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Welcome to 5D We will begin shortly. Please make sure that you have signed up for a conference and any volunteer opportunities that interest you. Also,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5D We will begin shortly. Please make sure that you have signed up for a conference and any volunteer opportunities that interest you. Also,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5D We will begin shortly. Please make sure that you have signed up for a conference and any volunteer opportunities that interest you. Also, please pick up a schedule and Study Island packet. Thank you!

2 Daily Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00-9:10
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00-9:10 Check In 9:10-10:20 Math 10:20-11:15 Band/Orchestra 10:20-10:45 MTSS MTSS  11:15-11:30 ELA 10:45-11:15  Social Studies  (Miller) Science  (Wiesemann) Social Studies  (Miller)  Science  (Wiesemann) 11:30-12:30 Integrated Arts  11:15-12:00 P.E (Hudec) Art (Devine)  Music (Arnold) Library (Falkner) 12:00-12:30 12:30-1:00 Recess 1:00-1:30 Lunch  Lunch 1:35-3:15 1:45-2:30 Chorus meets  3:25  Dismissal 

3 Mathematics Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math! text used for foundation Supplemental materials will be used to address the PA Core Eligible Content not found in text Rocket Math program


5 New Mathematics Curriculum
We have updated the curriculum in grades K-8. Instruction will focus on inquiry-based methodology. Problem solving will be emphasized in all units. All Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics will be addressed. GO MATH! will be our new textbook series. Each student will receive “mini-books” for all units. Students can write in their consumable books. There are new online resources that can be used at home for additional practice and reinforcement.

6 For best results, use Chrome as your Internet browser.
From the North Allegheny Homepage, click on “+Parents.” Then select “Online Textbook Resources.” Select “Elementary Level Resources.”

7 Social Studies Scott Foresman text used for foundation
Supplemental materials will be used to teach the concepts Activity Based approach Themes involving Early Life, Connections Across Continents, Colonial Life, The American Revolution, and more!

8 ELA Harcourt Storytown text used for foundation
Supplemental materials will be used to address the PA Core Eligible Content not found in text Whole group and Differentiated instruction Four major components: reading, writing, grammar, and spelling

9 Guided Reading Groups This will be a weekly occurrence between Ms. Miller and Mrs. Wiesemann’s room. Students will be pretested Great for differentiation!

10 On-Line Textbooks & Resources
For Communication Arts and Math: Your student’s username = NA followed by their student ID number Your student’s password = student ID number For Science and Social Studies: Your student’s password = Tigers1

11 Independent Reading/Reading for Fun
Book Reports – Not every month. We will probably do 2-3 during the year. Your child should have a chapter book in her/his desk at all times. Please make reading a part of your child’s daily routine at home! “Children learn an average of 4,000 to 12,000 new words each year as a result of book reading.” (Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!) Fifth Grade Ultimate Reading Challenge each semester.

12 Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement – “Bucket Items”
Wheel of Fortune- Mystery word Mrs. Wiesemann and Ms. Miller System

13 Some “Things” Special in 5D
“The Brag Wall” “Tootling” Brain Breaks

14 Organizational Tools Assignment Book – As soon as students get home, they should open their assignment book to the current week and place it where both the child and parents will see it (such as the kitchen table). Students should check off the assignment in the box as it is completed. Binder/Expandable—travels to each academic class and home each night. Tab dividers to separate subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, Spelling, and Grammar. Desk Folder - “Unfinished Work” and “Good to Knows.”

15 Homework Homework Assignment Books used on a daily basis
Homework Boards found in each teacher’s classroom Webpage – The teachers will update their homework pages. “Super Student” Incentive Program - If a student has 0 or 1 missed assignments in a nine week grading period, he/she will be invited to attend the Super Student luncheon. The “Super Students” will get to eat lunch in the classroom, watch a movie, pick a prize, and receive a free homework pass. Please remember that a missed parent signature counts as a missed assignment. Each student starts a clean slate every nine weeks.

16 Webpage Go to: Select a School (see the drop down arrow near the top bar), McKnight Elementary School (about halfway down), Staff (on the top bar), and then scroll down to find a fifth grade teacher's name. Then you can save the webpage in your favorites for fewer clicks the next time.

17 Report Cards will be issued on:
November 4, 2016 February 6, 2017 April 11, 2017 June 16, 2017

18 Tyler Gradebook Go to
Scroll down along the left bar and double click on “Student Data Portal” The “Student Data Portal” is a tool that provides access to student scheduling information, assignments, grades, and contact data to both parents and students. To log-in, you will need to use your student ID as your User Name and the random Password that you received, which is assigned only to you. How to Access the Student Data Portal for the First Time - Go to You will be prompted to enter the User Name and Password provided to you. First-time users will be prompted to change their password.

19 Getting in Touch with the Teacher
Please contact the office for urgent messages such as unexpected early dismissals or transportation changes rather than ing me. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, do not hesitate to contact me via phone , or I will try my best to answer s and phone calls in a timely manner.

20 Paper Communications Grades – any paper with a “teacher’s writing” should be shown to you by your child. Unit tests in academic subjects must be signed by parents. NA utilizes the electronic Thursday E-Blast to provide parents with information relevant to elementary programs. Each week, parents will receive an containing the listing of all fliers available on this webpage.  By selecting the appropriate date, parents may view each flier electronically. Up to six weeks of information will remain on this page at a given time. 

21 Volunteer Opportunities
Please bring your state-issued photo ID with you when you come to McKnight to volunteer.  Volunteers will need to "swipe in" through the Raptor System in the Front Office. If you have not submitted your clearances yet, they may be submitted through the rest of the school year at any school building or the CAO during normal school hours. The volunteer form for holiday parties will appear in the Thursday e-blast. Field Trips Colonial Day

22 Birthdays Edible treats are not permitted.
Please feel free to send in non-edible treats for the class, such as pencils, gel pens, erasers, little notebooks, etc.

23 PSSA TESTING The staff at McKnight is dedicated to not only prepare your child for the state assessment, but to empower students to be lifelong thinkers and learners. The students are well prepared for the exam. They need to get plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and “show what they know.”

24 5th Grade Testing Dates ITBS (IOWA TEST OF BASIC SKILLS) – January 9- 13 PSSA ELA – April 3-7 PSSA Math – April 24-28

25 Olweus Bully Prevention Program
"A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions by one or more persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself.” Class Meetings will be conducted on a regular basis to share feelings and experiences, develop a sense of community within the classroom, and aid students in solving problems.

26 Questions/Wrap Up

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