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Business Structures Sole Proprietorship: a business owned by one person Partnership: an association of two or more people operating a business as co-owners.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Structures Sole Proprietorship: a business owned by one person Partnership: an association of two or more people operating a business as co-owners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Structures Sole Proprietorship: a business owned by one person Partnership: an association of two or more people operating a business as co-owners Franchise: written contract granting permission to someone else to sell a product or service over a period of time Cooperative: owned by members it serves and is managed in their interest Corporation: a business that is made up of a number of owners but authorized by law to act as a single person Business: an establishment or enterprise that supplies goods and services in exchange for some form of payment

2 Business Structures cont.
Sole proprietors and partners have unlimited liability for the debts of their businesses while the owners of corporations can only lose the amount they have invested Sole proprietorships and partnerships are easily formed while corporations must file reports with a state and obtain official approval Managers of all businesses must plan, organize, staff, lead, and control to be effective Specialized forms of business organizations include franchises, cooperatives, and non-profit corporations.

3 Business Structures cont.
The three most widely used business structures to set up a business are (1) Sole Proprietorship (2) Partnership and (3) Corporations. Sole Proprietorship Advantages: Easy to start business Owner makes all the decisions/ their the boss Owner receives all the profits Disadvantages: Capital(money) is limited to what owner can supply or borrow Owner is liable(responsible) for all debts, even losing personal property if business fails

4 Business Structures cont.
Sole Proprietorship Disadvantages: Capital(money) is limited to what owner can supply or borrow Owner is liable(responsible) for all debts, even losing personal property if business fails Long hours and hard work Life of business depends on owner Partnership Advantages: Fairly easy to start the business More sources of capital available More business skills available

5 Business Structures cont.
Partnership Disadvantages: Each partner is liable (responsible)for the debt all partners make Each partner can make decisions/ more than one boss Partnership ends if a partner dies Each partner shares in the profits Corporation Advantages: More sources of capital available Specialized Managerial Skills available Owner is liable up to amount of investment in business Ownership can easily be transferred through sale

6 Business Structures cont.
Corporation Disadvantages: Difficult to start a corporation Owners do not have control over day-to-day decisions Business activities of corporation limited to those stated in articles of incorporation

7 Class Work What are the differences between a sole proprietorship and a corporation? What are the advantages of having a corporation? What are the disadvantages of a partnership? What is a franchise? What are the disadvantages to a corporation?

8 Do Now to Turn In 9/26 12 min Read the provided handouts and answer the questions completely with support from notes for your answers.

9 Manager as Leader cont. Leadership style: the way a manager treats and directs employees Tactical management: a leadership style where the manager is more direct and controlling Strategic management: a leadership style where managers are less directive and involve employees in making decisions Mixed management: a combination of strategic and tactical management

10 Manager as Leader cont. Leadership: the ability to influence individual and groups to accomplish important goals. Human relations: the way people get along with each other Position influence: the ability to get others to accomplish tasks because of the position the leader holds. Reward influence: results from the leader’s ability to give or withhold rewards. Expert influence: when group members recognize that the leader has special expertise in the area. Identity influence: stems from personal trust and respect members have for the leader

11 Manager as Leader cont. Leadership Characteristics:
Understanding Intelligence Initiative Dependability Judgement Objectivity Confidence Stability Cooperation Honesty Courage Communication

12 Manager as Leader cont. A manager should use tactical management when:
Working with part-time employees Working with employees who are not motivated Working under tight time pressures Assigning a new task for which employees are not experienced Employees prefer not to be involved in decision-making

13 Manager as Leader cont. A manager should use strategic management when: Employees are skilled and experienced The work is routine with few new challenges Employees are doing work they enjoy The manager wants to improve group relationships Employees are willing to take responsibility for the results of their work

14 Producing & Marketing Goods & Services
Steps in Developing a New Product: Develop a new product idea Test the product idea with prospective consumers Construct a product model and test it Design production and marketing procedures Develop budget for production and marketing costs and forecast potential sales Prepare facilities for manufacturing

15 Producing & Marketing Goods & Services cont.
Marketing Strategy: a two-step process used to plan and market products Marketing Strategy Steps Identify a target market Develop a marketing mix Target market: a clearly identified group of consumers with needs that the business wants to satisfy Marketing mix: a combination of marketing elements designed to meet the needs of a target market

16 Producing & Marketing Goods & Services cont.
The 4 Ps of Marketing Product Place Price Promotion Channel of distribution: the path that a product travels from producer to consumer

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