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A short presentation of our company

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1 A short presentation of our company
QUERCUS PARket A short presentation of our company

2 Who we are? We are the producers.
Quercus parket is a sole trade business situated as one of the leading: parquet, wood flooring, and wood building components producers in South-East Europe. We are the exporters. As the company is present in the competitive and ever growing domestic (Serbian) and foreign market’s (Swedish, Italian, Azerbaijan…) since 1996, The twenty-year-old long experience states how we, as the producer, seller, and exporter of goods, do not lack the skills and knowledge to deliver good quality merchandise. We are the sellers. Moreover, the FSC quality stamp of approval backs up the quality of goods produced for every: new, developed, and emerging market we cover and in which we export and sell.

3 What do we do? Business-to-business (foreign export)
Business-to-consumer (domestic sale)

4 Business-to-business (foreign market)
Export of the following goods: Parquet (Oak and Ash) Wood flooring ( Oak and Ash) Planned all around European Oak and Ash Timber ‘’BOULES’’

5 Business-to-consumer (DOMESTIC MARKET)
Services for domestic based consumers: Parquet sale in our official shop (retail sale) Parquet sale in our Production facility (wholesale) Sales of heating wood in our Production facility Kiln drying of wood in our Production facility

6 What is our goal? (Closing remarks)
To satisfy our stakeholders in every possible way: Produce good quality products for our customers wheatear it be a Plc. Or one person, it does not make any difference to us. To maintain the purchase of FSC approved raw timber from our suppliers. To make jobs directly and indirectly for our labour force and other businesses who work with us. To be profitable and transparent for our creditors and banks. To make a lasting tradition in the wood production industry and be the best in what we do!

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