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Scale & proportion Principles of design.

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1 Scale & proportion Principles of design

2 BW 11/15: Describe & Analyze this sculpture.
Boy, Ron Mueck



5 Agenda 11/15 Notes on Scale Demo on Resizing Artwork
Print & Glue into Sketchbook

6 Scale Scale refers to the size of an object (a whole) in relationship to another object (another whole).


8 We describe the size of most things by comparing them to the human body, because it is a measurement we all understand

9 Chuck Close  Mark  1978 - 1979 (detail at right of eye)

10 Narmer, a Predynastic ruler, accompanied by men carrying the standards of various local gods. This piece demonstrates the ancient Egyptians' use of proportion, with Narmer appearing larger than the other figures depicted.

11 BW 11/16 Get your computer from the computer cart. Save your famous work of art to your desktop.

12 Review how to size the image Demonstration on how to grid it out
Agenda 11/16 Review how to size the image Demonstration on how to grid it out Print & Glue into Sketchbook Sketchbooks are due at the end of class Friday

13 Grid artwork Your famous work of art needs to be first sized to 8.5 x 11, or 11 x 8.5 THEN, change the percentage to 50%

14 BW 11/17 Using a complete sentence, try to explain what is “off” about Leo’s face.

15 Agenda 11/17 Review Scale & Notes on Proportion / Grid
Demo on Ruler Usage & how to make the grids Continue work on Drawing/Painting Famous Artwork AP & Portfolio Students: You can choose EITHER Scale or Proportion to submit, Monday, 11/28

16 Scale

17 Scale

18 Proportion Proportion refers to the relative size of parts of the whole

19 Hannah Hoch  Equilibre (Balance) 1925

20 Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man (1487).


22 Grid METHOD: Helps determine relationships between the parts of an image a useful tool for translating a given image from one scale to another.

23 Grid Your artwork Demo on Ruler usage
Divide a page in your sketchbook into a 4 x 4 grid Divide your printed artwork into a 4 x 4 grid Begin re-drawing the basic shapes and outline of your artwork

24 BW 11/18 Describe this artwork. Discuss the elements, principles, and art media.

25 Agenda 11/18 Continue work on Drawing/Painting Famous Artwork
AP & Portfolio Students: You can choose EITHER Scale or Proportion to submit, Monday, 11/28

26 What is the difference between Scale & Proportion?
BW 11/21 What is the difference between Scale & Proportion?

27 Agenda 11/21 Video on Ron Mueck’s making “The Baby” Dawn Tan’s “Soft Friends” Studio Time

28 Dawn tan





33 Grid drawing Continue work on your grid drawing
4 x 4 grid on your artwork 4 x 4 grid on your sketchbook page

34 BW 12/8 In this series of images, is the scale changing or are the proportions changing?

35 Agenda 11/22

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