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A-1002 WM-002 MH-001. A-1002 WM-002 MH-001 What is muscle health?

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2 A-1002 WM-002 MH-001


4 What is muscle health?



7 Muscle protein synthesis
Muscle free pool Muscle Proteins Breakdown Synthesis Plasma free pool 300 g turnover Free muscle AA pool – 130 g 70 gram amino acids synthesized, 70 gram amino acids broken down per day 25-30% of total turnover Burd et al. , Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 2013

8 Muscle reconditioning
Lance Armstrong Jay Cutler

9 Muscle deconditioning
immobilisation sarcopenia cancer cachexia COPD type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease

10 What regulates muscle conditioning?

11 Main anabolic stimuli

12 Nutrition is an anabolic stimulus

13 Amino acids

14 Amino acids stimulate protein synthesis

15 Post-prandial muscle protein synthesis
protein digestion amino acid absorption plasma amino acid availability hormonal response postprandial perfusion muscle protein signaling proteins myofibrillar protein synthesis

16 Intrinsically labeled protein

17 Intrinsically labeled protein
van Loon et al., J Dairy Sci, 2009, Pennings et al., J Dairy Sci, 2010, Burd et al., PLoS ONE, 2013

18 Post-prandial protein synthesis
Groen et al., PLoS ONE, 2015

19 ‘You are what you just ate’

20 Source of protein

21 Amount of dietary protein

22 Timing of protein ingestion

23 Other macronutrients

24 Other nutritional compounds

25 Food preparation

26 Body position

27 Muscle contraction is an anabolic stimulus

28 Muscle contraction Chesley et al., J Appl Physiol, 1992.

29 Synergy between exercise and food intake

30 Exercise and nutrition
Moore et al., J Physiol, 2009

31 Post-prandial muscle protein synthesis
Rest Exercise Muscle protein synthesis Young Older Pennings et al., Am J Clin Nutr, 2010

32 Physical activity prior to food intake

33 ‘You are more of what you just ate’

34 Muscle deconditioning
sarcopenia cancer cachexia COPD type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease

35 What causes muscle loss with aging

36 Anabolic resistance Cuthbertson et al., FASEB J., 2005

37 Anabolic resistance Wall et al., PLoS ONE, 2015

38 Concept of anabolic resistance

39 Wall et al. Acta Physiol. Scand., 2013
Leg immobilisation Wall et al. Acta Physiol. Scand., 2013

40 Anabolic resistance to protein ingestion
31% Wall et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2013

41 Decline in physical activity

42 ‘You are less of what you just ate’

43 Clinical relevance


45 Deliverables Post-prandial protein handling Anabolic resistance
Physical Activity Dietary strategies Anabolic resistance Leg immobilisation model


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