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Bio-Psychosocial Assessment

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1 Bio-Psychosocial Assessment
Miles Mack

2 Social Media @milesmack Today’s event #QoFQP #5AreasBPA This presentation and other resources: -

3 A GPs role in Depression?
If you were a patient with depression, what would you expect from your GP on your 1st visit? As a GP what quality criteria are you expected to show?


5 QoF Criteria DEP001. The percentage of patients aged 18 or over with a new diagnosis of depression in the preceding 1 April to 31 March, who have had a biopsychosocial assessment by the point of diagnosis. The completion of the assessment is to be recorded on the same day as the diagnosis is recorded. 21 Points, Achievement threshold 50–90% DEP002. The percentage of patients aged 18 or over with a new diagnosis of depression in the preceding 1 April to 31 March, who have been reviewed not earlier than 10 and not later than 35 days after the date of diagnosis. 10 Points, Achievement threshold 45–80%

6 Content of BPA current symptoms including duration and severity;
personal history of depression; family history of mental illness; the quality of interpersonal relationships with, for example, partner, children and/or parents; living conditions; social support; employment and/or financial worries; current or previous alcohol and substance use; suicidal ideation; discussion of treatment options; any past experience of, and response to, treatments.

7 Depression Local Enhanced Service SLA
Use screening tool 2Q+help for at risk groups Use PHQ9 to asses the severity Record diagnosis Implement a management plan Review- 3 management plans in 6/12 Follow care pathway 7

8 My model 1) Spot it! Have a high index of suspicion
Remember 2+1 questions

9 Screening Test -The Two Question + Help Test
During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless? During the last month, have you often been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things. Do you want help? 9

10 My model 2) Make a positive diagnosis

11 Diagnostic criteria for depression ICD-10
Key symptoms: persistent sadness or low mood and/or loss of interests or pleasure fatigue or low energy for at least 2 weeks if any of above present, ask about associated symptoms: disturbed sleep poor concentration or indecisiveness low self-confidence poor or increased appetite suicidal thoughts or acts agitation or slowing of movements guilt or self-blame

12 PHQ-9

13 My Model 3) Use PHQ 9 Aid to diagnosis Assess severity
A baseline to assess response to treatment

14 My Model 4) Find out more: 5 Areas Assessment

15 5 Areas Sheet Life situation/relationships or practical problems
Altered thinking Altered Emotional Feelings Altered Physical feelings Altered behaviour

16 My Model 5) Agree a treatment plan and follow-up Practical advice
Talking therapies Medication Referral


18 Life situation/relationships or practical problems
the quality of interpersonal relationships with, for example, partner, children and/or parents; living conditions; social support; employment and/or financial worries; personal history of depression; any past experience of, and response to, treatments. family history of mental illness;

19 Altered Emotions current symptoms including duration and severity;
Low mood Anxiety Irritability/Aggression

20 Altered physical symptoms
current symptoms including duration and severity; Sleep Tiredness Appetite Restlessness/lethargy Poor concentration

21 Altered Behaviour Alcohol/drugs Exercise Staying in Comfort eating

22 Altered Thinking suicidal ideation; Automatic negative thinking
“What if…” thoughts Guilt/regret, loss of hope



25 Life situation/relationships or practical problems
Problem solving CAB Relationship counselling Occupational Health

26 Altered thinking Reduce time frame Encourage self empathy
Build resilience/self esteem Question automatic –ve thoughts Beware “What if…” thinking

27 Altered behaviour Avoid inappropriate coping strategies
Alcohol Tobacco Cannabis or other street drugs Caffeine Building blocks of a healthy life Exercise, Diet Activities, friends and families Sleep hygene Sexual relationships

28 Altered Emotions Amenable to medication; reserve for Severe cases
Co-existing anxiety Recurrent or resistant 28

29 Referral Options Living Life to the Full – by phone or IT
Guided self help Formal CBT Mindfulness Community Mental Health Team Psychiatric review .

30 Referral to specialist services
Failure to respond to treatment Suicidal risk assessment Dual diagnosis (alcohol/drugs/borderline personal disorder) To access additional resources nota available in primary care Risk of abuse or neglect Diagnosis uncertain

31 5 Areas -practicalities
Complete it as a collaborative exercise Print a copy for the patient Save a copy to Docman As a record of the consultation To refer back to at the review appointment To attach to referrals To fulfil QoF Dep 001 criteria

32 Quiddity Vs This-ness “The thisness of my dog lies in the way she wags her tail, prefers ball games even to food, twitches her nose; all the things which make her just herself and not another dog.” Between ‘thisness’ and quiddity: the place of the GP. Gervase,V British Journal of General Practice, July DOI: /bjgp13X669284

33 References/Further information
  “Improving consultation skills using cognitive-behavioural therapy: a new ‘cognitive-behavioural model’ for general practice” David, Lee; Freeman, George. Education for Primary Care, Volume 17, Number 5, September 2006 , pp (10) My accompanying blog: My blog on PHQ9:

34 Social Media @milesmack Today’s event #QoFQP #5AreasBPA This presentation and other resources: -

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