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Regional Optical Networks and The Quilt

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1 Regional Optical Networks and The Quilt

2 What is The Quilt? Established in 2001
A collaboration of 30 leading advanced regional networking organizations in the U.S. with 7 U.S. and international affiliate participants Aim is to promote consistent, reliable, interoperable and efficient advanced networking services that extends to the broadest possible community Projects are volunteer led and self-supporting Starting in 2008, funding provided by member participation fees

3 Why The Quilt Forum for leaders of Regional Optical Networks to exchange with peers across and collaborate on matters of common interest in a trusted environment Single contact point for members of the R&E community, network providers, industry partners and government agencies to discourse with RON’s Voice the interests of the regional R&E networks to network providers, industry partners, and government agencies Items of Common Interest Include: technology services vendors business models relationships with national and international R&E networking community Projects Tend to assist participants in providing a broad range of networking services to constituents facilitate innovative and successful technical projects promote end-to-end continuity and delivery of advanced network services

4 Current Participants NYSERNet

5 2009 Quilt Executive Committee
Jen Leasure, The Quilt – President and CEO Paul Schopis , OARnet – Chair Dave Reese, CENIC – Vice Chair Jacqueline Brown, PNWGP - Treasurer Ron Hutchins, SoX - Secretary James Deaton, OneNet Wendy Huntoon, 3ROX Mark Johnson, MCNC Tim Lance – NYSERNet Myron Lowe – Northern Lights

6 Quilt Projects & Working Groups
Commodity Internet Service Project Established 2001 Goal: Aggregate the buying power of the Quilt members and authorized buyers and establish consortium relationship with vendors Community Workshop Program Team Established 2003 Goal: Provide a community forum to share best practices in the deployment and operation of an optical network to support advanced research and education 1) Examine RON services and pricing models Support RON Inter-connects Complete Quilt business model collection effort 2) Maintain Quilt binding Create Quilt, Inc. Affinity Groups Support Multiple Classes of membership 3) Create a communication committee and assign responsibilities Produce a quarterly Quilt newsletter Produce an Annual Report Develop a RON 101 piece Outreach to CIO’s, vendors, international networking organizations and new comers

7 Quilt Projects & Working Groups
Regional GENI WG Established 2008 Goal: Establish a forum for RON’s to exchange information on the GENI project and provide a point of contact for RON communications with the GPO Telepresence WG Goal: Identify common standards and best practices to integrate telepresense capabilities into the regional and campus networks and collaborate to test and operationalize open virtual presence capabilities across the R&E space 1) Examine RON services and pricing models Support RON Inter-connects Complete Quilt business model collection effort 2) Maintain Quilt binding Create Quilt, Inc. Affinity Groups Support Multiple Classes of membership 3) Create a communication committee and assign responsibilities Produce a quarterly Quilt newsletter Produce an Annual Report Develop a RON 101 piece Outreach to CIO’s, vendors, international networking organizations and new comers

8 Quilt Projects & Working Groups
RON Business Models Established 2006 Goal: Collect and archive information on various aspects of member business models. Disseminate information within membership and community. Quilt-StateNets Financial Focus Group Established 2007 Goal: Gather member business information, identify best practices, document, archive and refresh collective knowledge and consolidate data requests from members 1) Examine RON services and pricing models Support RON Inter-connects Complete Quilt business model collection effort 2) Maintain Quilt binding Create Quilt, Inc. Affinity Groups Support Multiple Classes of membership 3) Create a communication committee and assign responsibilities Produce a quarterly Quilt newsletter Produce an Annual Report Develop a RON 101 piece Outreach to CIO’s, vendors, international networking organizations and new comers

9 Quilt Projects & Working Groups
Network Facilities Project Established 2003 Goal: Develop business agreements with vendors who have a comprehensive network delivery infrastructure and educate members on the latest network infrastructure technology 1) Examine RON services and pricing models Support RON Inter-connects Complete Quilt business model collection effort 2) Maintain Quilt binding Create Quilt, Inc. Affinity Groups Support Multiple Classes of membership 3) Create a communication committee and assign responsibilities Produce a quarterly Quilt newsletter Produce an Annual Report Develop a RON 101 piece Outreach to CIO’s, vendors, international networking organizations and new comers

10 2009 Quilt Priorities Provide forum for exchange of RON business model information Evolve projects and working groups to best support members and service R&E community Review Quilt Governance Structure Further Develop Quilt-StateNets Relationship Refine CIS Program and Strategy Mature communication process to voice the interests of the regionals

11 Quilt Contact Information Jen Leasure President and CEO

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