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The PADME experiment Seminar – Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
The PADME Collaboration is: INFN Roma, INFN Frascati, INFN Lecce MTA Atomki Debrecen, University of Sofia, Cornell University © Lucasfilm Ltd. Seminar – Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente – INFN Roma
Introduction and outline
A (short) physics preamble The requirements for the PADME experiment and beam The status of the experiment construction The program of physics runs Some idea for the future 1 In less than 1 hour Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
The dark matter problem
Original drawing by Stacy McGaugh (1995) Astrophysics Particle physics Particle physics is not the only possible solution: Modify gravity Several hypothesized solutions Roots are the empirical observations 2 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Why a hidden sector? Without modifying the SM structure: U(1)Y+SU(2)L+SU(3)C Dark matter can’t be strong interacting (scattering cross section too high) Cannot be electrically charged, otherwise it would not be dark! It can be weakly interacting and massive The WIMP has all the characteristics needed to solve the dark matter problem Strong constraints from the LHC and direct searches at masses up to 1TeV One notable exception: the DAMA-LIBRA experiment What about introducing a new force? A mediator particle, very weekly interacting with SM particles, connecting the dark matter sector It can be light… where direct detection gets into trouble mc=100 GeV,gc=0.6, Wc = 0.1 Standard Model SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1) portal Dark Sector ? Vector (dark photon) 3 Scalar (dark Higgs) Fermion (sterile or heavy neutrino) Axion or axion-like particles Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Dark photon The simplest hidden sector model just introduces one extra U(1) gauge symmetry and a corresponding gauge boson: the “dark photon" or U boson or heavy photon (g’ or A’) An extra U(1) symmetry implied in many Standard Model extensions, some classes of string theory, etc. Two types of interactions with SM particles should be considered 1. As in QED, generates interactions of the type: Not all the SM particles need to be charged under this new symmetry In the most general case qf is different in between leptons and quarks and can even be 0 for quarks [P. Fayet, Phys. Lett. B 675, 267 (2009).] 2. Couples to SM hypercharge through kinetic mixing operator, acquiring a (small) SM charge: ½ eFYmnF ’mn ; F ’mn=∂mA’n Am Am + eam ; a’ = e2a Dark Sector Z’? Dark fermions c ? y ? A’ ? h’? Standard Model g A’ ee e 4 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
A dark matter messenger
radiopure NaI (Tl) Nuclear recoil by the exchange of a dark photon Independent of c mass value Dark Matter scattering on nuclei A’ 5 Dark Matter annihilation… … naturally lepto-philic Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
6 Muon g-2 SM discrepancy A strong, but not the only motivation
g-2 in the Standard Model A’ 3s Discrepancy between theory and experiment (3.6s, if taking into account only e+ e- hadrons) Additional diagram with dark photon exchange can fix the discrepancy (with sub GeV A’ masses) Contribution to g-2 from dark photon 6 A strong, but not the only motivation Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Status of dark photon searches
“Visible” final states ( A’ l+l- ) A’-strahlung: e- dumps thin target: bump hunt, displaced vertices e+e- A’g p0,h A’g _ “Invisible” final states (A’ cc ) A’-strahlung: Missing energy e+e- A’g , A’ cc Mono-photon events in e+e- colliders Fixed-target annihilations 7 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
8 A fifth force? 8Be 18.2 1+ 17.6 1+ 3.0 2+ 0+ Mar. 14th, 2017
T=0 Ep= 1030 keV Excitation with the 7Li(p,γ)8Be reaction 17.6 1+ T=1 Ep= 441 keV De-excitation via Internal pair creation 3.0 2+ 0+ 8 8Be The highest possible radiative transitions Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
9 A 16.6 MeV boson? Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Electron spectrometer MWPC + scintillators On resonance Off resonance Ep=1.04 MeV Ep=1.10 MeV Ep=0.8 MeV 9 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Proto-phobic vector boson
6.8s excess, interpred as a new (vector is favored) boson Not compatible with present limits: too high coupling unless… A. Krasznahorkay et al., “Observation of Anomalous Internal Pair Creation in 8Be: A Possible Indication of a Light, Neutral Boson”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, (2016) J. Feng et al., “Protophobic Fifth Force Interpretation of the Observed Anomaly in 8Be Nuclear Transitions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, (2016) 8Be 10 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
More on dark sectors Dark Sectors, SLAC, Apr. 2016 A comprehensive review can be found in the final report of “Dark Sectors ”: J. Alexander et al., arXiv: [hep-ph] 11 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
