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The Baltic University Programme Secretariat

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1 The Baltic University Programme Secretariat
Christine Jakobsson Vice Director The Baltic University Programme Secretariat Uppsala University

2 The Baltic University Programme
a network of 183 universities & institutes of higher learning; coordinated by a Secretariat at Uppsala University, Sweden; focuses on sustainable development, environmental protection and democracy; Aim To support the key role that universities play in a democratic, peaceful and sustainable development by: developing university courses participation in projects in cooperation with authorities, municipalities & others. 

3 The Baltic University Programme
In Figures - 14 countries in the Baltic Sea Basin - 183 universities - 13 regional centres teachers/researchers contributed students yearly 3

4 Baltic University Programme’s Network
Locations where one or more universities participate

5 The Baltic University Programme
Activity areas - education - research - information - applied projects 5

6 The Baltic University Programme
Courses 1. Basic, undergraduate courses 2. Specialisation, master courses 3. Competence development for professionals - interdisciplinary - problem oriented - based on research - interactive - English language - international diploma 6

7 The Baltic University Programme
Environmental Science courses Undergraduate level courses Course contents: Comprehensive knowledge on the Baltic Sea region environment & management & protection; Sciences (biology, geology, chemistry, engineering etc.), social sciences (economics, law, political sciences, international relations, etc.) & management; Environmental Science ES (15 ECTS): 1. The Baltic Sea Environment ES1 (7.5 ECTS); 2. Basic Environmental Science ES2 (7.5 ECTS). & English for Environmental Science EES

8 The Baltic University Programme
The Baltic Sea Region courses Undergraduate level courses Course contents: History, culture, languages, democracy, multiculturality, social conditions, economics & security. Conditions in the region after the systems change Regional development with emphasis on democracy, human rights & economics. The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies BR (15 ECTS): Peoples of the Baltic BR1 (7.5 ECTS) Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region BR2 (7.5 ECTS).

9 The Baltic University Programme
Sustainable Development course – A Sustainable Baltic Region Undergraduate course (7.5 ECTS ) Course contents: Sustainable development in the BSR. Since 1997; Sustainable use & management of natural resources & the long-term protection of the environment; The sustainable organisation of human societies from households to municipalities, cities & countries; Thematic course with systematic approach, e.g.; energy & energy use; material flows; economy & ethics; industry-, agronomy-, transport- & community development.

10 The Baltic University Programme
Water Management courses Master level courses Sustainable water management in the Baltic Sea Region. Sustainable Water Management - SW (15 ECTS): 1. The Baltic waterscape SW1 (4.5 ECTS) – hydrology, water quantity & quality 2. The Use and Management of Water SW2 (4.5 ECTS) – water management in agriculture, cities & industry 3. River Basin Management SW3 (6 ECTS) – water & cities, transport, fishing, tourism & environmental protection, institutions & law, management plans, water conflicts, international co-operation.

11 The Baltic University Programme
Community Development Courses Master level courses Sustainable community development & urban planning in the BSR Covers environmental science, social sciences, architectural & cultural aspects of community development Sustainable Community Development (15 ECTS): 1. The city (4.5 ECTS) – urbanisation, administration & sustainable development; 2. Building Sustainable Communities (4.5 ECTS) – architecture, urban ­ planning, rebuilding, ideal cities; 3. Sustainable Urban Management (6 ECTS) ­– sustainability indicators, energy, water & waste; social, cultural & economic development in our cities.

