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Who cares about momentum (mv)? Conservation of linear Momentum

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1 Who cares about momentum (mv)? Conservation of linear Momentum
In the absence of a net force, the total linear momentum of a system remains constant. But this is just Newton’s first law!! mv = constant

2 Conservation of Angular Momentum
In the absence of a net torque, the total angular momentum of a system remains constant.

3 Universal Law of Gravitation
Between every two objects there is an attractive force, the magnitude of which is directly proportional to the mass of each object and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the centers of the objects. M1M2 d2 Fg a

4 G = 6.67 x N m2/kg2 M1M2 d2 Fg = G

5 2pR F = G R m m R v = distance / time v = 2pR / P F = a = = v / R G R
circumference = 2pR F = G R 2 m 1 m 2 1 R v = distance / time v = 2pR / P F = a = = v / R 2 G R m 1 F = a = v / R 2 m 1 F = a m 1 v = G /R m 2 4p R / P = G /R 2 m 4p R = G P 2 m 3 P2 = (4p2/Gm2) R3

6 Gravitational Potential Energy for the surface of the Earth is:
mgr (where r is the radius of the Earth) F = ma = mg = GmME/r2 = m (GME /r2) so: g = GME /r2 and: mgr = m(GME /r2) r So, Gravitational Potential Energy = m(GME /r)

7 Escape Velocity set: ½ m v2 = GmME /r ½ v2 = GME /r vesc = 2GME /r
for a mass m to escape from the Earth (of mass ME) ½ v2 = GME /r vesc = GME /r

8 Orbital Paths Extending Kepler’s Law #1, Newton found that ellipses were not the only orbital paths. possible orbital paths ellipse (bound) parabola (unbound) hyperbola (unbound)

9 Changing Orbits orbital energy = kinetic energy + gravitational potential energy conservation of energy implies: orbits can’t change spontaneously An object can’t crash into a planet unless its orbit takes it there. An orbit can only change if it gains/loses energy from another object, such as a gravitational encounter: If an object gains enough energy so that its new orbit is unbound, it has reached it’s escape velocity.

10 How do we do astronomy? We look at stuff
We collect stuff that travels to us from far away – matter and radiation – this is what we mean by “look”

11 What is light? Newton showed that white light is composed of all the colors of the rainbow.

12 Four Ways in Which Light can Interact with Matter
emission absorption transmission reflection


14 But, what is light? In the 17th Century, Isaac Newton argued that light was composed of little particles while Christian Huygens suggested that light travels in the form of waves. In the 19th Century, Thomas Young demonstrated that light bends slightly around corners and acts like interfering waves.

15 Light f  = c E = hf E a f Light as a wave Light as a particle
A vibration in an electromagnetic field through which energy is transported. Dual Nature Light as a wave f  = c Light as a particle E a f E = hf photon Planck’s constant h = 6.6 x J s

16 Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell showed mathematically in the 1860s that light must be a combination of electric and magnetic fields.

17 Our first key idea is that visible light is only a small part of the complete spectrum of light. You may wish to spend some time explaining the various things shown in this figure… You may also want to repeat this slide at various points to summarize other ideas.

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