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FIPS Validation Process

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1 FIPS Validation Process
Introduction to SDS staff - Lindsay Hewitt NTP Operations Manager, Pamela Lockhart NTP Reports & Funding Manager, Karen Harvey-Johnston EIS Executive, Marie Donnelly NTP Operation Manager Lindsay Hewitt Pamela Lockhart Karen Harvey-Johnston Marie Donnelly

2 Agenda Welcome & introductions Overview of the validation process
Validation support tools Hints & tips Operational things to think about Sharing best practise Moving forward & closing remarks

3 Overview - validation process
Assignment is approved by SDS - status “unconfirmed” “Unconfirmed” means the assignment has been approved by SDS and an /SMS has been sent to the MA “Confirmed” means that the MA has replied “Y” to the e- mail/sms validation message When an MA start is entered by the Training Provider onto FIPS the next step is that all starts will be manually approval by SDS. Once approved the start is counted, it is deducted from the providers contracted starts and if it attracts a start payment this will be automatically paid in the next pay run. So just to clarify “unconfirmed” means the MA has not yet confirmed they have started training by responding to an SMS or (depends on the MAs preferred method of contact). It might be worth a refresh using the training videos now that FIPS is live and you can view them alongside FIPS input screen to guide you on performing specific tasks. You can access and view the various topics captured on video from the FIPS area of provider central, here is a hyperlink which will make it easier to navigate to the correct page and remember you can pause or fast forward to the areas of interest. FIPS: Funding Information and Processing System | Skills Development Scotland Additionally please find a link below to the How to Guide – FIPS Validation Process Reports and Content of Validation Messages which explains how to navigate to the reports available to help in this process and gives you the timescales and wording used in the validation messages to participants.

4 “Unreadable response requires investigation” means that the response received is not “Y” or “N” and the Training Provider should be contacting the MA to resend their response stating “Y” or “N” only “Negative Response, required SDS investigation” means that the MA has replied “N” to the request sent to confirm that they have commenced their training Point to note: - Pay particular attention to contact details to the MA to confirm they have commenced their apprenticeship, however, they have not yet replied. Pay particular attention to contact details (telephone, and mobile numbers) as if incorrect will prevent the MA from receiving validation message SDS have received an number of responses to s which are classified as “unreadable” and the cause is varied but includes participants confirming with their name, Y/N, I have started my Apprenticeship etc. What would help is if during the recruitment process and the completion of the MA paperwork they were shown the wording of the SMS or depending on their preferred method of contact and a clear that they should not change the header of the but simply reply “Y” to the prompt have you started training. It is also important that during sign up an Apprentice understands that the start date recorded on the Training Agreement marks the commencement of their training and not when they perhaps attend college for any off the job elements which might place at a future point. FIPS access for Training providers allows you to review responses from your participants so you can understand why a response from an MA is tagged as unreadable. It is worth checking the MA contact details and preferred method of contact that is captured on FIPS to ensure these are correct.

5 Hints & tips The first time an email is received from SDS;
s going to Junk or SPAM The first time an is received from SDS; it may go into the Trainee’s JUNK or SPAM folder. To correct this the Trainee needs to open their JUNK or SPAM folder and then mark the SDS message as not Junk or SPAM or approve it and add the senders address to the Safe Senders List. The method they user here will depend on their service provider. What you might find is that the MA/Employer indicates that they have not received an so a hint/tip is it might be the has gone into their Junk or Spam folder. If they take action to confirm it is a safe sender all future s will not have this problem. This slide also gives you the detail of the senders address as follows: so this might be useful in guiding MAs on what to look out for in the mailbox.

6 This slide shows you an example of how this might be presented
This slide shows you an example of how this might be presented. Then indicates how to ensure future s are not marked as junk.

7 This screenshot shows how to add the sender to the safe sender list by highlighting the and opposite button click on the mouse to provide this list of options.

8 Service Level Agreements
Suitability of and SMS preference Training Agreement details to be kept up to date Consider who external to your organisation requires to know the detail and implications of the MA validation process for starts, milestones and outcomes. As well as Modern Apprentices and Employers this could include Sub-Contractors working on your behalf. Careful consideration should be given in discussion with MAs on the suitability of SMS or preference. s allow for greater explanation and there is no cost involved. SMS are contained to 160 characters and are subject to standard SMS tariff. Are there formal Service Level Agreements with MAs, Employers and Sub-Contractors? Do you have Service Level Agreements and Induction Processes and documents that need to be updated? There are differently worded SMS / s depending on whether the validation is for a start, milestone or outcome. Are the MAs and Employers aware what each stage of the validation means and the wording of the SMS or that they shall receive? The Validation Process uses the current contact details that are in FIPS for and mobile phone. If the MA or Employer changes their contact details both the hardcopy Training Agreement and FIPS Training Agreement needs to be updated, there is further guidance on this within the MA programme rules. What process shall be put in place to ensure that the Training Agreement details are kept up to date and are signed by all relevant parties?

9 Staff Training Role of the Assessor FIPS Reports and Administration
Provider Central Consider who internal to your organisation requires to know the detail and implications of the MA validation process for starts, milestones and outcomes. This could include Employer Engagement Team who are recruiting Employers and MAs, Assessors who work with MAs and Employers on an ongoing basis and Administration staff who input to FIPS and monitor Validation Reports. Staff don’t have to have responsibility for inputting to FIPS to benefit from the FIPS videos. How are they going to be made aware of the FIPS Validation process? Available tools include information on Provider Central which include FIPS Videos, How To Guides and Questions and Answers document: FIPS: Funding Information and Processing System | Skills Development Scotland The role of the Assessor is crucial in order to keep the MA and Employer contact details on FIPS up to date. There are a number of standard reports on FIPS which can be used to monitor the response rate to validation and the response. Who shall access these reports and how shall this information be communicated throughout the Training Provider staff?

10 Sharing Best Practice Some providers have included the SMS/ wording in Apprentice/Employer induction packs so that they know what to expect and how to respond. Employer Service Level Agreements and being updated or introduced to include the validation process, timescales and requirements from the Apprentice and employer. Some Training Providers have created guidance manuals for staff on their organisations processes and procedures around Apprenticeship recruitment, progress reviews and FIPS. Reports on FIPS validation status options - all assignments, Starts validation unconfirmed assignments less than 15 days, Starts validation unconfirmed assignments 15 to 25 days and Starts validation unconfirmed assignments 15 to 25 days etc. If the provider reference fields are used the report can be easily exported to excel and distributed to Assessors/Training staff for follow up action if required.

11 Moving Forward SDS will host further live webinars in 2017.
First session will cover the validation process for those not able to attend these sessions. Further topics will be identified from the analysis of the NTP hub help log and we will ask Training Providers what areas you would like us to cover.

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