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Thomas Creutzig & John Duncan

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1 Thomas Creutzig & John Duncan
Self-Dual Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Superconformal Field Theory Wolfgang Riedler in collaboration with Thomas Creutzig & John Duncan Alberta Number Theory Days Banff,

2 Main Question Can a self-dual vertex operator algebra (VOA) be identified with a bulk conformal field theory (CFT) in some sense?

3 Moonshine

4 Moonshine

5 Motivation N=4 superconformal algebra with central charge 6 appears in all of these.

6 Vertex Operator Super-Algebras

7 Vertex Operator Super-Algebras
Two remarks: In what follows we only consider “nice” VOSAs. Def. A VOSA is self-dual if it is rational and has a unique irreducible module.

8 Representations: Conformal Field Theory
Definition. as given above is a potential bulk conformal field theory if is modular invariant.

9 Main Question Can a self-dual vertex operator algebra (VOA) be identified with a bulk conformal field theory (CFT) in some sense? Yes. Proposition. With W as above, if the S-matrix of is real and the eigenvalues of the action of on W belong to then is modular invariant.

10 …but we can do better.

11 …but we can do better. Proposition.
With W as above, if the S-matrix of is real, the eigenvalues of on lie in and the eigenvalues of on lie in then the vector valued function is modular.

12 Example: SCFT of Type D A connection between sigma models and Conway moonshine.

13 - Fin - [EOT] – Eguchi, Ooguri, Tachikawa. “Notes on the K3 Surface and the Mathieu Group M24”, Experiment. Math. Volume 20, Issue 1 (2011), [MSV] – Malikov, Schechtman, Vaintrop. “Chiral de Rham complex”, Comm. Math. Phys. 204 (1999), [JD] – Duncan, Mack-Crane. “Derived Equivalences of K3 Surfaces and Twined Elliptic Genera”, Res. Math. Sci. (2016) 3:1.

14 A Classification Result
Theorem. If is a self-dual cofinite VOSA of CFT type with central charge c then it is isomorphic to one of the following:

15 Example 1.5: Super CFT of Type D

16 Example 2: Super CFT of Type A

17 Example 3: Super CFT of Gepner Type

18 Modularity Theorem. [Zhu]
On the upper half plane the characters of a rational, C2-cofinite VOA converge to holomorphic functions. Moreover, the linear space spanned by the limits of characters is invariant under the action of SL2(Z).

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