12 The Baltic University Programme
ISO 14001 EMAS Environmental Management courses Master level courses Course contents: Management tools, Environmental Impact Assessment, certification (ISO and EMAS) & green labelling. Economic & legal policy instruments, Industry related tools e.g. cleaner production, waste minimisation, eco-design, Life Cycle Assessment 1. Policy Instruments for Environmental Management EM1 (7.5 ECTS) 2. Cleaner Production & Technologies EM2 (7.5 ECTS) 3. Product Design & Life Cycle Techniques EM3 (7.5 ECTS) 4. Environmental Management Systems & Certification EM4 (7.5 ECTS)

13 The Baltic University Programme
Creating a rich learning environment - University based lectures, seminars - Textbooks - TV programs - International seminars using ICT - Internet resources - cases, databases etc - The network 13

14 The Baltic University Programme
Borki Student Conferences and Student Parliament 14

15 The Baltic University Programme
Student Summer Sailing and Courses 15

16 1-12 August 2005 Students sailing camp, Mazurian Lakes Poland

17 The Baltic University Programme
Information & Communication Technologies - Satellite-TV Satellite radio - Audio conferences Computer conferences - Video conferences Internet resources 17

18 The Baltic University Programme
The Baltic University Press Production - 32 booklets and 8 books - 4 books in production - 43 TV programs, 65 hours - 60 satellite-TV receivers in CEE 18

19 The Baltic University Programme
Education for Sustainable Development Cooperation with the Ministries of Education in the BSR Baltic 21 Education Sector Portal for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)

20 Education sector Baltic 21 - 3 Working groups
wg1) Pre-school to upper secondary education and formal adult education wg2) Universities and university colleges and other institutions of higher education wg3) Non-formal education Education sector

21 Haga declaration - definition on ESD
Baltic 21 - Haga declaration - definition on ESD “ESD should be based on an integrated approach to economic, environmental and societal development and encompass a broad range of related issues such as democracy, gender equity and human rights. This broad approach should be recognized in both natural science and social science, and should complement and build on existing initiatives in environmental education”

22 Education for Sustainable Development, ESD
Sustainable Development background Education for Sustainable Development, ESD Education as the foundation of SD was reaffirmed at the Johannesburg Summit, Sept. 2002, (Ch. 36 of Agenda 21 of Rio Summit, 1992). In December 2002 the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development ( ) was adopted by the United Nations. UNESCO: lead agency for the promotion of the Decade. 

23 Components of Sustainable Development
ECONOMY SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development

24 The evolution after WSSD (2002): Sustainable Development as a pyramid
Education Environment Society Economy Scoullos 2005

25 …considering that Education is one of the basic elements of the overall Governance needed..
Environment Society Economy Scoullos 2005

26 …turning the previous figure…
Environment Governance Society Economy Scoullos 2005

27 The components of Governance
Institutions Technology Education Scoullos 2005

28 Combining the figures of Governance and Sustainable Development
Education Environment Technology Society Economy Institutions Governance Scoullos 2005

29 The double pyramid visualizing the concept of sustainable development
Responsible Economy Social Cohesion & Welfare Environmental Protection C U L T R E Governance Governance Education for Sustainable Development Effective Institutions Application of appropriate technology

30 Education for Sustainable Development
Economy Society Environment Technology Governance Culture Scoullos 2005

31 ESD Characteristics & Principles
By nature, an evolving and dynamic concept seeking to balance human and economic welfare for the present and future generations with cultural values and respect for the environment and the earth’s natural resources. - Aims to empower all people of all ages to develop the appropriate knowledge and skills; to adopt attitudes and values and shape behaviours towards sustainable development in order to assume responsibilities for creating a sustainable future.

32 ESD Characteristics & Principles
A cross-cutting field, embracing Environmental Education, Education for Development, Global Education, Education for Peace and Human Rights, etc. Key Themes : poverty, citizenship, peace, democracy, security, human rights, social and economic development, health, gender equity, cultural diversity, protection of the environment and natural resources, sustainable production and consumption patterns.

33 ESD Characteristics & Principles
Interdisciplinary and holistic approach Learners centred Values – driven Promoting critical thinking & problem-solving Employing a variety of educational methods Promoting participatory decision-making Forward looking promoting medium and long-term planning Locally relevant

34 ESD Characteristics & Principles
Fostering respect for & understanding of different cultures. Taking into account diverse local, national and regional circumstances as well as the global context, seeking a balance between global and local interests. Providing the opportunity for education to overcome its isolation vis-à-vis society: involving civil society, local community and authorities, underlining the role of educators for facilitating such a process. ESD requires multi-stakeholder cooperation and partnership (authorities, education and science communities, the private sector, NGO, local community, international organisations, etc.)

