aerodynamics. Aircraft is persistently excited with PRBS inputs (pd,qd,rd). Using the N4SID (Numerical Algorithms for Subspace State-Space System Identification) method, two discrete state-space models were identified (θ0=α0=10°), one for longitudinal mode, and another for lateral Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

13 Close-Loop System Identification-2
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Close-Loop System Identification-2 Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

14 Outer Loop MPC Controller
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Outer Loop MPC Controller Even though the models identified are valid in the vicinity of the initial conditions, due to the inherent robustness of MPC, the models were seen to be adequate for the flight envelope, even for aggressive maneuvers. The constraints placed on manipulated variables are |y1,d|≤60°/s. Output variables were constrained at -10° ≤(α-α­0)≤35° and |β| ≤ 5°. Weights on the inputs were Rc=1 for each input, while the weights on outputs were 10 on each of φ and β, 50 for θ, 20 for α Prediction horizon was 1 sec, and the control horizon was sec for both long/lat controllers. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

15 Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Simulation Results Several simulations were performed to show robustness and fault tolerance in the event of parametric uncertainty measurement noise severe wind turbulence strong gusts actuator/sensor faults Very aggressive combat-like maneuvers were considered. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

16 Simulation 1 – Air Combat Maneuver with Parametric Uncertainty
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Simulation 1 – Air Combat Maneuver with Parametric Uncertainty Minute long air- combat-maneuvre (ACM) involving 40° banking reversals followed by a pitch- up to 45°, typical of dog-fights, showing robustness to parametric uncertainty and measurement noise. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

17 Simulation 2 – Severe Turbulence
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Simulation 2 – Severe Turbulence Bank to bank reversals in severe wind turbulence of 3σ = 35 knots as specified in (MIL-F-8785C ) standards Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

18 Simulation 3 – Severe Cross-Wind and Gusts
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Simulation 3 – Severe Cross-Wind and Gusts FAR.25 specifications for cross-wind and gust tolerance are 25 knots We consider severe gusts of 30 knots in horizontal and vertical direction and a severe cross wind of 50 knots during the 45° pitch- up maneuver. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

19 Simulation 4 – Sensor Fault
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Simulation 4 – Sensor Fault Pitot-system for measuring airspeed often malfunctions, and is responsible for some major air disasters. Effect of pitot blockage is simulated by fixing sensor readings α=10° and β=0°, altitude reading to be fixed at 6km and airspeed indicator to read a constant airspeed of 70 knots which is much below the stall speed (110 knots), and 40% of the actual speed (160 knots), which are typical results of pitot blockage Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

20 Simulation 5 – Control Surface Loss
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Simulation 5 – Control Surface Loss The level of fault tolerance is inversely proportional to the usage of the control surface for that maneuver in the healthy aircraft’s case. A 50% loss of control surface area of all three surfaces, i.e. elevator, rudder and aileron is considered. ACM task was achieved with the same performance as the undamaged case. Actuators were saturated for longer periods, which suggest that instability may occur if more aggressive maneuvers, particularly in severe gusts and turbulence are attempted. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

21 Thankyou Thankyou. You are welcome to question.
Introduction Literature Review Problem Statement SMC-MPC Algorithm System Modeling Simulations Conclusion Thankyou Thankyou. You are welcome to question. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-based Predictive Control SSSC’16

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