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Thermochemistry Chapter 10 thermo #1.ppt thermo #1.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "Thermochemistry Chapter 10 thermo #1.ppt thermo #1.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermochemistry Chapter 10 thermo #1.ppt thermo #1.ppt

2 Today, you will learn… The definition of energy The major types of energy The difference between temperature and heat The definition of a state function

3 The study of heat energy released or required
THERMOCHEMISTRY The study of heat energy released or required by chemical reactions Energy is often released as heat and light. Combustion - Fuel is burned (reacts with oxygen) to produce energy. CH4(g) O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) + energy Combustion of a hydrocarbon always produces CO2 and H2O!

4 Energy due to position (stored energy)
Kinetic energy (KE) Potential energy (PE) Energy due to motion Energy due to position (stored energy)

5 Symbol is T Units are in C or K Measures AVERAGE kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. Temperature Symbol is Q Units are calories (cal) or Joules (J) Measures TOTAL kinetic energy of the particles in a substance Heat



8 Thermal Energy Relationships
If temperature increases… Thermal energy also increases Why? The kinetic energy of the particles increased If the temperature stays the same… More mass (more particles) = more thermal energy. Example: A whole pan full of boiling water would cause more damage than a drop of boiling water

9 Total Energy = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy
E = KE PE Kinetic energy & potential energy are interchangeable Ball thrown upwards slows & loses kinetic energy but gains potential energy The reverse happens as it falls back to the ground

10 Law of Conservation of Energy : the total energy of the universe is constant and can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed. This is also known as the First Law of Thermodynamics.

11 internal energy, E, of a sample is the sum of all the kinetic and potential energies of all the atoms and molecules in a sample TOTAL energy of all the atoms and molecules in a sample Includes not only heat energy, but also energy in other forms (such as the energy stored in chemical bonds.)

12 Energy is a state function
State function – depends only on initial and final conditions - independent of pathway Distance between cities is a state function… Distance you travel is not!

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