PADME proposal B. Wojtsekhowski proposed to use e+ e- annihilations for searching the dark photon in the missing mass spectrum The idea was to use the circulating e+ beam in a storage ring, striking an internal target and detecting the recoil photon I. Rachek is leading the effort for realizing this at VEPP-3 Alternatively, use a positron beam onto an external target M. Raggi, V. Kozhuharov and P. Valente: Exploit the Frascati beam-test facility (BTF) extracted positrons Use a thin, solid target Preliminary design of the experiment and sensitivity estimate in 2014, experiment approval Sep. 2015, funding Messina workshop, Oct. 2016 12 Adv. High Energy Phys. 2014:959802 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
13 The PADME concept The missing mass technique has two key elements:
The positron beam: we should know The positron annihilation point The positron momentum vector The detector: we should measure The photon momentum vector (0 , pg) (me , 0) (me , pe+) A third basic element (relating beam and detector): Which target material & thickness vs. beam intensity 13 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
The PADME concept Which target material & thickness vs. beam intensity Material choice Low Z: annihilation/Bremsstrahlung ratio gets worse with 1/Z H2 (or He) gas calls for a long target due to low density (impacting on the annihilation position resolution) Pure Li, B thin targets not practical Our choice is Carbon, in the form of polycrystalline detector Thickness Given the A’ production cross section, the compromise is luminosity vs. pile-up in the photon detector Cross section also depends on the beam energy as well as A’ mass 14 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Positron beam intensity vs. quality
Beam requirements referring 100 μm Carbon target, 550 MeV e+ Highest possible repetition rate 49 Hz, with dedicated LINAC From missing mass resolution: Momentum spread <1% Divergence <1 mrad Spot <1 mm (σ) From pile-up probability vs. luminosity: 5000 e+/40 ns (limited by LINAC gun pulsing system, see further) A longer pulse duration allows increasing the number of positrons/pulse, and also requires dedicated LINAC (see further) >1013 eot Positron extracted in the BTF beam-line, can be produced either in the LINAC (positron converter) or striking primary electrons onto the BTF target Good beam quality (already extracting e+ beam in air) 15 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
16 DAΦNE and BTF LINAC BTF 220 MeV e- 550 MeV e+ 750 MeV e-
Damping Ring BTF transfer line Positron converter 220 MeV e- 550 MeV e+ transfer line LINAC 750 MeV e- BTF target transfer line 10 m 16 To the DAΦNE main rings Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
BTF upgrade & PADME: layout
LINAC pulse width extension
Injection for DAΦNE operation requires short pulses (<10 ns) Power supply generating pulses to the gun in the 1.5–40 ns range New pulser for LINAC gun Extends to the range ns Installed and commissioned, operational since September 2016 But the electron current from the thermo-ionic gun has to be bunched and accelerated in the LINAC sections The limiting factor in the accelerated beam pulse length comes from the falling off of the accelerating voltage due to the RF power compression (SLED device) used for reaching higher gradients 18 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
19 LINAC RF Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Radio-frequency power is flat at the klystron output (over 4.5 μs) SLED compresses the RF into a sharp (and approximately ×4 higher) peak Optimize buncher, focussing, RF power & phases of the four stations, and timing, to compensate head-tail effects with longer pulses 19 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
LINAC pulse width extension
BCM BCM BCM BCM 250 ns Still optimization work to be done Expect to run at 160 ns (at least) in 2018 20 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
21 The diamond target Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Given the number of positrons, mm of Carbon Given the beam spot size and shape, at least cm2 area 20×20 mm2, 50 μm detector tested on beam 16 strips per side, 1 mm pitch is the baseline design Resolution adequate for monitoring beam spot Digitized strips signals 21 Center of gravity Average position Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
22 The diamond target Readout board Vacuum vessel test Mar. 14th, 2017
Both graphite and metallic strips targets ready Both 50 and 100 μm samples available Readout electronics ready Mechanics and motorized system ready (vacuum tests on-going) 22 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
23 Magnet MBP-S series, on loan from CERN
Adjustable gap by adding/removing iron insets Many thanks to TE-MSC-MNC, R. Lopez, D. Tommasini Shipped to Frascati in Dec. 2015 Magnetic field mapping completed Pole Coils Pole 23 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Angular coverage vs. missing mass resolution
d1 d2 The target position determines the angular acceptance, given the magnet gap (fixed to the maximum, h=230 mm) Target not too inside the magnet poles, due to the fringe field in the coils region Calorimeter lateral dimensions depend on the distance from the target: distance diameter cost BTF experimental hall size limits the maximum distance to 4-5 m On the other side, given the granularity, the calorimeter distance cannot be too small in order not to spoil the missing mass resolution 24 Calorimeter material choice is crucial Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Fighting the background
