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Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum

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1 Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum
Maxwell’s Equations in Free Space wave equation in 3D

2 General solution The one dimensional wave equation is unusual for a partial differential equation in that a very simple general solution may be found by defining new variables:

3 Jean le Rond d'Alembert (1717–1783)
In other words, solutions of the 1D wave equation are sums of a right traveling function F and a left traveling function G. "Traveling" means that the shape of these individual arbitrary functions with respect to x stays constant, however the functions are translated left and right with time at the speed c.

4 For an initial value problem, the arbitrary functions F and G can be determined to satisfy initial conditions: d'Alembert's formula

5 Example

6 The sinusoidal wave wave number phase shift wavelength angular frequency frequency sinusoidal wave traveling to the right sinusoidal wave traveling to the left

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