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Part 1: English Assessment

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1 Part 1: English Assessment
Year 1 Term 4 English Quiz 1 Part 1: English Assessment Record Sheet Record the student’s response by circling C (correct) or INC (incorrect). Print this document for each student. Student Name: ________________________________________ Date:_______________ Learning Objective: ACELA Recognise words that rhyme. 1 Teacher says, “Do the words bug and cup rhyme? Yes or No?” Answer is either correct or incorrect. Text Question Numbers Points Possible Student Response Phonemic Awareness C=correct INC-incorrect ACELA Produce rhyming words. 1 C INC ACELA Segment words. 2 ACELA Substitute sounds to make new words. 3 4 ACELA Identify medial sounds. 5 Phonics ACELA Identify letters that make more than one sound. 6 High-Frequency Words and Vocabulary Development ACELA Read high-frequency words. (sentences) 7 8 9 Reading Comprehension ACELA Compare images in imaginative and informative text. The Frilled Dragon 10a 10b 11a 11b ACELY Describe features of persuasive text. Red-Eyed Tree Frog 12a 12b ACELA Identify class and subclass patterns in text. 13 ACELY Use illustrations to support reading. 14 ACELY Ready with fluency. 15 Grammar ACELY Use context clues. 16 ACELA Identify adjectives. 17 Total  20 23 _____/23

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