Backgrounds: one photon + something else (not a dark photon...) going undetected: recoil γ recoil γ recoil γ e+ e+ e+ e+ e- γ e- γ γ Bremsstrahlung ≈Z2 γγ process, ≈Z 3γ process, ≈Z Veto detectors (see further), for detecting the irradiating positron Hole in the center of the calorimeter (very high rate at small angles) Signature: >1 cluster in the calorimeter Try to keep the fraction of lost photons as low as possible (below few per-mils) Angular coverage of calorimeter at least of Δθ=100 mrad (taking into account edges for building at least a 3×3 cluster) 25 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
26 Calorimeter g e+ The two basic requirements of the calorimeter:
1. Measure Eγ and θγ Good energy resolution: 1-2%/√E[GeV]) High Photo-statistics Containment Good angular resolution: ≈1 mrad 2. Fight pile-up Sub-ns timing resolution g Moliére radius granularity Moliére radius material Material radiation length volume cost Material light yield energy and time resolution (+ photo-sensor) e+ Target Light yield + compactness practically limit the choice to: LYSO (RM=2.07 cm) BGO (RM=2.23 cm) 26 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
27 Calorimeter Not less than 1.5M, but… Our compromise:
Assume 20×20 mm2 cells At least 200 mm length Our compromise: Target to magnet iron = 200 mm Maximum angle = 83 mrad Target-calorimeter distance = 3 m Calorimeter diameter 3000* cells = 560 mm Inner hole = 5×5 cells Total of 616 crystals (LYSO or BGO) = 50k cm3 LYSO BGO Not less than 1.5M, but… Thanks to L3 collaboration, prof. S. Ting and INFN management we had access to L3 BGO crystals (one end-cap) 27 INFN Rome team during the construction of the L3 calorimeter Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
28 Calorimeter status Mar. 14th, 2017 HZC XP1911 19 mm PMT
5×5 prototype: energy resolution 2.3% at 1 GeV 650×, tender assigned HV supply: tender assigned Crystals preparation completed Extracted from L3 barrel High-temperature annealing Traveling to Italy on March 23th Machining, gluing and painting: tender assigned Mechanical structure and assembly procedure being finalized 28 Waveform digitizers: tender assigned 1 – 5 GS/s 896 channels Calorimeter + Veto detectors + Target Mar. 14th, 2017
29 Veto detectors Time resolution better than 500 ps
Momentum resolution of few % based on impact position Efficiency better than 99.5% for MIPs Low energy part inside the magnet gap High energy part close to not interacting beam 29 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
30 Veto detectors 10×10x180 mm3 scintillator
All scintillator bars delivered Design of the mechanics ready Prototype of the assembly ready Prototype electronics prototype ready Test-beam in April Read-out by same digitizing system as calorimeter 30 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
31 Vacuum vessel Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente Low energy e+ veto
High energy e+ veto Low energy e+ veto Not interacting e+ window Secondary vacuum (not UHV) Design dictated by: Magnet constraints Calorimeter distance Veto detectors positioning Target region also acting as interface to the beam-line Target region 31 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Background: Bremsstrahlung
The dominant background: tag with e+ veto The scintillating bars e+ veto does not work for very soft Bremsstrahlung Too close to the beam spot Too high rate per single bunch A high-resolution detector in the beam spot can improve the rejection of residual background with M2miss ≈ Ebeam Spot enlarged by beam energy spread and divergence: 3×10 cm2 active area (<104 e+/cm2) Silicon pixels with Timepix readout under evaluation 32 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
High energy positron/beam detector
Monte Carlo simulation: 2xN array of TimePix (Silicon pixel sensors+readout) in vacuum Directly placed in the beam (5000 particles in 40ns) Single bunch in TimePix array simulation Average 1 e+/bunch/fired pixel Expect very precise measurement of Ne+ 33 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Background: 2 and 3 photons
The probability of losing 1 or 2 photons (given the first cluster) critically depends on the cluster definition and calorimeter angular acceptance Recoil γ definition: 10 MeV < E < 400 MeV 30 mrad < θ < 65 mrad ΥΥ events 1+2 2+3 1+2+3 Lost Region 1: θ < 20 mrad Region 2: 20 < θ < 75 mrad Where is the cluster without and with recoil photon selection Region 3: 75 < θ < 100 mrad Lost: θ >100 mrad 3Υ events 1+2 2+3 1+2+3 Lost Need for a veto detector covering the calorimeter hole: Fast (pile-up translates in over-veto) Moderate energy resolution 34 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
35 Small angle detector Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente First tests:
Hamamatsu R9880U-110 First tests: SF-57 lead-glass bar, 20×20×200 mm3, n=1.8467 Wrapped in Teflon no optical coupling Hamamatsu R9880U-110, operated at 950V (gain~1.5x106) Readout with CAEN V1742 digitizer set to 5 GS/s Interesting alternative: PbF2: extended transparency at shorter wave- lenghts (higher Cherenkov yield) 150 ns long pulses 700 ps signal width 2.5 ns double peak separation 0.1 p.e./MeV 35 Final choice of PMT according to crystal size: 49 cells 2×2 cm2 or 25 cells 3×3 cm2 Hamamatsu R UV Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Beam pulse time structure
BCM4 SF-57 + R9880-U110 36 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Background summary e+N→e+Ng e+e-→ gg(g) Pile up Pile up contribution is important but can be efficiently rejected by cuts on maximum cluster energy and M2Miss Veto inefficiency at high missing mass when pe+≃ pe+beam Additional positron veto detector can help rejecting residual background Rejection of 2 and 3 photons backgrounds depend on the cluster definition and on the topology cuts The main driver of the angular coverage choice 37 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
38 Sensitivity Candidate Signal selection (simple and robust cuts)
Just one cluster in the calorimeter 30 mrad < θCl < 65 mrad Emin(MA’) < ECl < Emax(MA’) No track in the positron veto within ±2 ns No cluster in small angle detector with E>50 MeV within ±2ns Missing mass in the region: MA’ ± σMmiss(MA’) Monte Carlo simulation extrapolated to 1x1013 positrons on target Using N(A’g)=s(NBkg) With very simple cuts, far from no-background sensitivity (improvements are possible) Cross-section enhancement due to A’ mass 38 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Hand-shaking with DAFNE collisions
Running program Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Procurement Construction Installation 2017 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commissioning Physics Run 1 DAFNE collisions Run 1 2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hand-shaking with DAFNE collisions 2019 39 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente Galactic Standard Calendar
Limits on ALPs coupling to photons
Axion-like particles Limits on ALPs coupling to photons Primakoff PADME can search for long-living ALPs by looking for 1 g + M2miss final states In the visible final state agg all production mechanisms can be exploited, extending the mass range in the region of ≈100MeV The observables at PADME will be: egg or ggg g-2 arXiv: v2 Bremsstrahlung arXiv: ALP decay to photons ALP contribution to (g-2) + Annihilation 40 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Background to ALPs searches
Invariant gg mass for all events collected by calorimeter (2×1010 e+ events) with two in-time clusters Even without any selection cut PADME will be background free for masses > 50MeV Main background e+e-→gg, e+e-→gg(g) has a kinematic limit at Mgg =24 MeV Background at higher masses is due to overlapping photons from different Bremsstrahlung interactions. Can be suppressed by using the veto detector 41 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
42 Some disordered idea With practically the same configuration:
Scan different energies If an effect is found, positron beam can be swept across the production threshold Search for the proto-phobic boson at threshold Used different targets Optimize production with respect to target thickness and material E.g.: jet-target with H2 Search for visible decays Use electron and positron veto detectors inside the magnetic field as spectrometer Studies of expected performance (resolution, background rejection, etc.) needed Try to use the same dataset as invisible search Running with e- beam: Check systematics: Reverse the magnetic field, same configuration with opposite charge, to cross-check backgrounds Search for ALPS (egg and ggg final states) Run in dump mode Thick target, high Z Look for visible decays 42 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
43 Some disordered idea With some modification to the LINAC:
Run at threshold for proto-phobic boson production: 17 MeV ≅ √(2me×280 MeV) Frascati LINAC possibly used without SLED compression: in principle up to 4 ms long positron pulses: up to 20× increase in statistics Needs some modification to PADME readout and DAQ Building a new beam-line: Use DAFNE positron ring as a beam stretcher Get up to 0.4 ms long pulses at 510 MeV, up to 2000× increase in statistics Needs an extraction septum + magnetic line Probably needs a completely new readout and DAQ system 43 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Outlook A compelling physics case, but with a definite window of opportunity Proposal in 2014, INFN approval in 2015 Since then, quickly progressing Official start of physics run: April 2018 Almost all components available or ordered Construction to be completed by the Fall 2017 Installation by the end of the year Aim at covering the (g-2)m band in 6 months data taking Estimating sensitivity for other physics cases: Fifth force and proto-phobic X boson ALPs More running in 2019 and beyond desirable for: Improving sensitivity Extending the physics program More ideas for longer term future 44 Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
Collaboratori cercasi
Si promette molto lavoro … … ma il divertimento è assicurato! Ulteriori informazioni: Mar. 14th, 2017 Paolo Valente
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