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2 Objectives: Promote healthy competition amongst employees.
Increase productivity and efficiency across CCM personnel. Exceed target set matrices (less than 5 minutes for AHT, QA score above 90%, consistent commendation from external customers, no personnel related complaints and perfect attendance) Recognize TOP performers of CCM and provide rewards equivalent to gift certificates to the TOP individual and Top Team performers

3 Recommendations: To promote healthy competition and reinforce the KPI metrics, Productivity rate and QA score will be used as determining factors for the Top Individual and Top Team Performers. Productivity rate is interrelated with AHT, utilization and attendance. Thus, the agents will tend to outdo one another in terms of productivity. QA score will be used to balance the quantity and quality of work done. In case of need for tiebreaker, we may use the records of infractions, personnel related complaints and commendations as additional filter. It is recommended that the Performance Analyst will be the one to verify and announce the Top Individual and Top Team Performers since he is the most independent body in CCM. Rewards for Top Performers Top Individual – Gift Certificate worth PHP 1,000 Top Team – Gift Certificate worth PHP 4,000

1st Qualifier Must have the highest productivity rate for the month, and not lower than 90% Average QA Score must be above 90%. 2nd Qualifier (Tiebreaker) Must not have any records of infractions warranting verbal warning, NTE, or memo Without any personnel related complaints With most number of commendations MECHANICS FOR TOP TEAM PERFORMER 1st Qualifier Must have the highest team productivity rate for the month, and not lower than 90% Team’s Average QA Score must be above 90%. 2nd Qualifier (Tiebreaker) The team must not have any records of infractions warranting verbal warning, NTE, or memo The team must not have any personnel related complaints The team that has the most number of commendations

5 Scoring Facility PRODUCTIVITY Team Daily Weekly Monthly Rating 1
Team Daily Weekly Monthly Rating 1 Inbound 60 360 1440 1729 and above = 100% = 95% = 90% = 85% = 80% 1151 and below = 75% 2 Social Media 87 522 2088 2507 and above = 100% = 95% = 90% = 85% = 80% 1669 and below = 75% 3 Spike 4 CMOS 70% Closure rate 91% and above = 100% 81% - 90% = 95% 70% - 80% = 90% 60% - 69% = 85% 50% - 59% = 80% 49% and below = 75% 5 Outbound 60% Contact rate 81% and above = 100% 71% - 80% = 95% 60% - 70% = 90% 50% - 59% = 85% 40% - 49% = 80% 39% and below = 75%

6 Announcement Announcement of top performer/s (INDIVIDUAL and TEAM) for the month will be done every 10TH of the succeeding month. It will be ed to CCM employees and will be posted in our bulletin board. Be part of the awarding/commendation month as they will receive a certification of exceptional performance and rewards equivalent to gift certificates during this event.

7 Thank you!


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