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Recruiter 2.0 Overview May 1, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruiter 2.0 Overview May 1, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruiter 2.0 Overview May 1, 2012

2 Navigation Basics

3 Recruiter Interface: Workplace
May 1, 2012

4 Recruiter Interface: Navigation
May 1, 2012

5 Recruiter Interface: Using the Data Grid
May 1, 2012

6 Recruiter Interface: Chart Designer
May 1, 2012

7 Recruiter Interface: Delivered Reports
May 1, 2012

8 Recruiter Modules

9 Recruiter Modules: Recruiting
May 1, 2012

10 Recruiter Modules: Campaigns
May 1, 2012

11 Recruiter Modules: Travel and Events
May 1, 2012

12 Recruiter Modules: Applications
May 1, 2012

13 Recruiter Modules: Recruiting Imports
May 1, 2012

14 Recruiter Modules: ExactTarget
ExactTarget® is an -marketing and interactive-marketing provider. s and the templates generated by ExactTarget® are customizable. The ExactTarget® module sends and tracks visually appealing, marketing material, such as s with institutional logos and images. Recruiter also allows links in the communications to track specific information (such as, if a prospect opened the link, the length of time the prospect stayed on the link, etc.) May 1, 2012

15 Recruiter Modules: Settings
May 1, 2012

16 Adding a Prospect

17 From the Recruiter Console
Select Recruiting Select Prospects Search for the new prospect by name using the * as a wildcard For example prospect’s last name = Rudzinski, in the search box type in rudz* and hit enter If the search returns no results Click New in the ribbon

18 New Contact Window Set the relationship type to Prospective Student Fill in as much information as possible including the following required fields. Enter First Name Enter Last name address (may not be required but should ALWAYS be entered)

19 New Contact Window Once you have entered basic demographic information use the Information menu hyperlinks on the top right to move to Intentions & Experience Enter Anticipated Entry Term (required) Complete as much additional information as possible. When complete select Save & Close

20 Adding Activities to Prospect Records

21 From the Recruiter Console
Select Recruiting Select Prospects Search for the new prospect by name using the * as a wildcard For example prospect’s last name = Rudzinski, in the search box type in rudz* and hit enter Select the prospect for whom an activity should be entered

22 From the left sub navigation select Activities
Select Add New Activity Choose the Activity Type

23 Choose the correct Activity Code
Choose the duration Choose the date/time it occurred if it already took place or the date/time it will take place if is set for a future date. If the activity already took place and is complete, select Mark Complete from the top ribbon. If the activity is for a future date and should remain open, select Save & Close on the top ribbon. For this example we will choose phone call The Sender will default to the user (you) The Recipient defaults to the prospect Select whether the call was incoming or outgoing Enter the subject of the call Enter any notes in the body

24 You can assign activities to other users of Recruiter:
Phone Call – select that user in the Owner field In Appointment – select that user in the Owner field Task – select that user in the Owner field – can only be done if security settings allow you to send on behalf of another.

25 To view the open activities for a prospect:
Navigate to Recruiting Select Prospects Open the Prospect Record Select Activities To view closed activities for a prospect Select Closed Activities

26 Advanced Find

27 Advanced Find Use them in reports Create marketing lists for campaigns
Process activities Understand territory assignment rules Note: The same concepts used in Advanced Find can be used to write workflows. May 1, 2012

28 Advanced Find From Most Windows and Views
On the Standard toolbar, click Advanced Find. The Advanced Find window opens Click the New button. Select Contacts in the Look For field Use a new or saved view May 1, 2012

29 Advanced Find When Details is selected, use the Select link to add search criteria. Each time a criteria is added, a new Select link displays at the bottom of the criteria list. Select Prospects Click Select, then use the drop down arrow to select a field on which to search. Available fields are listed alphabetically. If creating a new search, the first criteria should be Contacts (be careful not to select Contracts by mistake). Other suggested fields include Status equals active, owner equals current user, and relationship type (such as suspects or prospects). Then add any additional criteria as needed. In this example, the Advanced Find search will return active prospects for which you are the owner. The Address 1: ZIP/Postal Code field is being added to further narrow the search results. Click the second field to select from a drop down list how you want to evaluate the search criteria. Select or enter values into the third column to define the search criteria. May 1, 2012

30 Advanced Find Viewing Results
When all search criteria have been entered, click Results. A list of prospects that meet the search criteria displays. You can click on a name to view the contact information for that person. If you do not get the results you want, click the Advanced Find tab to return to the criteria list. May 1, 2012

31 Advanced Find Deleting Criteria
Delete criteria that is no longer needed from a search by clicking the down arrow to the left of the criteria, then selecting Delete. May 1, 2012

32 Advanced Find The criteria can be grouped using the Group AND or the Group OR buttons in the ribbon. If Group AND is selected, the records must meet all criteria. By default, when you add criteria to an Advanced Find, the AND condition is implied. However, if the record has to meet one set of criteria or another, then manually select the Group OR. Group AND – Group query lines together by using AND. The results will include only records or activities that match all the grouped lines. Group OR – Group query lines together by using OR. The result will include any records or activities that match any of the grouped lines. May 1, 2012

33 Applications

34 From the Recruiter Console
Select Applications This will bring up a general list of all of the current applications in the system. They can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings. Click on Application Status to sort by status. Click on Anticipated Entry term to sort by term.

35 From the Recruiter Console
Select Applications (bottom left nav) Select Application (top right nav) To pull up an individual’s application Search for their name in the Search for records box When the record is located click on the Reference Number to open the application associated with that prospect.

36 Entering Supplemental Items

37 From the Applications Window
To pull up an individual’s application Search for their name in the Search for records box When the record is located click on the Reference Number to open the application associated with that prospect.

38 From the Individual Application Window
Select Supplements This will bring up a view of all of the supplements this applicant has already submitted or were required but have not been received. To enter a new supplemental item submission Select Records in the top ribbon Choose “Add New Supplemental Item Submission”

39 The Supplemental Information Submission Window will open:
Application automatically relates to the current application Select prospect (search via last name) Choose the correct Supplemental Information Item Set the Item Required Change Submission status to Received Enter the Submission date Click Save & Close

40 Printing Application Files

41 From the Applications Window
To pull up an individual’s application Search for their name in the Search for records box When the record is located click on the Reference Number to open the application associated with that prospect. Click on Print Application Folder in the top ribbon

42 Marking an Application Complete

43 From the Applications Window
To pull up an individual’s application Search for their name in the Search for records box Select the record by checking the box next to the name In the top ribbon select Mark Complete Choose the option to mark selected applications complete The batch process will run and notify you of errors

44 Submitting an Application to ERP

45 From the Applications Window
To pull up an individual’s application Search for their name in the Search for records box Select the record by checking the box next to the name In the top ribbon select Submit to ERP Choose the option to submit selected applications The batch process will run and notify you of errors

46 Withdrawing an Application

47 From the Applications Window
To pull up an individual’s application Search for their name in the Search for records box Select the record by checking the box next to the name In the top ribbon select Withdraw Choose the option to withdraw selected applications The batch process will run and notify you of errors

48 Questions and Answers May 1, 2012

49 Thank you for your participation
May 1, 2012

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