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Online & Face-to-Face Technical Best Practices Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Online & Face-to-Face Technical Best Practices Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online & Face-to-Face Technical Best Practices Workshop
Drexel CCI Sept. 1, 2017

2 Lecture recordings and live streams
echo360: Cloud-based service. Stores, manages, and schedules recordings and live-broadcasts Captures computer display video (or connected laptop display video) & classroom video and audio Ready to use in all CCI Classrooms All Rush classrooms, U Cross 149/151/153, and SC 326 FYI, SC 326 = Science Center Room 326, the Cybersecurity Lab, 3401 Market St. Hybrid online and on-campus courses Automatically scheduled for live broadcast and recording

3 Echo360 recording: room video zoom, default

4 Echo360 recording: computer display zoom

5 Echo360 live: default (but can zoom in either)

6 Lecture recordings and live streams (cont.)
2 or more s sent to you if class recorded and/or live streamed “echo360 Class Recordings” area in left navigation panel in Bb Learn course shell Self-help (students & instructors) Technical support contact info (students & intructors) *Tell your students that they are recorded/broadcast!* Muting mics (turn back on!!), editing recordings, making them unavailable, disabling downloads

7 Whiteboard writing in echo360
Normally cannot be read in echo360 recordings, but… Up to 6 pre-set camera angles (started summer 2017) Camera remote easily lets you change this 1 will capture podium and area in front of front monitor and projector. 2-6 will zoom in on different white boards to make writing legible. Might not have all presets set. Not in U Cross 153 yet. Everywhere else. REMEMBER to set it to 1 at end of your class Walk up close, press 3 or 4, wait for movement, press 1, wait for movement. Virtual or electronic white boards still an option too Contact us for set-up help

8 Vaddio remote close-up

9 Echo360 camera preset (2) use example, Rush 209

10 Live echo360 & interacting with remote folks
Q & A feature in echo360 for text chat Quick check for questions ever minutes. No need to type responses. Read questions and respond. 2-way audio? Use Blackboard (Bb) Collaborate Ultra 2-way: You and remote students can talk to and audibly hear one another. Contact us for set-up help Some rooms need additional equipment echo360 will still record Sound check with a couple students at start of class a good idea Video from students optional, though not recommended if not needed Additional bandwidth and processing power on students’ side

11 And Bb Collaborate Ultra is…?
Video and virtual conferencing application built-into every Bb Learn course shell Allows screen sharing, sharing webcam video, and audio communication through computer (or mobile device) Similar to Zoom, Skype, WebEx Students cannot see room video and computer display video simultaneously in Ultra! But easy to swap between the two. Use Ultra for text chat with echo360? Not recommended. A lot of bandwidth and system resources. And confusion on your/student/computers’ parts as to which speaker/microphone/webcam to use. Note with Ultra recordings Students who view an Ultra recording can technically share that recording with anyone

12 Not interacting with students in live broadcasts?
Let them know Students explore and may find Q&A feature and be frustrated when no one is responding to their question. Not using Bb Collaborate Ultra. Hide the link from students. Ask me how.

13 Whiteboard writing in Bb Collaborate Ultra
Previous echo360 slide applies to Ultra Ultra does have a built-in white board feature But does not help with CCI classroom monitors and projectors

14 Virtual white boards or smart boards
Available in most CCI classrooms. Alternate way of writing so echo360 and Bb Collaborate Ultra live broadcasts and recordings. Set up a time with us to meet if interested. Admittedly a learning curve here. But self-help guide here. des Projectors with this offer 2 methods. 1 shows up in echo360 and Ultra (PC Interactive). 1 does not (PC Free).

15 Playing video and audio during class
Provide students with a link to the video or audio in your slides or during lecture. Or tell them where they can easily find and play it. Recording and live stream of a video playing on your computer often does not sound or look good. If computer audio not being fed in directly, likely to be scratchy (feedback) or not very audible.

16 Ultra High or 4K resolution not recommended
Not yet at least Even if appears okay on classroom projector. It can really slow down live streaming video on student side. So lower resolution if video is lagging

17 Audio too quiet? Check if mic is muted first. Instructions below.
Putting lapel mics in all CCI classrooms. Still in process. Turn on lapel mic and receiver box in podium. **Must turn OFF lapel mic *AND* receiver box in podium (when done).** **You otherwise will irrepairably ruin audio for other instructors.** Not for Bb Collab Ultra, Skype, Zoom, WebEx, or amplifying your voice in physical classroom. Only amplifies voice in echo360. Maybe in future. SC 326 Only turn on handheld mic (ice cream cone shaped). Generally, not needed. But available if you want. Again, see red lines above, though.

18 Lapel mic itself – power button
Press and hold to turn off Remember to turn off And turn off receiver Or ruin other instructors’ audio

19 Lapel mic receiver – power button.
Press and hold to turn off Remember to turn off And turn off lapel mic itself Or ruin other instructors’ audio

20 Try with NO lapel mic first!
Just another reminder You’ll usually be okay with classroom mic. And if you use the lapel mic, turn the lapel mic and receiver off. Or you can ruin audio.

21 Following checked daily (or more)
Classroom mics are on (3 times per day, 1 once on weekends) Cameras moved back to preset one (daily) Lapel mic receiver is off (starting fall 2017, 3 times per day) But stuff still happens, so if you check, that helps! 

22 Help with Classroom Technology
or Classroom Quick Tips printed sheet Taped to the top of very CCI classroom podium Offers technical support contact information from above Login assistance Help with common issues Look on podium monitors for room-specific tips Example: SC unplug HDMI cord from Mac/Windows adapter if nothing showing on monitors

23 The secret I tell everyone
Source of almost every link I share for tech support Help with commons issues here (link in my signature now) signature: part of with my name and contact info Simple and in-depth classroom tech documentation Bb Learn, echo360, virtual conferencing (Zoom, Bb Collaborate Ultra) Constantly working to simplify and better organize and present this  Link in left nav for “CCI Bb Learn Tech Help” also gets here. All Word or PDF documentation you still have should be deleted. It’s out of date.

24 Echo360 4 minute demo video available
I won’t play here. Short Link Long Link Both links work.  I will share the recording of this workshop as well, with the PowerPoint, via a link on the website.

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