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Mangan’s Safety Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Mangan’s Safety Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mangan’s Safety Culture
A Review of 2013 and A Preview into 2014

2 Leading safety measures are indicators of where the organization is headed; they are measures of future performance.

3 Trailing safety measures are indicators of past performance that track progress toward compliance with safety rules and regulations.

4 Both leading and trailing safety measures are essential for an effective workplace safety program.
The next slide lists areas where we track or address both of these.

5 Leading/Proactive Measures Trailing/Reactive Measures
KPI Interim Reports KPI Monthly Reports Job Safety Analysis, SMART Cards Post-project JSA Audit, Third-party auditors NE Orientation, Bi-weekly meetings, Tailgate meetings Outstanding training report First Responder, Return to work Recordkeeping – EMR, ORIR Lessons Learned, Root Cause Analysis Flash Reports, Accident/Near-miss Investigation, Post-incident training Recognition for safety participation Disciplinary measures Safety Budget P&L Report, Safety Detail Report Emergency Action Plan Crisis recovery

6 Today’s training will address…
Leading/Proactive Measures Trailing/Reactive Measures KPI Interim Reports KPI Monthly Reports Job Safety Analysis, SMART Cards Post-project JSA Audit, Third-party auditors NE Orientation, Bi-weekly meetings, Tailgate meetings Outstanding training report First Responder, Return to work Recordkeeping – EMR, ORIR Lessons Learned, Root Cause Analysis Flash Reports, Accident/Near-miss Investigation, Post-incident training Recognition for safety participation Disciplinary measures Safety Budget P&L Report, Safety Detail Report Emergency Action Plan Crisis recovery

7 Our SMART Safety Culture

8 SMART Culture Communication is the key…
Keep good communication with operations when shutting down equipment. Working by myself in the office. Made sure to lock the door and let someone know I'm here. While opening the door for another contractor, the light fixture that surrounds the bulb on the outside of the trailer fell. I notified the proper personnel. Work with operations personnel for mitigations steps. Walk facing traffic on refinery roads so you can see vehicles coming. Per client. Make eye contact with drivers if you can, wave hello. 2013 SMART Journal Entries

9 SMART Culture Observe your surroundings and remain aware…
Especially when it snows or rains, the floors coming in from the back entrance are typically wet and slippery. Recommended to walk along the mats that have been laid down for such purposes. Work in cable trays…Debris falls from above. Walking area under pipe rack is uneven and a little sloped. Walk and step carefully. Caution tape has been put up in the area normally walked through. No posting or people in area to provide additional information. Walking a different route for the rest of the day. 2013 SMART Journal Entries

10 SMART Culture Continue to work safe…
Working on roof for about 30 minutes - with client's electrician to test electricity supply for a fan. I did not handle any electrical equipment or multi-meters. I observed the licensed electrician. The hazard I observed in the area was a loose extension cord that was a potential trip hazard. I remediated the situation by coiling the extension cord and placing it in an area out of the foot path. When climbing up and down ladders, always use a three points of contact with the ladder. Be careful of clients offering to let you do work we need to have them do. i.e. "you can go ahead and open that box". I'm sorry but I need a tech to do it. 2013 SMART Journal Entries

11 SMART Culture There were 207 total action items noted on the 2013 SMART Cards Of those action items, 202 have been completed The next two slides provide additional data concerning the 2013 SMART Cards…

12 SMART Culture


14 SMART Culture The Safety Committee voted to keep the SMART Card compliance the same for 2014: A minimum of 2 cards per month On-going field work requires at least one card per week Project Managers or Regional Directors can dictate additional compliance for their regions

15 SMART Culture Fill your card out today!
As a refresher, SMART Cards consist of: Office, Field Office, and Field cards for each industry we serve All but refinery field cards are available electronically Vehicle Inspections Cards First Aid Cards Fill your card out today!

16 2013 OSHA Safety Data Total Man-Hours 2013 559,464 14,206
Mangan, Inc. Mangan Renewables Total Man-Hours 2013 559,464 14,206 OSHA Recordables 1 OSHA TRIR* 14.07 * OSHA Total Recordable Incident Rate As of the date of this presentation, actual totals may vary slightly once all is accounted for.

17 Safety Data Mangan Renewables
Performs primarily construction related activities One minor injury claim was reported in January 2013 The injured employee was a lease labor employee There was no lost time or modified work

Mangan Inc. can celebrate zero work related injuries in 2013! Our total accumulate of safe work hours to date: 1,742,000 We are very close to breaking our previous record: 1,755,000 KEEP UP THE GREAT EFFORT!

19 KPI Final Scores for 2013 The KPI Scores chart participation in several mandatory safety programs: SMART Card compliance FlexTrain Online Bi-Weekly enrollments Current Driver’s License on file Current Auto Insurance on file Annual hearing exams Let’s look at our divisonal grades for 2013

20 KPI Data

21 2013 KPI Office Scores Here’s a closer look at the individual office scores…

22 Revision to KPI Scoring
Ouch!! Some of those grades are very low! Certain on-going participation activities, such as the SMART program and FlexTrain Bi-Weekly enrollments will begin to carry more weight on the KPI scores…

23 Revision to KPI Scoring
The Safety Committee voted that in 2014 the KPI scores by office will be based on a weighted grade average: SMART = 45 pts FlexTrain online courses = 25 pts JSA Self Audit* points = 15 pts Driver’s License on file = 5 pts Insurance on file = 5 pts Hearing exam current = 5 pts *New to the KPI score is the JSA Self Audit results

24 Revision to KPI Scoring
Let’s see how weighted scores would look compared to our 2013 KPI scores…

25 Revision to KPI Scoring
KPI comparison - BioPharm Weighted score Weighted score Weighted score Weighted score The JSA Self Audit was included as a place card on this and the next slide for comparison purposes only.

26 Revision to KPI Scoring
East, west, and southern offices Weighted score Weighted score Weighted score Weighted score Weighted score Weighted score

27 Revision to KPI Scoring
Increased participation equals higher scores! Don’t accept anything less than an ‘A’ performance…

28 Points Pay Out! $11,300 in gifts were paid out in 2013
131 Gift Cards ($10,600) 5 Nomex Jackets / Sweatshirts 5 Mangan Laptop Backpacks

29 Points Promotions 2014 The Safety Committee voted to add the opportunity for additional points in 2014. Participate in three new promotions and earn more! First… Start the year off right: In the first 3 months, January through the end of March, if you come in with a perfect (100%) personal KPI score… Win 5 extra points

30 Points Promotions 2014 Mid-year promotion:
Each employee will get 30 days to note on their SMART card commendable safety behavior of another person Win 5 points per entry, 10 maximum points for the month

31 Points Promotions 2014 Fall HazCom Identification
During this 30 day period, each employee is to note a hazard on SMART card To win, the notes must include follow through to correction Win 5 points per entry, 10 maximum points for the month

32 Summary Keep the culture SMART Manage your safety, avoid injuries
Do your part and complete your SMART cards Manage your safety, avoid injuries Let’s see if we reach 2,000,000 safe hours this year Work on that ‘A’ personal KPI grade Participate and earn points

33 Resources Google - Safety Resource Center site Google - KPI Site
SMART Cards (electronic) OSHA and EMR Safety Data Google - KPI Site KPI Interim and Monthly Reports Google – Points for Participation Look for the updated Guide Watch your points soar!

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