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Alternative Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Medicine

2 What is Alternative Medicine?

3 What is Alternative Medicine
A variety of therapeutic or preventative health care practises: This includes: - Homeopathy - Naturopathy - Chiropractic - Herbal Medicine

4 What is Homeopathy?

5 What is Homeopathy? A system of alternative medicine, based on the doctrine of “similia similibus curentur” which means “like cures like”. Using fire to fight fire Therefore a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people, will sure similar symptoms in sick people

6 Homeopathy History Hippocrates was believed to be the originator of homeopathy. He prescribed mandrake root, which in larger doses produces mania, to cure mania

7 Homeopathy Treatment 1. Identify the symptoms 2. Find remedy associated with symptom in question 3. Use a highly diluted form of a substance (diluted in water or alcohol) which causes the symptoms (mandrake root) to cure the problem condition/ disease

8 What do similar principles apply to?

9 Potential Problems?

10 What is Naturopathy?

11 Naturopathy A form of alternative medicine that favors a more holistic approach with non-invasive treatment (surgery and drugs) Focuses on social, physical, and spiritual healing

12 Examples

13 Examples Acupuncture Applied Kinesiology Colonic enemas Nutrition
Fasting Meditation Traditional Chinese Medicine

14 Future of Naturopathy Becoming increasingly recognized and practised
In some countries/provinces, Naturopaths are finally recognized

15 Potential Problems

16 Chiropractic

17 Chiropractic A form of alternative medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system

18 Procedures Procedures include: Spinal manipulation Applied Kinesiology
Relaxation and stress reduction techniques Disease prevention/screening

19 Accreditation Qualified Chiropractors practice this style of medicine
Extremely competitive program Highly respected

20 Possible issues?

21 Herbal Medicine

22 Herbal Medicine The study and use of the medicinal properties of plants for medicinal means

23 Herbal Medicine Been around for thousands of years
Many ancient civilizations have had surviving writings documenting medicinal properties of many types of plants. Use of herbs to treat disease is almost universal among non-industrilized societies

24 Herbal Medicine Estimated that roughly ½ of Americans use some sort of herbal medicine/ supplement Popularity has been increased greatly from trying to find compounds in plants to treat various diseases. 25% of modern drugs have natural origins

25 Examples Bearberry: The leaves are mixed with tobacco and smoked during ceremonies. The stems and leaves were boiled to treat diarrhoea, and the plant is also used to treat kidney infections. Common Hop: Hops have a long history of inducing sleep and Europeans put the seed cones in their pillows for that reason. American Indians also believed in their tranquilizing properties.

26 Other Examples Spices: Studies show that in tropical climates where pathogens are the most abundant, recipes are the most highly spiced. Further, the spices with the most potent antimicrobial activity tend to be selected

27 Potential Problems

28 Scientific view on topic

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