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Herbion Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited

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1 Herbion Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited
Nanoparticles and Herbal Medicine: Fullerene and Phytocreams in the Treatment of Acne vulgaris Khan Usmanghani, Zeeshan Ahmad Shaikh, Kamran Alam, Majid Feroz, Naureen Lalani, Rabia Bashir, Allah Nawaz Herbion Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited Karachi, Pakistan

2 Nanotechnology A nanometer is a billionth of a meter.
Something only 1/80,000 the width of a human hair. Nanotechnology is the creation of useful materials, devices, and systems through the manipulation of matter on this miniscule scale. The factors that govern larger systems do not necessarily apply at the nanoscale. Because nanomaterials have large surface areas relative to their volumes.

3 What is in it for us?? Background and Naming:
Most animal cells are 10,000 to 20,000 nanometers in diameter. This means that nanoscale devices (less than 100 nanometers) can enter cells and the organelles inside them hence can easily reach the target site and effectively deliver the drug . Background and Naming: In September 1985, Robert F. Curl, Jr., Richard E. Smalley, and Sir Harold W. Kroto discovered fullerene C60 during laser spectroscopy experiments at Rice University. Fullerenes were named after Richard Buckminster Fuller. Hence Buckminster fullerene from Buckmister Fuller . Shorter 'Fullerene‘ - refers to the family of fullerenes and suffix "ene" indicates presence of "double bonds“.

4 Linked Ball & C Chain Dimer
What is Fullerene?? Types: Different types of Fullerenes have vastly different properties because of structural variations. Linked Ball & C Chain Dimer Nanotubes Megatubes Buckyball Clusters

5 Types of Carbon nanotubes
Two main types of carbon nanotubes: Single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) consist of a single graphite sheet seamlessly wrapped into a cylindrical tube. Multiwalled nanotubes (MWNTs) comprise an array of such nanotubes (more than one wall) that are concentrically nested with in.

6 Endohedral Fullerenes :
What is Fullerene?? Most Efficient Radical Scavenger In Medical World to Date !! Endohedral Fullerenes : Other atoms can be trapped inside fullerenes to form inclusion compounds known as Endohedral Fullerenes. Fullerene is also known as Super antioxidant because of its strong antioxidant effect which is 172 times as strong as Vitamin C. Factors contributing to anti oxidant activity Cage Structure – unique spherical deformation imparts High Reactivity. Electron Acceptor – it can reversibly accept six electrons because its lowest unoccupied molecular orbital is at a low energy level. Electron Acceptor = Reducing agents = Antioxidants

7 Fullerene & Acne Vulgaris
Ideas, Inventions and Innovations is dedicated to all science, patents, products and research innovations Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells and bacteria. It is a disorder of pilosabaceous unit and characterized by pimples (zits) on the face, chest, and back. Acne is the most common skin disorder affecting 40 million to 50 in developing countries.

8 Prevalence Occurrence: Age of Onset: Gender:
% of teenagers and young adults. Age of Onset: Tends to occur in adolescence, when hormones are in a state of flux (prior to the onset of puberty). It may also appear at some point between 11–30 years of age. Gender: Young men are more likely to suffer from more severe and longer lasting forms of acne. Young women are more likely to suffer from intermittent acne caused by hormonal changes associated with their menstrual cycles or from acne caused by cosmetics.

9 Severity of Acne Microcomedone Light Severe Moderate
Whitehead. It is filled with skin debris, bacteria, and oil called sebum. Light Characterized by non inflammatory lesions (comedones). A few inflammatory lesions (papules and pustules) may be present (generally less than 10) More papules and pustules (10–40) and comedones (10–40) present. The trunk may be mildly affected. Occasional nodules and mild scarring may also be present Widespread inflammatory lesions, nodules and scarring present. Usually involving the face, chest and back. Severe Moderate Blackhead .It has black appearance and is filled with skin debris, bacteria, and oil called sebum.

10 Topical Treatment Treatment Therapeutic category Side Effects Examples
Benzoyl Peroxide bactericidal, keratolytic, and anti-inflammatory agent Erythema, dryness and itching are usually mild and transient. Retinoic acid and derivatives Comedolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. Skin irritation, photosensitivity, initially may worsen acne. Topical Antibiotics Bactericidal activity Minor skin irritation depending on vehicle used. Topical Azelaic acid Comedolytic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Pruritus, burning, stinging and tingling. Side effects are mild and transient.

11 Therapeutic Objectives
Decrease sebaceous gland activity To reduce counts of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria Anti-inflammatory effects to calm red, inflamed skin by inhibiting lipase production by P.acnes Comedolytics to unplug blocked follicles.

12 Methodology Method Open trial for clinical efficacy of topical Anti-Acne in treating Acne. Study population : 24 patients (Ages from 23 to 39 years, and the mean age was 30.7 years (standard deviation, 5.3 years). The number of facial papular and pustular lesions ranged from 3 to 22, corresponding to mild or moderate acne (1–20 lesions on half of the face) as defined by the Acne Study Group in Japan.

13 Methodolgy Number of drugs Test drug Control drugDermidoc
Comarision Fullrene gel Name of the Z Product Dermidoc Doxycyclin/ Clindamycin+benzoyl peroxide gel Topical Fullrene gel Total Patients 12 11 Duration of Treatment 4 to 8 weeks 4 and 8 weeks.

14 Test and Control Drugs:
Treatment * Level of Improvement * Patient Sex Crosstabulation Patient Sex Level of Improvement Total Improved Not Improved Male Treatment Test Drug Count 6 1 7 % within Treatment 85.7% 14.3% 100.0% Control Drug 8 87.5% 12.5% 13 2 15 86.7% 13.3% Female 4 5 80.0% 20.0% 50.0% 3 9 66.7% 33.3%

15 Graph: Frequency of clinical manifestations
Patients Characteristic Frequency of these clinical manifestations is described in following graph. The therapeutic evaluation was made on the basis of improvement in the signs and symptoms of the patients. Graph: Frequency of clinical manifestations

16 Patients Characteristic-Test and Control drugs
Graph : Frequency of patients according to severity of Acne vulgaris

17 Results The comparision is drawn with the published work on effectiveness of fullerene gel in treating acne vulgaris. Open trial using a Anti-Acne Cream Dermidoc twice a day; at 6 and 8 weeks. Control Doxycyclin/ Clindamycin+benzoyl peroxide gel Determine the efficacy of different formulation to contgrol acne with skin care benefit.

18 Comparison of Acne Treatment Results
Overall severity of symptoms in control group by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Graph: Overall improvement in severity of symptoms in Test group by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

19 Conclusion Effects of Anti-Acne Dermidoc cream on number of acne lesions and on various skin related parameters were observed. Clinical and experimental data suggest that fullerene can suppress acne by inhibition of neutrophil infiltration and sebum production, possibly through antioxidatve function. In case of fullerene the p value was found p= 0.05, and the p value of Dermidoc and allopathic drugs (Doxycyclin/clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide gel) is p= As compared to control drug and fullerene, the Dermidoc has similar efficacy but has skin care benefit.

20 References

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