35 Challenges related to ESD
To allow learners to overcome the tensions and find balance between: global and local universal and individual tradition and modernity the need for competition and equality of opportunity the extraordinary expression of knowledge and human beings capacity to assimilate the spiritual and the material

36 & BUP offers education on SD issues, both basic & specialised & intends to continue during the ESD decade. approaching students per year. encourage universities to cooperate with communities they are part of- important sustainability strategy. competence development for professionals in municipalities, businesses etc.

37 Learning to change our world
International consultation on education for sustainable development Göteborg, Sweden, 4-7 May 2004 Reflect- Rethink – Reform Presentations Workshops Study visits Step 2 Barriers and Drivers to implement Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education 7-9 December 2005 Göteborg Sweden

38 17-18 March 2005, Vilnius, Lithuania
UNECE Regional Strategy for the DESD was adopted at the High-Level Meeting of Environment & Education Ministers 20-23 April 2005, Graz, Austria DESD conference jointly organized by COPERNICUS-CAMPUS, the University of Graz, the Technical University of Graz & Oikos International, sponsored by UNESCO as the lead agency for the Decade.

39 Wants feedback on the consultation report by 15 Febr. 2006.
19-20 May 2005, Bergen, Norway Bergen Communiqué: European Ministers for Higher Education stated that “the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) & cooperation with other parts of the world as further challenges & priorities of the Bologna Process for establishing a EHEA by 2010 & promoting the European system of higher education worldwide should be based on the principle of sustainable development.” COPERNICUS-CAMPUS will propose, on the basis of the consultation report in co-operation with others, to develop an agreed set of standards, procedures & guidelines on incorporating SD into the Bologna Process & to give feedback to the Ministers at their next conference in 2007. Wants feedback on the consultation report by 15 Febr

40 Sustainable Agriculture & ecosystem health
New Course Package !! Plans for a new course package on SD & agriculture as well as ecosystem health. Planning conference in Kaunas, Lithuania September 2005 Course package will be developed in cooperation with among others BUP, several Agricultural universities, a network of veterinaries from the BSR, the University of Illinios, USA – Envirovet Baltic

41 Participants BUP & Envirovet Baltic networks
Countries: Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Kaliningrad & St. Petersburg in Russia, Sweden and the USA Interest from other countries: Slovakia, Denmark, Ukraine, Germany Interest from other regional networks: UniAdrion from the Adriatic - Ionian Basin North American Great Lakes District.

42 Unique cooperation Results 4 modules Ecosystem Health
agronomists veterinaries nature geographers biologists, chemists etc. New concept on sustainable agriculture & its part in the rural ecosystem. substantial knowledge on land use & rural development, ecosystem health & the interactions between the wild population & the domestic. Results 4 modules Ecosystem Health Rural development and land use Sustainable agriculture Ecosystem Management

43 Go Regional - Baltic Sea Region!

44 Thank you for your attention!

45 The Baltic University Programme Undergraduate courses
Environmental Science courses 1. The Baltic Sea Environment 2. Environmental Science 3. English for Environmental Science The Baltic Sea Region (area studies) courses 1. The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies 2. Peoples of the Baltic 3. Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region Sustainable Development course 1. A Sustainable Baltic Region

46 The Baltic University Programme Master courses
Water Management courses 1. Sustainable Water Management in Baltic Sea Region 2. The Baltic Waterscape 3. The Use and Management of Water 4. River Basin Management Environmental Management courses 1. Policy Instruments for Environmental Management 2. Cleaner Production & Technologies 3. Product Design & Life Cycle Techniques 4. Environmental Management Systems & Certification Sustainable community development courses 1. The city 2. Building sustainable communities 3. Sustainable Urban Management

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