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The Impact of Volunteering

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1 The Impact of Volunteering

2 Why involve volunteers?
‘Our research indicates that volunteers play an important role in improving people’s experience of care, building stronger relationships between services and communities, supporting integrated care, improving public health and reducing health inequalities.’ Kings Fund, 2013  Volunteers already make a tremendous contribution towards health and care services Nationally, 3 million people volunteering in over 100 different types of roles Changing nature of volunteering and issues this can cause. Too many organisations lack a strategic vision for the role of volunteering so miss on the opportunities that exist (mention PPE strategy and volunteering). Economic situation creating a challenging environment for volunteering and raising concerns around job substitution.

3 Volunteering with us We want volunteering to be a great experience and everyone involved to know how they are making a positive contribution to our services Volunteers add value to our services and complement the care we provide Our volunteer programme is not an opportunity to cut costs We have around 30 volunteers in five roles

4 Macmillan Telephone Support
Our Volunteer Roles COPD Pulmonary Rehabiliation Exercise Buddies Patient Stories working with our Patient and Public Empowerment Team Feedback Volunteers Bristol Community Health & Macmillan Rehabilitation and Support Service Macmillan Telephone Support Community Nursing / Community Neurgology Care Plan Buddies Urgent Care Centre and Walk in Centre Welcome Volunteers

5 Care Plan Buddies - Vickie Athanatou
Care Plan Buddies have been trained in Shared Decision Making and work with our community nursing and neurology services Volunteers support patients with their My Personal Care Plan (MPCP) Aims are: Support patients with goal setting Improve quality of care plans from patients perspective Increase proportion of patients who felt involved in their own care

6 Skye Ramell (Physiotherapist) & Angela Davis (Volunteer)
Exercise Buddies Skye Ramell (Physiotherapist) & Angela Davis (Volunteer) Support to patients living with respiratory conditions Work alongside our staff in our Pulmonary Rehabilitation sessions Motivation and Pastoral care Support with filling in books Do not replace staff!

7 Exercise Buddies Improved patient outcomes Improved patient experience
Positive impact on staff Positive impact on volunteers

8 Interested in volunteering?
A huge thank you to all of our volunteers and the fantastic contribution they make Interested in volunteering? Visit the Bristol Community Health stand at lunchtime and find our more

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